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YOURSAY | Don't expect PN 'yesmen' to monitor GLC politicians

This article is 4 years old

YOURSAY | 'Muhyiddin's promise of a corruption-free government is now out of the window.'

PN MPs can serve as people's reps to monitor GLCs – PAS leader

Karma: PAS central committee member Mohd Zuhdi Marzuki, the leaders in our government-linked companies (GLCs) are there to make decisions as professionals.

If they don't possess the relevant professional background, how are they going to do that? When Pakatan Harapan was about to turn Malaysia into a country with world-class corporations, Perikatan Nasional (PN) just brought it down.

With so many politicians at the top of our GLCs, it is a wonder how international corporations would want to conduct business with us.

Firstly, our politicians won't know what business experts are talking about. They can't give expert information if they are being interviewed by business news reporters.

Secondly, they will make a fool out of themselves by saying wrong things, just like our health minister. We can expect more jokes coming.

With regard to monitoring, check what happened the last time BN led the country. We have all sorts of corrupt practices. As for PAS, they even bought themselves 14 Mercedes Benz cars with money given to sustain the state of Kelantan.

Kim Quek: That the cushy chairpersonship of scores of major GLCs and government agencies are being dished out to practically all MPs who have not been appointed as ministers or deputy ministers illustrates how insecure backdoor Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin feels about his leadership position.

When the captaincies of these key entities, which may make or break the nation, are unprofessionally distributed like spoils of victory, motivated purely to strategically entrench the leader’s position, you know that the country will soon be in deep trouble.

Such a reckless and ruinous strategy will run the economy aground, in addition to confirming the weaknesses and vulnerability of Muhyiddin’s leadership.

This ragtag backdoor coalition, which sneaked in to run the country without the people’s mandate, is obviously taking the country’s governance a giant step backwards.

Anonymous_3b6c1f0c: A weak government will always be at the mercy of those it is beholden to for support.

Unfortunately for Malaysia, the ones this PN government is beholden to are not the people of Malaysia but the MPs of Umno, Bersatu, PAS and GPS, whose support is crucial if Muhyiddin is to continue to survive as PM.

From here on, Malaysians can only expect policy pronouncements and governance, more in keeping with the ideology and personal preferences of the MPs and their supporters than what is good for the country.

Economic stagnation and depression are the best that we can look forward to. Reforms to education, healthcare and government institutions will be skewered to serve the ideology of the extremists in PAS and the wannabe extremists in Umno and Bersatu who fear losing power if they fail to keep in lockstep with the former.

We will be going into a downward spiral as competency and meritocracy are sacrificed on the altar of personal ambitions and greed of individuals for power.

With hindsight, it might have been that we were too eager and made a mistake in removing Najib Abdul Razak. The horse has bolted from the barn, and we may never be able to stable it again.

VisionX: The PM has to appease all his PN MPs and their supporters in order for him to stay in power.

His promise to the people of a corruption-free government is now out of the window. Basically, he has to kowtow to his MPs to stay in power.

Anonymous #37634848: Let the professionals manage the GLCs. The chairperson should be an experienced, well-known personality with integrity, relevant qualification and a proven track record. Not a politician per se.

Of course, each agency shall be under its respective ministry and the minister should be bright enough to understand the issues and debate it in Parliament. That will provide adequate checks and balances. The nation cannot afford another kleptocracy.

Anonymous_90011583373451643: Malaysians who have been blindly bootlicking former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s failed economic policies and mismanagement of Khazanah Nasional and other GLCs should avoid throwing stones at this one-month-old government.

Malaysia has already hit rock bottom under Harapan, so the only way this government can go is up.

Rzee: You mean the former corrupt gang that has come back through the backdoor is the monitor?

These are the people who are going to monitor the companies and plunder it once more, knowing full well how to plunder the same in the shortest time.

Why don’t politicians stay out of businesses, and why is this so interwoven in our country? The answer is clear for everyone to see - for them to steal and plunder.

PAS, don’t give me that rubbish talk. You are putting the fox back into the chicken coop when Harapan tried so hard to change this style of governing and remove the foxes with the help of our votes.

Mazilamani: It is interesting to read that PAS MPs deserve to be head of GLCs. What qualifies them is "because they are MPs”.

I wish to share something I read about four decades ago. It was a time during Ugandan despot Idi Amin's rule of terror which resulted in both locals and foreigners fleeing for their dear lives.

Many Indians operated successful businesses in Uganda. When Idi Amin went wild, the Indians left for India. Idi Amin decided to give the lucrative businesses left behind by Indians to his loyalists. These fellows were clueless about business. Some new owners sold branded shirts and trousers.

Not knowing the sale price, they thought the shirt size shown on the collar was the rightful price. Ugandans took advantage of the throwaway prices and the new owners became bankrupt even before the Indians landed at Delhi International Airport.

There is already an outcry that many of the ministers are underperforming by giving outrageous solutions to the sick and abused wives and children.

We are taking MPs at the bottom of the sieve and PAS expects them to lead the GLCs to success?

PAS wants all its MPs to be given high pay packet jobs, despite their inexperience of managing and directing a business.

This gift-packed salary is nothing less than an over-the-table corruption practice. Very shameless indeed. It also shows that these politicians have no intention to serve but rather become daylight robbers.

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