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YOURSAY | One last throw of the dice in M’sia’s game of thrones

This article is 4 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Mahathir is again going to be the architect of putting PN down?’

Speaker accepts Dr M's no-confidence motion against PM

Quigonbond: All these while, we have given the benefit of the doubt to Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin that maybe the king’s calculations are right and he has a majority in Parliament.

But the more he fears to convene a normal parliamentary sitting and the more he tries to avoid a vote of no-confidence means he himself is unsure, and that the king may have acted on false information. Increasingly, it makes this government both illegitimate as well as illegal.

My appeal to Perikatan Nasional (PN) - not so much Pakatan Harapan because I know they will oblige - is please put the affairs of the state in order first before you spark this constitutional crisis.

Whatever you need to legislate to provide relief to the nation post-lockdown, you need to get a consensus from Harapan so that no matter what the ensuing political mess is, you have taken care of the rakyat.

Did you read Reuter's news? Vietnam is projecting to tap into the manufacturing exodus from China. We don't even have a plan for that. How about relief over certain contracts like Singapore Covid-19 Act?

What about post-lockdown? Can we rely purely on our banks to recapitalise the many businesses? Are we doing anything to encourage private wealth circulating globally to Malaysia? Will we ever have aggressive mass testing for Covid-19?

Please do all that first, then you can play your game of thrones at your own little corner and leave it to Malaysians to fix everything else ourselves.

Pelanduk: Mahathir is again going to be the architect of putting PN down? It is not the right time as we are in the midst of combatting Covid-19.

Make no mistake, I am against Muhyiddin 100 percent but to remove him at this crucial time is not wise.

Assuming he is voted out, who would then be the prime minister? Mahathir again? Would he get the support of PKR members?

Already, he had mentioned in no uncertain terms that PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim will not be the prime minister, and it would be unthinkable that Anwar’s supporters would support Mahathir as premier.

DAP should learn a lesson by now. Despite supporting Mahathir, he was still his old self, championing affirmative policy. The only solution is to have a prime minister candidate from PKR before supporting the motion.

Remember to make sure Mahathir gives his support in writing. Otherwise, he would backtrack on his words, again.

Ocean Master: In terms of parliamentary process, the confidence vote must take place. But the fact Mahathir is the one requesting it gives me a bad stomach ache.

My worry, if the outcome shows Muhyiddin as not having the majority in Parliament, then Mahathir will want to be PM for the next 200 years.

Anonymous54: No matter how you dissect and analyse, and to those who have a disdain for Mahathir, he is the only person capable of upsetting the apple cart.

Anonymous_1371547149: Not disdain but distrust, Anonymous54. What apple cart? He has already upset the apple cart.

For once in the history of Malaysia, Malaysians came together to vote out the past and voted for the future. He, however, used the rakyat's sentiments to put himself back into power.

And then he kicked us in the face. The Harapan government would still be in charge if he had done the right thing. But no, he chose to sow distrust and cause divisions in Harapan because of his personal agenda.

He flirted with PAS and Umno, both openly and secretly. He thought he would be emperor of PN (his so-called unity government).

Did he ever think of the rakyat? Indeed, we should have a no-confidence vote against him. He doesn't deserve anything from the rakyat. The only thing he does deserve is the death blow that Muhyiddin dealt him.

Scam Job Billionaire: Like it or not, the reason why Malaysia is suffering under this prolonged lockdown has got everything to do with Mahathir’s unscrupulous behaviour and the lack of leadership.

Harapan was supposed to be the beacon of hope for Malaysia and Mahathir was supposed to bring about change for the better. But all that went out the window the moment Mahathir tasted power.

We, the rakyat, had generously given Mahathir the benefit of doubt despite his old age and disastrous track record and gave him two years to turn this country around.

But instead, he turned the country upside down, playing political cat and mouse within Harapan, destroyed Malaysia’s reputation on the world stage, souring our country's trade relationship with key partners and more.

Instead of being upset with the new government, I do think Malaysians should teach this selfish Mahathir a lesson by rallying behind the new government and express our gratitude to the king for pulling the plug on Mahathir’s craziness in wanting to continue being the premier despite his age.

Between Feb 23 to March 10, Mahathir had conveniently neglected his obligation to protect Malaysians. Instead of implementing preventive measures during the early stages of the coronavirus crisis, he indulged himself in political intrigues.

Hundreds of billion ringgit will be wasted to clean up this mess that Mahathir has left behind and that is excluding the cost of his other failed economic policies. And now he still thinks this country needs him to lead?

Leon: Are you insane, Scam Job Billionaire? The Umno goons have just clearly stated their intention to wipe clean all the posts in government-linked companies (GLCs) and whatever is left of our economy after Covid-19.

They already openly said it out loud and clear without any shame. So you are going to allow all our rakyat's hard-earned money to be pocketed by these people just to teach someone a lesson?

The new prime minister's days are numbered, with Mahathir coming in or not.

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