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Azmin: Those allowed to work must be screened for Covid-19

This article is 4 years old

CORONAVIRUS | All workers of companies allowed to operate during the movement control order period must be screened for Covid-19.

International Trade and Industry Minister Mohd Azmin Ali said the tests must be done at Socso panel clinics and that the cost will be borne by Socso.

"Employers applying to operate must ensure all their workers undergo screening at any of the 3,000 over Socso panel health clinics nationwide according to Health Ministry guidelines.

"I've been made to understand that Socso has agreed to bear the cost," he said at a press conference in Putrajaya today.

Under phase 3 of the MCO, all companies that have approval to operate must submit a list of employees involved in operations to ensure the movement is confined to travel from home to work.

Azmin said companies must also provide thermal scanners and screen for Covid-19 symptoms such as coughing, sore throat, or breathing difficulties.

"The (temperature) readings of the workers must be recorded and kept for a period of at least three months for reference," he added.

The MCO period will last until April 28 and is subject to extension.

As of today, there are 5,182 cases of Covid-19 with the death toll at 84. A total of 2,766 patients, or 53.4 percent, have recovered.

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