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YOURSAY | Moving forward, Harapan needs to put its house in order

This article is 4 years old

YOURSAY | 'Instead of analysing PN, strategise how Harapan can rehabilitate itself for the next election.'

COMMENT | A new party in the making?

Anonymous_1cfb3ab6: DAP leader and former deputy defence minister Liew Chin Tong (photo, above), instead of trying to analyse what Perikatan Nasional (PN) and Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin will do, please use all your strategic brainpower to work out a proper plan to rehabilitate DAP’s image and to a broader extent, that of Pakatan Harapan.

At this stage, Harapan can’t even decide who will be the opposition leader and who sits where on the opposition bench.

Also, please take a final stand regarding former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad as you can’t seriously go into the next election and ask the rakyat to vote again on a ‘Mahathir two years plus Anwar two years’ platform.

Your biggest challenge is the repositioning of DAP going forward. Your party let the 3R (race, royalty, religion) narrative get away from you. Now you understand that there’s no point holding any ministerial position at all when it is either diluted, handicapped or stripped of all its important portfolios within the ministry.

And please ask your partner, Amanah, to stop playing the “tag-along” game. Amanah needs to drive the Islamic framework within Harapan.

PKR, on the other hand, needs to rebuild its leadership. It needs to regain the 11 seats it lost (former party deputy leader Azmin Ali and gang) and Harapan needs to find strong and reliable partners in Sabah and Sarawak.

As a starting point, Harapan should first consider whether the concept of “Malaysian Malaysia” is defendable. You certainly made a hash of it when in government by constantly tap dancing around it.

We all know the PN house is built with shaky foundations, but I would also argue that the Harapan house also needs rebuilding.

Cogito Ergo Sum: Liew, your fatal mistake was to underestimate Mahathir and the rest is history. So is Harapan.

Stop harbouring hopes of a comeback. The grip PN has is growing tighter and so is the noose around your collective necks. You all blew it. Do you expect us to come out and do it all over again? Fat hopes.

You had it (the government) in your hands and showed yourselves to be political novices and incompetent as well. The rakyat gave all of you the chance of a lifetime and generations to come will wonder what went wrong.

You failed to understand Mahathir’s motives and his hatred for PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim. We will pay heavily for your miscalculations.

Practical Please: Is DAP so power-hungry that it is willing to work with Mahathir as the leader again? The heat has not even cooled down.

Well, in exchange for power, if DAP doesn’t mind being used as a football, why not? There are no principles in politics.

Anonymous_3f4b: Whether Muhyiddin Yassin, Azmin Ali and Hishammuddin Hussein form a new party or not is none of Liew’s business.

Liew should concentrate and strategise with his Harapan partners on how to make Harapan a viable party that will appeal to all, especially the Malay masses. You should not be talking about other people’s plans.

Anyway, any new party will be doomed and will not be a hindrance to Muafakat Nasional, which by itself can hold on to the majority of Malay voters.

AnotherKomentar: Yes, don't bother being over-analytical with Muhyiddin, Azmin and Hishammuddin and the irksome few.

Umno is still rich with money and assets. It enjoys the iconic brand within the Malay heartland and is well connected with palaces. Now, with PAS and GPS, Umno can rule as the big brother.

Muhyiddin and Azmin are not capable of reinventing the wheel, even if their lives depend on it.

Adik Hiak: Indeed, why doesn't the senator analyse his own party and Harapan and get ready for the next win?

I think the supporters of the previous Harapan government are extremely disappointed with them not guarding their own ground and now want to teach the duck how to swim.

VisionX: Seriously, form another party? As if the Malays are not already divided with Umno, PAS, Amanah and Bersatu.

If they form another party that will be five Malay parties. How to win the Malay votes when they are so divided? In the end, they will just kill each other off at the elections.

Anonymous_e70407cb: Let PN taste the bitterness of their own actions.

No matter how much cronyism or corruption involved in buying loyalty to save their skins, I believe the rakyat is fed up with their "I can do anything I like" mentality at the expense of the rakyat and wasting resources meant for the rakyat, especially the poor.

The rakyat will vote for a clean, fair, transparent and smart government that can look after their children and grandchildren. This is the result of the self-interests of the few in power.

This country needs a steady, clean and visionary team. Harapan has to stick to its core values based on which they won the 14th general election. Don't give up. We still have hope.

Anonymous 2465861491622056: Looking at all our Members of Parliament, the majority seem to be only interested in themselves and how to make the most out of it before the next general election.

With such a view, it is unlikely that any government, whether PN or Harapan, can rule without being blackmailed for goodies.

On the other hand, more Malaysians want a clean government that cares for the rakyat, especially when thousands are going to be unemployed.

It is a matter of time that the PN will collapse and even Harapan, knowing that it will be blackmailed by current MPs, may prefer to go to the polls rather than form a government now, especially when the economy will be in deep recession.

Harapan will also stand a better chance as everyone will blame PN for the economic mess. It looks like GE15 will be held in the second half of this year.

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