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YOURSAY | ‘Azalina, we’re baffled as to why you’re baffled’

This article is 4 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Zahid’s ‘polite letter’ is an attempt to put questionable people back into power.’

Azalina baffled by reaction to Zahid's 'polite' request for positions

Appum: Pengerang MP Azalina Othman Said, you are baffled by the reaction of the people who don't share your views.

Yes, you are proud of Umno's 61 years, and to you this (asking for positions through a “polite” letter) is standard graciousness according to Umno standards.

What kind of politeness in its leadership are you proud of?

The corruption cases involving millions and billions are still pending. Umno has turned a blind eye to the criminality and a charged person can still lead the party as if nothing is wrong.

Proposing personalities charged with corruption to helm government-linked companies (GLCs) - is that Umno's standard of politeness?

RZee: We are baffled as to why you are baffled, Azalina.

We voted these people out so that people like Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and Sabah Umno chief Bung Moktar Radin have no power or say in the government.

Zahid’s “polite letter” is an attempt by him to flex his muscles and put questionable people back into power.

If Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin gives in, we will have questionable people calling the shots. So that’s why we are disgusted by the “polite letter” and the request made in that letter.

GooseNBanter: I am baffled by you being baffled with the response and reaction from the public. People are reacting because this is not the government they voted for.

Azalina, you will also be able to note similar reactions from the rakyat to the appointments of Umno MPs to GLCs. It’s the rakyat’s way of expressing their frustrations.

It's kind of funny since none of them has been given a mandate to govern through a democratic vote.

Boeyks: Nothing wrong with Zahid’s letter? The people feel otherwise with the corruption trials ongoing.

So far there’s nothing for us to come to the conclusion that these politicians are “not aware” of what he or she stands accused of doing.

Why not help the people to get the right perception of your “leaders”? Get the court cases proceeded without any further delay.

Gerard Lourdesamy: Azalina, do you know what you are talking about?

Have the Umno MPs made a public declaration of their assets? No. They refused to do so despite Pakatan Harapan MPs having done the same since 2018.

Worse still, those involved in ongoing corruption cases want to be appointed to GLCs.

Why should tainted politicians and others closely associated to the former regime be even considered for appointment when they have zero integrity, credibility and ability?

Anonymous_1543475877: The people have not forgotten that there were clouds hanging over the work you were supposed to be doing when BN was in power.

The rakyat are now concerned whether there is anything left by the time GE15 comes around.

So long as Zahid has multiple charges for corruption to answer to, he cannot be writing polite letters for the appointment of others who are also facing charges.

You, like Zahid, show no respect for the rakyat, taxpayer's money and the law.

Anonymous_1533094668: Azalina, the reason Umno joined Perikatan Nasional (PN) is because Umno and the rest claimed they are the champions of the Malays.

You joined the coalition because you want to champion the Malay agenda, not to get a post. So why the need for a post? Is it for self-gain and money?

Evin K: It’s extremely naive to think that a letter from the leader of the biggest party in the PN government to a non-elected prime minister, whose party is split in two, is nothing but a polite request.

Come on, who are you kidding here? The rakyat in 2020 are no longer the rakyat in 2004.

Pokokelapa: "Azalina was responding to an article by The Edge Financial Daily which said that Umno's requests can be interpreted in many ways, including that the party's support for Muhyiddin is dependent on those positions."

Obviously, it is so glaring. Even if The Edge did not say it, the people are very much aware. Please do not think the people are dumb.

Anonymous 770241447347646: I am baffled. So is the public.

The public is baffled that after paying billions of taxpayers’ money in bailouts, these companies are handed back into the hands of the same type of leaders responsible for the massive corruption and mismanagement.

To top it all, those who have pending criminal cases are also considered for posts.

It appears that the administration believes that the Treasury, GLCs and the wealth of this nation are to be distributed among themselves.

Kural: Much of what Azalina states/says makes much sense in the context and circumstances of her rights as a senior member of a party in concert in the present government.

But much of the discerning public would think otherwise and may consider that there has been no learning gain after a scandalous fiasco at governance concerning abuse of power and misappropriation of public monies.

The past cannot be dismissed as irrelevant as past infringements of party leaders with prerogatives and obligations in governance is perhaps the single most worrying thing that Muhyiddin has to deal now.

Salvage Malaysia: Maybe it just shows that the people don’t accept Umno yet because they don’t see Umno reforming itself to be a better party after losing GE14.

You can’t expect the rakyat to respect Umno again simply because they are back in government. You have to earn back respect.

This should be a golden moment to show that Umno is more accountable and practices better governance than before.

Mano: A man who stole from me says politely he is fit to run my business and I am supposed to welcome him and trust him to do that?

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