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YOURSAY | For PAS, a religion that favours racial supremacy

This article is 4 years old

YOURSAY | 'DAP has become the convenient bogeyman. Expect many more Idris Ahmads to come…'

PAS leader suggests Dr M a 'coward' for working with DAP

Evin K: It is baffling how someone like PAS vice-president Idris Ahmad can still spew poorly veiled racism like he just did and get away with it scot-free, with no repercussions whatsoever. The heart-breaking part is that many agree with him.

Idris must surely know that in-spite of calling former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad a coward for working with the DAP, it was Mahathir who spearheaded the narrative against the DAP whilst he was in Umno back in the day, and if Mahathir himself, can now admit that he was wrong and that the DAP is of no threat to the majority race of this country, then clearly all Idris has managed to do here is what he does best - the fanning of racial sentiments.

Yes, it is a fact that today the DAP enjoys the support of the majority of Chinese Malaysians, but let us not forget that the DAP is also only one of the few multiracial parties in Malaysia, unlike the MCA, MIC, Umno or PAS for that matter.

The DAP is not only the biggest multiracial party in Parliament today, but it is also the biggest party by seat count, period, and this clearly poses a threat to racist bigots like Idris, because even after 63 years of independence, he still cannot accept Malaysians from the minority races as his equal.

Idris accuses Mahathir of working with the DAP for temporary power but conveniently leaves out the fact that, if it was power that Mahathir wanted, all he had to do was join former PKR deputy leader Azmin Ali in Sheraton Hotel a few months ago.

Even right now, it is not too late - all Mahathir needs to do is reconcile with Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin and he's back in charge.

Milshah: Indeed, PAS had wanted for Mahathir to remain as prime minister for the whole term. He would have been your boss if he had accepted and allowed the “Sheraton Move”.

Specialist Batsman: Idris, you are undoubtedly a part of the failed generation of Malaysians who have fallen prey to decades of social engineering by Umno/BN to create a Malay race with a culture of dependence, insecurity and inability for critical thinking.

According to the Umno/BN narrative, Malays, under Article 153 of the Constitution, are entitled special privileges to the resources this country has, for decades.

While conveniently turning a blind eye to the abuse of power and indiscriminately plundering the nation's wealth, the powers-that-be have been telling Malays that they must come together in the name of Malay unity and Islam because, according to the Umno/BN propaganda, the special position and their entitlement are being threatened and challenged by non-Malays, regardless of the fact that these non-Malays are a mere fiction in reality.

DAP has become the convenient bogeyman. Expect many more Idris Ahmads to come in the months and years ahead.

Gerard Lourdesamy: The biggest cowards here are the PAS leaders.

Firstly, despite being in existence as an Islamic party since 1951, PAS has been unable to convert the non-Muslims in this country to Islam or at least to convince them to appreciate and trust Islam as a religion that is fair to all.

Secondly, PAS has clearly violated most of the tenets of Islam by politicising the religion to fit the Malay nationalist agenda of racial supremacy as a means to hold on to power.

Thirdly, PAS has deviated from the true teachings of Islam by denigrating other Muslims as "kafir" for not supporting them and following their doctrines.

Fourth, PAS has scant regard and respect for the Federal Constitution despite ours being a pluralistic state. Otherwise, it would not be pushing for the creation of a theocratic Islamic state that effectively excludes 40 percent of the non-Muslim population.

Fifth, PAS is willing to work with corrupt and kleptocratic leaders so long as they are Muslim, notwithstanding that Islam condemns abuse of power, stealing, breach of trust, cheating and lying.

Sixth, PAS has conceded that it cannot win any election on its own. It requires a crutch from Umno in order to enjoy power.

Seventh, PAS still cannot convince 70 percent of the Malays/Muslims to support them. Eighth, PAS was a hypocrite for working with the DAP in one form or another since 1999.

Ninth, PAS is a political non-entity and is unlikely to improve on its current hold of 18 parliamentary seats so long as it alienates the majority of Malays/Muslims and almost all the non-Malays/Muslims in the country.

Based on these facts, it can be safely deduced that PAS is and always will be the epitome of cowardice, treachery and betrayal.

David Dass: The position of the Malays under Article 153, the position of the Malay rulers and the position of Islam as set out under the Constitution cannot be changed even if every single Chinese and Indian in Malaysia voted for change.

Only the Malays and the Malay rulers can bring about any change to these provisions. Even Pakatan Harapan had a prime minister who was, and remains, a Malay nationalist, and whose deputy prime minister was a Malay as well as the defence and home ministers.

In addition, the civil service, the police force and the armed forces of this country are predominantly Malay.

And what social contract are you referring to? The government has built so many exclusively Malay institutions and funds for the Malays.

All the non-Malays are asking for is fairness, justice and inclusiveness. They are saying that they are Malaysians too.

Tulus Ikhlas: PAS champion themselves as God-fearing Muslims. But look at how their leaders take turns to spew out the out molten rocks of lies and hatred for the people every other day.

Such behaviour doesn't speak very well of their religious faith and practice.

Anonymous_1552707885: Idris, the real cowards are the ones who refuse to stand the test of the people’s will but hide behind 3Rs (race, religion and royalty) to justify their action.

The real cowards are those who lie to the teeth by telling everyone they have the numbers, but are yet too scared to prove it.

The real cowards are those who support criminal actions and money launderers, yet tell people they are innocent.

The real cowards are those who support child marriage instead of protecting the child from paedophiles.

The real cowards are those who support the people who steal from the people and enriching themselves along with it.

The real cowards are those unashamedly arguing that backbenchers should get a GLC (government-linked company) role if they don’t get a ministerial position instead of putting qualified people in these companies.

The real cowards are people who keep talking about religion but have no qualms if the elites are taking in ‘haram’ (sinful) income.

So please tell me. Who are the cowards here?

YOURSAY | Islamic party rewrites history when it suits them

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