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YOURSAY | Frontliners out there to protect us, but punishment should be fair

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Many people probably have no sympathy for Tong. And I agree she should not have called the police ‘idiot’.’

'You are idiots': Woman charged with insulting behaviour, obstruction

Anonymous 7702: There have been many people who have passed far worst remarks and insults at our authorities and the people of this nation, and yet were not brought before the law. They were not under any stress when they made their statements.

Yes, the woman (Tong Poh Kim) is wrong and deserves to be punished for her outburst in calling a police officer an idiot at a movement control order (MCO) roadblock. The authorities are just doing their duty to protect the people.

Yet we have to look at the scenario and circumstances. Yes, all who flout the MCO should be hauled up, including her. But we have to be understanding, especially during these times of frustrations going through the minds of the people. They are not criminals.

Tong’s outburst at the time was due to her emotional position then. Her only crime is of not controlling her emotions under stress.

Milshah: Given the chance, the securities forces would rather stay home like most of us with the pandemic around, but they have a job to do.

They want to ensure the safety of everyone by complying with the MCO. The least Tong could do, is to show appreciation, and not name call them "idiots".

Manners make the man, or woman in this case. Don't show your arrogance and ego. Everyone is going through a difficult period this time. It is people like this that makes the situation even worse.

Shalimar Abdullah: Though we appreciate the police force doing its duty, I don’t think they should go overboard. It is true that some in the police force are overzealous and uncompromising. Power gets into their heads.

Incidences like this will put the public at their mercy. The woman should be given a warning, not be charged to this extend. There are a lot of videos showing overzealous police shouting and screaming their heads off at citizens calling them all kinds of names.

They are here to ensure law and order not act like Nazis. So I feel the government should know where to draw the line.

Questioner: Sure, she insulted the police on duty. Pay the fine, and move on.

I live right in front of the roadblock and I believe the police were overzealous that day - being the first day of the second phase of the MCO.

The next day I tried going to the supermarket barely 200 metres down the road – 200 metres, and was refused and asked to return home. I felt like using the insulting word that the woman used but decided to go home instead.

ABC: Many people probably have no sympathy for Tong. And I agree she should not have called the police “idiot”.

But tempers may be bad and the fuse short if you are caught in a bad traffic jam, myself included. There are police blocks everywhere during this MCO. But please use a bit of common sense.

For example, I am alone in my car. Just ask where I am going and accept my short reply “home” and let me pass. Instead, many silly questions were asked. Want to see my MyKad, et cetera.

And if there is a long queue of cars behind me, it will cause a traffic delay.

Anonymous_157422: @ABC, no, my friend. At this time with the intensity of the spread, you are the one who needs to cooperate.

Do you think they too are keen to ask these questions that you may find stupid? They too are fed-up with drivers with lame excuses during MCO.

Harimau Arif: Yes, please show some respect to the frontliners. Do you think they want to be out there, being exposed to the heat and potentially, be exposed to the virus?

If given a choice, they would also want to stay home. Please give this woman the maximum punishment allowed.

Have you gone through any roadblocks? It's straightforward with two outcomes - proceed or ‘patah balik’ (turn around).

Why would the police make life difficult for her other than carrying out their duty? It's because of people like you, Tong, and the jogger cardiologist who are pushing the envelope too far - this has nothing to do with freedom of speech.

New Hope: Sure, throw the book on these idiots who think that they are above others and behave with such repugnant manner. We must always appreciate the medical, police and military who are out every day to enforce the MCO so that the country can recover soonest.

I will always side with these courageous frontliners than all these idiots who make it difficult for them.

National Flower: No doubt those frontliners are doing a great job, but before I point a finger at the woman who was charged, let me share what happened to a doctor who was on her way to an estate clinic.

At the roadblock, the doctor identified herself and showed her credentials. She was also wearing a doctor’s coat. Not satisfied, the police questioned her why she was not wearing a name tag with a “tali” (lanyard) round her neck.

She was then told to pull to the side and produce her IC whereby the police photographed her IC and Malaysian Medical Association e-card.

She then mentioned those in the private sector do not use a name tag but a digital identity card. She was asked why was she taking the Plus highway and not the trunk road, the doctor kept her cool, answered all the questions thrown at her and eventually was waved off. The whole questioning took some 20 minutes.

Wira: Obstruction of justice? How did she obstruct the officer from carrying out his duty? Did she physically restrain the officer, I wonder?

Please follow the law and charge her accordingly.

Clever Voter: The word idiot is so widely used on social media. There are even worse examples. It is rather unfortunate this impatient road user is being hauled up and fined or jailed, an experience she probably would not forget.

Let us not forget that it is all relative, what is worse - a citizen insulting a police officer or a corrupt politician getting away with billions?

The Wakandan: Tempers will flare up during this time - the anxiety, the fear and the inconveniences. We need to keep our heads together and help each other to get things done.

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