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YOURSAY | Bung’s admission shows gov't MPs are in it for themselves

This article is 4 years old

YOURSAY | 'PN is where the personal gain of each participant is prioritised, not the needs of the nation.'

PN gov't formed from personal cooperation, not common policy, says Bung

Fair Play: We should thank Sabah Umno chairperson Bung Moktar Radin (photo, above) for telling the truth.

By his admission, Bung highlighted whether Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin was duly appointed in accordance with Article 43(2)(a) of the Federal Constitution.

In fact, Muhyiddin himself had admitted his government was not elected by the rakyat.

As a general rule, in Malaysia at least, a government is formed by a formal coalition of political parties that command the majority of MPs in accordance with the Federal Constitution.

Perhaps it is important that Parliament must convene for a vote of confidence for Muhyiddin before all other matters could be debated and duly approved first.

The risk now is that the Perikatan Nasional (PN) government may use the prolonged movement control order (MCO) to indefinitely prevent Parliament from convening.

Anonymous_1544340881: Well, there you have it, an admission. However, the implications are lost on the rakyat.

When an alliance is based on personal cooperation, it is based on outcomes where one can claim a personal benefit or avoid a loss (in cases where others in general lose).

The upshot, therefore, is that this is a government or alliance where the personal gain of each participant is prioritised as opposed to the needs of the nation.

Hence, we see MPs being made ministers, special envoys and soon government-linked company (GLC) heads (when they are clearly neither qualified nor competent) and jockeying for position, money and power despite the whole country being in lockdown.

Citizen_Zero: The truth will eventually come out. So now, even in defending themselves, they will inadvertently admit to the fact that the PN government is nothing but individuals working to grab power via the backdoor for personal benefits.

There is no manifesto or common policy to govern. It is making up its own decision as it goes along. The ministers are just props to have a make-do cabinet, while the civil servants and professionals are doing the real work.

And the PM is weak, forever pleasing his co-conspirators in order to stay in his position. And this Bung? Just saying some truth as an excuse and to score points. Nothing new.

Anonymous122277: This PN government is shaky, even with the full support from all current MPs from Bersatu. This is mainly because Umno, together with PAS, feel they have a much stronger Malay support base.

The previous Pakatan Harapan government could have been so much stronger had they been united.

Sadly, the Harapan government was mercilessly destroyed by traitors with a self-centred mindset and lack of principles to eradicate corruption in the country.

GooseNBanter: "I also see that there are many weaknesses, besides the desire to help. It may also be less sincere and less transparent at lower levels," Bung said.

But can’t you see the biggest weakness: rampant corruption and collusion, like a malignant tumour spread across the anatomy of the government, besides the desire to plunder?

Do you not see feigned leadership from fake prophets of democracy at every level who, through “personal cooperation”, seek to fulfil their personal interest, Bung?

Dont Just Talk: This MP, who is facing corruption charges in court involving a sum of RM2.8 million, said that PN is formed from personal cooperation and nothing else.

Can this MP return the alleged RM2.8 million first as a sign of good gesture and love for Malaysia?

Owing to his personal cooperation and as Sabah Umno head, his name was submitted for the post of Sabah Federal Development Department chairperson.

What is coming next will most probably be the Umno president being made the deputy PM for his cooperation with PN.

Anonymous #37634848: Kinabatangan MP, I see the political coup and backdoor entry to power as the Umno DNA creeping back into its original body.

Everyone in the ‘pengkhianat’ (traitor) group were the violators of the previous Umno body. Muhyiddin was DPM and pretended to protest the 1MDB issue. Now, we know that all he wanted was the top post.

Others in the cartel, including Azmin Ali, are no different. Now, you can cut each other’s throat like wild animals.

Scam Job Billionaire: It will be foolish to expect a coalition like PN to have a homogeneous idealism.

However, I do believe that PN will have much stronger unity and a chance of success due to the fact that there is no party like DAP within the coalition, which is aggressively selling the idea of racial equality and representation within the government.

Like it or not, Malaysia is a majority Malay nation and all those talented among the minority groups are either abroad or living a comfortable life and have no interest in politics or public services.

Harapan is a good example of failure and DAP leader Lim Guan Eng was a total disappointment to the Chinese community in Malaysia.

As party veteran Lim Kit Siang said, no matter who runs Malaysia, they will have to take care of the Malays first.

T C Chan: PN was formed purely for power. It was a power grab, pure and simple. Without a common policy, how can you govern?

Rasa Sayang: Bung has hit the nail on its head - the PN government is a cabal, a sinister grouping of plotters. Its shelf life will be very short because of the Covid-19 crisis.

Again, our country will be saved and because everybody else - the whole world - is in the same boat, Harapan will mend back this nation to what was envisaged by first prime minister Tunku Abdul Rahman in 1957.

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