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Covid-19 cases rise to 105, highest in 16 days, 94 local infections

This article is 4 years old

CORONAVIRUS | The number of new Covid-19 cases in the country is back in the triple digits, with 105 new infections, the highest in 16 days.

Total cases are now at 6,176, with the number of active cases at 1,747.

Of the new infections, 94 were local or community transmissions, and 11 were imported cases.

Of the community infections, 38 involved migrants, and 56 were Malaysians.

Health director-general Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah (above) announced that 60 of the new infections occurred in enhanced movement control order (MCO) areas.

There were 36 new cases near the Selayang wholesale market, of which 35 were migrants. There were 20 new cases at Selayang Baru, and four at the Selangor Mansion.

Six of the new cases today were also from a tahfiz school in Lanchang, Pahang, which has been classified as a new cluster.

Noor Hisham said the tahfiz school is closed but there are still students and staff living there.

Hence he said, there is a possibility the school would be placed under enhanced MCO.

On the bright side, 70 percent or 4,326 patients have recovered, with 116 being discharged today.

No new deaths were reported today. The death toll remains at 103.

Of the current cases, 31 are in the intensive care unit (ICU) five less than yesterday. Twelve of the critical cases need ventilators, two less than yesterday.

The rise in infections come as the government plans to ease MCO restrictions and allow many businesses to operate starting Monday.

Noor Hisham stressed again today that there is a need to strike a balance between life and livelihood, but said that the safest place for now remains home.

He said despite the eased restrictions, social distancing must be observed to avoid a resurgence of cases.


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