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YOURSAY | Adham can’t hold a candle to Noor Hisham

This article is 4 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Please don’t take credit for the hard work done by Noor Hisham and the frontliners.’

Health minister: Previous gov't failed to contain tabligh cluster

Vijay47: Health Minister Adham Baba, the fact that you were accompanied by Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi in your return to public visibility speaks volumes of the quality of your presentation, but we shall not pursue comedy for the moment.

You seem to be blowing hot, cold, and warm in addressing the coronavirus crisis and I will readily agree with your accusation that the previous government is to be blamed for the current state of affairs. However, Pakatan Harapan is not alone in fault, when you and your friends carry the greater crime and sin.

The then prime minister, Dr Mahathir Mohamad, surely bears much responsibility, this wolf was dancing with betrayal and strengthening his stranglehold on government even as the virus was arriving at our shores.

Not that I wish to offer it but if there is any excuse for his guilt, it would be that during late February, Covid-19 had not yet assumed its deadly international proportions; the good doctor himself would have been stunned by the speed of the ravage.

But let us now look at the real villain of the piece, the current health minister. What was your contribution to national wellbeing apart from emulating the former education minister?

Wait, I remember, you are the one who shared us and the medical world that warm water was the cure for Covid-19, hypertension, whooping cough, and malaria.

You now claim to be concerned with our health but where were you, minister, these four or five weeks? You fled the scene of the crime, for the store to be minded by Health director-general (DG) Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah, a task he is performing most admirably.

What was your government’s first act? At a meeting to discuss nationwide strategies towards combating the virus, you played cheap political stunts and did not invite the five states under Harapan.

But your shameful conduct did not end there. For managing a purely medical attack, you insisted on including a religious facet.

Further, prayer at mosques was not stopped, your government justified its failure to act by amazingly claiming that shortened sermons would keep the illnesses at bay. Tell me, kind doctor, how long an exposure does it take for someone to be infected?

And you now have the cheek to raise the issue of the tablighs? Granted that Mahathir failed to respond immediately, but what did you do from the time you illegally seized the government?

Till today, we have not witnessed any concerted effort to tracing the missing tabligh potential carriers and bringing them for crucial medical screening. All we have seen is the police chief shamefully pleading with the tablighs to present themselves.

Where were his vigour and heroism last displayed in arresting suspected LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam) supporters?

So, Adham, I would suggest you again remain silent, since you cannot blame imbecility of the coronavirus.

PB: The ego of the man: "I believe what I have done has been acknowledged by the world."

Anonymous 2413471460628504: When the Health DG receives accolades, he deflects it and acknowledges the support he gets from his team. He is full of humility and his demeanour is truly a person who works for the nation. Reward is not his focus.

Adham, on the other hand, cannot wait to publicise his "contribution". Someone should tell him that the rakyat are not that stupid.

We praise what we can see is praiseworthy. He failed to receive any because he is not. He should learn from his DG, but he will never learn.

AGT: This minister is not going to get any mileage by blowing his own trumpet. He must be getting sleepless nights in wondering how to project himself. The more he tries, the more he is despised.

You, Mr Minister, started on the wrong foot and most of all, you don't have the face that gives people comfort and confidence like Noor Hisham has. It’s not your fault though, but too bad.

Ex-Wfw: Please don’t take credit for the hard work done by Noor Hisham and his group of dedicated frontliners.

It’s better for you to keep your eyes on your two deputies, one of whom had blatantly broken the movement control order (MCO) ruling and was dumb enough to upload it on Facebook.

Libra: We know this game. You praise yourself. You blame others for the fault.

And you don’t want to know that there was a tahfiz school gathering, the deputy health minister and his entourage are your buddies who attended and had a meal together. So, no action was taken against them and the police say they are investigating.

When an ordinary man is found alone in the park, you arrested him with handcuffs and the same for people who attended a funeral.

We are very familiar with such selective prosecution when BN was ruling the country. So what’s new?

Gerard Lourdesamy: A shameless Umno minister trying to take credit for the excellent done by the Health DG and his team of civil servants at the ministry and our brave medical frontliners.

Next, Adham will also take credit for the Covid-19 vaccine.

Pokokelapa: The groundwork and the preparation for the parliamentary sitting have started.

The self-praising between these two (Adham and Zahid) are very obvious. The asking of more appointments is another sign.

They need to consolidate their stand. The wake-up call is being sounded and the deadwood start waking up after the long slumber.

The only way is to make backdoor statements. It is so obvious that only they have the time for this, as the others are busy worrying about tomorrow.

YOURSAY | Who gave the green light to the tabligh gathering?

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