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YOURSAY | ‘Ban alcohol to reduce drunk driving’ a misplaced logic

This article is 4 years old

YOURSAY | ‘We cannot condemn the entire alcohol-drinking community for an offence committed by a few.’

PAS: Suspend sale of alcohol until drunk driving resolved

One: Nobody will disagree that tougher laws are required for drunk drivers. But is it the law or the inability of the police to uphold the law that we are struggling with?

For example, many motorcyclists die on the road because they flout the law. Look at the speed they travel, the red lights they run, the faulty lights on their bikes, the practice of playing with the phone while riding. No alcohol needed.

And there are probably more car accidents caused by mobile phones than by drunk drivers. Of course, some idiots will call for the banning of mobile phones too since mobile phones cause accidents.

Just like they want all women to cover up so they cannot lust over them. And we all know they also prefer smart people to disappear so they don’t look stupid.

FairMalaysian: Drunk drivers should be nabbed and the penalties should be made stiffer to deter such recklessness.

But what PAS information chief Kamaruzaman Mohamad says is clearly out of character and order. What he is saying is like asking all tahfiz schools to shut down because one or two had behaved badly, with some lives lost in fire, etc.

He must not paint everything with a broad brush. It shows his incapacity to understand the problem.

And most probably, he is speaking on this issue because he is a Muslim. His citation of other sources like the World Health Organisation (WHO) report is merely an excuse. Don't turn this into a ‘Muslim blaming non-Muslim’ issue.

There must be stern action taken against drunk drivers. It is apparent that it is not being taken seriously and that the present punishment regiment does not act sufficiently as a deterrent.

Evin K: It is almost comical to see how racism flare up with fervour so instantly on the comments section when the majority of readers feel the need to defend their right to drink in spite of the damaging and life-threatening antics of a bunch of drunks in Malaysia lately.

These are the same people who are always the first to cry racism when it's about them but see no wrong in their racist tirade against others - what a bunch of hypocrites.

There is a way for rational thinking and behaving when presenting one’s opposing views without bringing race and religion into it.

Kamaruzaman, although a bona fide racist himself, did not mention race or religion in his argument on why he thinks the sale of alcohol should be temporarily halted, so why are these people bringing his race and religion into this.

If they are being racist on purpose just to justify the racism they suffered, then how different are they from their oppressors? Two wrongs don't make a right.

The Wakandan: The real reason why the overkill is being applied to this issue (drunk driving) is because alcohol is an anathema to Islam. In other words, this is a religious issue.

Hypocrite PAS masquerade it as drunk driving while actually they want to impose a Taliban-like law to deal with alcohol consumption. This is rather typical of PAS, like it is not the fault of a rapist if a woman dresses sexily.

We have to look at this pragmatically and there is sufficient law to punish drunken drivers. Moreover, there are many ways for people to die in traffic accidents and drunk driving is only one such causes.

RengitBP: No matter how you look at it, this is a lousy proposal. We cannot condemn the entire alcohol-drinking community for an offence committed by a few.

There are already provisions within the law for drunk-driving offences - just exercise the law. If it is not enough, then increase the charge to involuntary manslaughter.

Eleos: What a strange logic! Is alcohol the only or main cause of road accidents? Drug users cause far more accidents.

You can check this out with express bus drivers who use "pil kuda" to keep them alert during the long drive. One driver claimed that express bus companies literally force bus drivers to go on overtime to save the labour costs of employing another driver. Poor enforcement allows this to happen.

Targeting drunk drivers is the right and proper thing to do. However, those on drugs and those guilty of reckless driving should also be pursued relentlessly.

Race and religion should never be a consideration when accidents are investigated and prosecuted. Road safety is paramount.

David Dass: Seriously! You want the 99 percent who do not drink and drive to be barred from drinking until you sort out the one percent who drink and drive?

Raise the penalty for driving under the influence of alcohol. Or drugs for that matter. Penalise owners of pubs who allow persons who are clearly intoxicated to drive home. Penalise parents who allow underage kids to drink and drive.

PAS, do not use the issue to advance your agenda. It would be unlawful to impose your religious beliefs on persons who are not Muslims.

Anonymous #13571680: Do we have the statistics as to the actual cause of these accidents? I, for one, have come across many people flouting traffic rules.

Throw in the incompetent authorities, condition of the roads with umpteen potholes and the danger they pose at night and on rainy days, non-functioning traffic lights, bikers beating traffic lights, hardly visible road divider lines, lack of enforcement by authorities, and the corruption among civil servants.

While I agree we got to be firm with drunk drivers, but is this the main cause of road accidents?

Odysseus: Mr PAS, will you stop all religious teaching until incest, rape, corruption and robbery among us stop?

I won't suggest this as it is only a handful of people who commit crime even after receiving religious teaching.

So, don't open your mouth like an idiot. Think first before you speak.

YOURSAY | Aside from alcohol, here’s a list for PAS should ban

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