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PM: MCO to be extended for another two weeks

This article is 4 years old

CORONAVIRUS | Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin has announced that the movement control order (MCO) would be extended for another two weeks until April 28.

The decision was made after obtaining feedback from the Health Ministry on the Covid-19 outbreak in Malaysia.

The MCO was implemented on March 18 to flatten the Covid-19 infection curve but was later extended to April 14.

Several areas were also placed under a lockdown or enhanced MCO after recording a high number of cases.

Muhyiddin said the extension is to further strengthen efforts to curb the spread of Covid-19, which has shown a down-trend recently.

For three consecutive days, the number of recoveries has exceeded the number of new infections, with 43 percent of patients now cured.

However, he cited the World Health Organization (WHO), warning that quarantine measures must not be lifted too early.

"As is what happened in several countries, the spread of the virus increased when movement restrictions were ended," he said.

He added that the fight against Covid-19 may take months, and that social distancing measures must continue for as long as the virus is out there.

Meanwhile, Muhyiddin said a list will soon be published on economic sectors that will be gradually allowed to operate during the MCO.

However, he stressed that this does not mean that the order will be relaxed.

He said the order will still be in force and that any companies that violate it will have their permission to operate during the MCO revoked.

The government has slowly allowed more and more businesses to re-open during the order period, such as hardware stores being allowed to open twice a week.

However, many other businesses that are suffering due to the partial lockdown are pleading with the government to allow them to operate as well.

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