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Johor sultan decrees suspension of mosque activities until April 28

This article is 4 years old

CORONAVIRUS | Johor Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar today decreed that the suspension of Friday and congregational prayers as well as activities at all mosques, surau and musolla in the state be extended until April 28 to contain the spread of Covid-19.

Tarawih prayers and commonly held activities during Ramadan such as making “bubur lambuk” at mosques are also ordered to be postponed to the same date.

The decision to extend the suspension was made during a meeting with state mufti Yahya Ahmad at Istana Pasir Pelangi today.

“The call of azan will still be carried out as usual at every prayer time and only three mosque officials namely the imam, bilal and noja are allowed to perform five times daily prayers as well as Tarawih prayers in congregation at mosques.

“Mosques are also allowed to use loudspeakers for the recitation of holy verses of the Quran 10 minutes before the call for the Maghrib prayers and 15 minutes before dawn,” the Ruler said through a posting on his official Facebook page today.

Sultan Ibrahim also advised couples who planned to get married in the near future to postpone their wedding adding that mass gatherings must also be avoided during this period.

- Bernama

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