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YOURSAY | Hadi divides nation even as M'sians face Covid-19

This article is 4 years old

YOURSAY | 'In carrying out your functions as special envoy, you speak for all Malaysia…'

PAS leaders mum on 'Hadi letter' attacking Harapan, defending PN

Mazilamani: I am hoping that this letter is not written by PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang, and if he had, he is not building his wealth in heavens but soiling himself with the dividing and degrading concerns of the worldly.

There are so many Muslim scholars spread throughout the country as those from other religions, teaching the adherents about faith, love and devotion, and to respect everything and everybody as valuable creation to beautify the world.

These people keep themselves completely isolated from politics and from activities creating division among mankind. They see everybody as God's creation.

They will be prepared to sincerely help anybody without bothering to know their race and religion. Some have developed certain inner qualities through prayers and devotion to know the motive and intentions of others. Yet they never deny them help.

I saw such great souls in my kampung off Jalan Kuala Kangsar (Ipoh) during the 1969 Black Episode. The kampung folk rallied to help and protect the only Indian family living among them with a full month's grocery requirement. They treated us as their own.

So, who is the cause for the large-scale division among Malaysians? The spineless race-based politicians. Hadi has played his divisive game to the fullest. If the letter is proven to be his, then God Bless his soul, for he has chosen an unforgiveable time to produce it.

Han G: What we are witnessing is the culmination of Hadi's blatant lies about Pakatan Harapan when he allegedly wrote this dishonest letter in Arabic. But then again, in Islam, he once said, telling lies is permissible in some circumstances.

Fine, Hadi, if you want to lie, you deal with your own lies yourself but when you start to lie for political reason, then you cannot escape the utter disgust the people have for you.

Seriously, we are totally flabbergasted with Hadi's behaviour. He is a sower of discord and hatred locally and now, globally. Worst of all, Hadi goes around wearing the outward piety on his sleeve to cover his inward filth of an unrighteous, racist character who is so much about himself.

I cannot understand how on earth people could be so deceived to think he is a pious man. With such a politician in our midst, we could only plead that God has mercy on Malaysia.

Kim Quek: Hadi’s baseless accusations and slanders have confirmed beyond any doubt that he is a totally immoral and vile person. His position as a special envoy to the Middle East would pose a real danger to this country, besides degrading the image of Malaysia in the Islamic world.

I pity Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin for making this Hadi appointment, which was obviously done out of political expediency to ensure PAS’ continued support to Muhyiddin’s wobbly leadership.

What Hadi wrote to leaders in the Middle East in his capacity as Malaysia’s special envoy carries the authority of the entire Perikatan Nasional (PN) government. Hence, Muhyiddin has no choice now but to clarify whether he agrees or disagrees with the content of Hadi’s letter.

Vijay47: One would have thought that elevation to the post of ambassador-at-large would be an honour, however unworthy one may be to hold such office.

Hadi, greatness has been thrust upon you. Not just mere recognition, it is a sacred responsibility you bear towards Malaysia even as you wander lonely as a cloud across the arid deserts of the Middle East.

You represent your country; our flag should be embedded in your heart and on your forehead. In carrying out your functions, you speak for all Malaysia, you hold the torch for all our races and religions, even if such egalitarian considerations are difficult to encounter in that neck of the woods.

At home, you may have your countless differences with others, others may not view you with any respect or trust, but those are afflictions to be resolved within our borders, not to be paraded internationally for the world to again laugh at us.

The man who carries himself with self-respect in turn earns respect, Hadi, but where he reveals himself to be a crude, misbegotten specimen of the human race, he receives appropriate opinion.

Whether one is an ambassador, high commissioner, envoy, or consul, your every action and statement must reflect wisdom and dignity.

I grant that being afar from former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad and the hordes in Kelantan and Terengganu, you may have problems understanding what ‘dignity’ is, despite congresses to trace this missing attribute.

I am not especially fluent in Arabic, apparently your new-found national language, but in Bahasa Malaysia, ‘masih ingat tak’? (can you still remember?), I believe the word is ‘maruah’.

I wish you all the best, sir. May you blossom with this holy appointment and may you remain there for as long as qisma (fate) decides.

Gerard Lourdesamy: The letter is beneath contempt and the work of an unprincipled hypocrite. This person was and is willing to enable corruption, kleptocracy, abuse of power and immorality in the name of his religion.

There are only 61 percent Muslims in Malaysia. In GE14, about 40 percent of them voted for Umno, 30 percent for PAS and 30 percent for Pakatan Harapan that included PKR, DAP, Bersatu and Amanah.

Between 1999 and 2015, PAS cooperated with PKR and DAP in one form or another. In fact, PAS formed the state governments in Kedah, Penang, Perak and Selangor together with PKR and DAP between 2008 and 2015.

So, how were Muslim rights eroded then? Even in PN, PAS is working with GPS, MCA and MIC that consists of Christians, Buddhists and Hindus. In Sarawak, Christians make up a whopping 44 percent of the population and yet PAS can work with GPS.

Isn't all of this a tacit acceptance of religious pluralism and the reality that 39 percent of the population is non-Muslim? If PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim's morality is in doubt, what about Azmin Ali from Bersatu and Hishammuddin Hussein of Umno?

Where is the evidence that Harapan parties like PKR and Amanah are supported by Western liberalists and Zionists? The DAP is a Chinese majority party with Indians and Malays, but what about parties like MCA and MIC that are 100 percent communal-based?

Hadi can spin the appointment of the backdoor PN government, whichever way he wants to, but the fact remains that in GE14, the majority of the voters supported Harapan and not Umno or PAS who were not aligned then. So, where is the mandate from the voters for PN?

Royal approbation does not give legitimacy to the PN government when it does not have the mandate of the people. The PN's fear of facing Parliament suggests that their leaders may have deceived the king when they claimed to have majority support in the Dewan Rakyat to form the government.

The least they could have done was to go back to the people for a fresh mandate. Even Islam does not condone treachery and the betrayal of voters. If PAS was consistent in their support of Mahathir, Muhyiddin would never have become the 8th PM. So, what moral high ground do they claim to have?

David Dass: Hadi’s statistics are wrong. Chinese are 26 percent, Indians are seven percent, the non-Muslim indigenous population of Sabah and Sarawak are 12 percent. That makes it 45 percent. Muslims are therefore 55 percent of Malaysia.

PAS was a member of the coalition comprising PKR and the DAP prior to GE14. So PAS actually had no problem being in a coalition with DAP and Anwar's party PKR.

Of course, it was PAS under Nik Aziz Nik Mat, who placed a clean government above everything else. Nik Aziz was austere, absolutely incorruptible and believed in the universal humanity of mankind. He implicitly believed in the equality of all citizens.

And he was the first leader to rush to the church that was attacked by arsonists as a gesture of friendship and to show the world that his hand of protection extended to people of all religions. And Harapan under Mahathir did nothing to reduce the aid and privileges that had previously been given to Muslims.

FlabberPro: At such a time when the world is facing a deadly pandemic, Hadi is still playing his political games of lies, deceit and self-righteousness.

If Hadi is truly a religious and godly person, shouldn't he look into the plight of his fellow tabligh attendees who are suffering as a result of the spreading virus? Why is he busy demonising the non-Muslims in Malaysia?

His story is also twisted and worst, as a religious guru, he is defending an immoral government just to stay in power. Isn't that greed manifested? A ravenous wolf in a sheep's clothing, he is.

Federal Bakery: Leaders across the world are concerned about the Covid-19 epidemic and how it will affect large sections of the world's population.

The shortage of medicine and medical apparatus to combat the epidemic is foremost in the minds of political leaders and the frontliners who place their own lives at risk daily. The UN chief is calling for a ceasefire so that valuable resources wasted in wars can be applied to ameliorate the dangers of the epidemic.

Amidst all that, Hadi is talking about Zionists and Freemasons. And he is our envoy to where? Where does he keep his conscience?

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