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YOURSAY | Sheraton Move - different narratives, but one thing is indisputable

This article is 4 years old

YOURSAY | ‘There are different versions of this ‘behind the scene’ story but...’

Muhyiddin arranged 'surprise' pre-Sheraton meet at Dr M's home – Akhramsyah

Anonymous_1537050742: With all the recent leaks coming out from both sides, there is no need for both Dr Mahathir Mohamad or Muhyiddin Yassin to claim who is telling the truth.

Both sides are only telling half-truths. The people can piece together the real truth for themselves.

It is an indisputable fact that had Mahathir not encouraged and gave tacit approval to pull Bersatu out of Pakatan Harapan, there would not be any events leading up to the Sheraton Move on Feb 23.

By his own admission, he does not want, and cannot, accept PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim as the next prime minister.

Mahathir's dislike for DAP is also not in dispute. He only came up with nicer remarks on DAP recently because he is now desperate and he needs the support of the non-Malays who are DAP supporters.

So Muhyiddin's side is right to say that Mahathir is the one who wants Bersatu to break off from Harapan because he wants an entirely pro-Malay party, without DAP and PKR.

However, there is a caveat from Mahathir which Muhyiddin and Azmin either overlooked or did not take seriously.

To Mahathir, his only condition is that there is a handful of leaders from Umno who are a no-no; (viz; Najib Abdul Razak, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and a few others who are facing charges in court or will be charged in the future.)

He wants Umno to drop these bunch of crooks, otherwise he will lose all credibility, not only to non-Malays but Malays as well. He does not want to come across as an unprincipled man.

However, when this condition was not acceptable to Umno, Mahathir decided not to show up at the Sheraton Hotel as planned.

On the other hand, Muhyiddin (egged on by a desperate Azmin Ali) have no qualms to accept Umno's term.

This "disobedience" is alien and definitely not in Mahathir's original calculation and this time, he really fell flat because of his over-confidence. Now, he is out in the cold and fighting for his political life.

The best thing for Mahathir now is to reflect and repent for his betrayal to the voters of GE14 and Anwar.

He should not dream of coming back as PM9 if Harapan++ becomes a reality. The best thing for him to do is to give his full support to Anwar as PM9.

Daylight: There are different versions of this ‘behind the scene’ story but the photograph tells only one version - that a conspiracy against Harapan and the voters who voted for Harapan cannot be disputed.

How do you otherwise explain the presence of Zahid, Abdul Hadi Awang and the Sabah and Sarawak leaders (who needed to fly to Kuala Lumpur) in Mahathir’s house?

VioletPanther5939: Why did Sabah Chief Minister Mohd Shafie Apdal and Sarawak Chief Minister Abang Johari Openg fly to Kuala Lumpur for the meeting?

Because Muhyiddin, Azmin and gang, Umno and PAS had concocted the story that Anwar and Wan Azizah Wan Ismail would be meeting the Agong to get His Majesty to appoint Anwar as the PM.

That was why they came - to show their support for Mahathir. But Umno, PAS, Muhyiddin and Azmin had another plan - to get rid of Mahathir instead.

They pretended they would support Mahathir. See how they treat Mahathir now.

Freethinker: It does not matter whether the Sheraton Move was Mahathir’s idea or whether he supported it.

The fact is, Mahathir had never wanted to stay with Harapan and wanted a way out (that does not look bad on him).

What’s important now is, Mahathir shall not helm the PM post once again if Harapan manages to wrestle back control.

Anonymous_1371475682: Looking at all the chaos in Bersatu (using all kinds of ways for them to terminate their chairperson and his followers), the traitors are trying hard to convince everyone that Mahathir had agreed to leave Harapan.

One thing for sure was Mahathir is in the opposition side and the traitors joined the crooks.

MS: Interesting picture. But does anyone see a Malaysian in it? Or only a group of self-serving Malays?

Do you also notice the opulence of the room? No doubt the result of their continual struggle (perjuangan) for race and religion.

Meanwhile, at the rat-infested PPR (public low-cost housing) flats where Covid-19 lurks undetected and human beings compete for space with mangy cats, the Malay hoi polloi stare blankly out of their grimy windows to see masked Bangladeshis scurrying along to open his market stall selling everything from used phones to joysticks.

And so, the struggle for race and religion continues even as another one million ringgit of pocket money is deposited into a fat fellow’s personal account… as a donation, of course.

The Analyser: Come on, Malaysia. Who really cares what these foolish, silly, insecure little men do to mask their insecurities and boost their egos.

They are all a liability to the nation and of no benefit to anyone but themselves because the only thing they can think of is themselves... and our money.

We have a situation where we have two old men, close to death, fighting over access to the nation’s wealth. Meanwhile, everything else is coming to a grinding halt... except repression. That seems to be flourishing.

Backdoor Club: Enough of this drama already. For the good of the nation, everyone in this picture should be dropped in favour of younger, trustworthy and more dynamic leaders to take us forward.

All that we have achieved in the last four decades will come to nought if we allow these self-serving, unprincipled, hate mongers to continue with their shenanigans.

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