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YOURSAY | Muhyiddin’s grip on power still tenuous after 100 days

This article is 4 years old

YOURSAY | ‘By dropping graft charges, PN has lightened the load at the courts and the AGC...’.’

‘PAS veep gives Muhyiddin an 'A' for first 100 days’

‘COMMENT | Muhyiddin’s 100 Days’

Vgeorgemy: In the last 100 days, this nation had very minimal economic and social activities, including zero legislation passed in Parliament to manage the long-term effects of Covid-19.

Under such conditions, anyone can perform as prime minister, as long as they ensure a steady supply of necessities to the population.

Malaysia’s modern infrastructure has been able to sustain economic and social activities without much of guidance from the government. Activities were still carried out, even when many establishments were under lockdown.

It seems PAS vice-president Mohd Amar Abdullah finds a comfortable familiarity in the current lockdown situation with the economic development in Kelantan under PAS. That’s why everything would seem rosy for PAS even in the midst of a pandemic.

Citizen_Zero: Take control of the government through betrayal, elect the PM and ministers yourself, pay yourself with the rakyat's money, and then praise yourself?

A government is supposed to do a good job, regardless of who is in it. And more importantly, it has to be accountable.

So, who are you accountable to, Mohd Amar? And also, what Muhyiddin has been doing is just following through the groundwork that was laid by Pakatan Harapan.

Bravemalaysian: Excellent performance by the Muhyiddin government by immediately ‘solving’ some of the corruption cases. This immediately lightened the load at the courts and the Attorney-General’s Chambers.

Excellent performance in dishing out government-linked company (GLC) positions to politicians and also sacking the professionals who headed these GLCs before this.

Congratulations for work well done toppling the ‘useless’ state governments under Harapan and which are now headed by very ‘citizen-oriented’ teams.

As for Covid-19, I can only thank the Health director-general Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah for a job well done and the government should be praised for letting him do his job without interference from the higher-ups.

Also, special thanks to all the frontliners - medical, police and armed forces for enforcing the movement control order (MCO), controlled MCO, and recovery MCO.

LimeLynx8453: That’s the ‘high’ standard of PAS? Muhyiddin has failed miserably in his first 100 days.

He cannot claim credit for controlling the Covid-19 spread as well. The credit goes to Dr Noor Hisham beyond a doubt.

Karma: Yes, we are angry at Muhyiddin. We trusted him to the fullest, but he betrayed us.

We thought he was for real when he attacked Umno in his GE14 campaign speeches. Now, he abused important GLC posts to gain political support. He put unqualified people as GLC heads.

He is lucky Harapan did not organise protests against him. He should also count his blessings that he has friends in the opposition parties.

As a government however, I don't see stability as Umno won't count Muhyiddin as part of them. They want to fight him and his party in the next GE.

He may want to woo the Chinese, but his allies, Umno-PAS, is not built for that.

FairMalaysian: PN has premised itself as a Malay-centric coalition. The presence of MIC and MCA is at most cosmetic and it may be just to show the world that the PN government is multiracial.

Muhyiddin’s idea of buying the patronage of Umno elected representatives has somehow failed to materialise. The droves of supporters that he may have expected is not happening.

His other trump card may have been the court cases hanging over Umno leaders' heads. Umno knew how to handle that as well.

After meeting former Prime Minister Najib Razak, Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi announced that Umno was ready for the polls. It looks like Muhyiddin's game plan failed. He should know by now who really calls the shots.

The failure of Muhyiddin to prove his numbers in Parliament is a gross, inappropriate and undemocratic behaviour of someone who was crying and claiming victim after he was sacked by Najib. Or was it on the back of a leadership challenge gone foul?

The late Tun Hussein Onn put to rest the talk and doubt by declaring his majority in Parliament and he did this as his top priority. Unfortunately, that is not happening now and Muhyiddin wants to run a government that is not a legitimately-elected.

Mavid20 Virus: Many people underestimated Muhyiddin perhaps due to his unassuming and quiet nature.

In the past 100 days, I think he has done a brilliant job and he seems to be able to hold the entire PN bloc together while at the same time stamping his authority on the government.

Perhaps talking less and doing more help.

Cicak Boy: Come to think of it, Muhyiddin has been a lot less antagonistic over 100 days compared to former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad over 22 months.

IndigoJaguar7545: He lives in a glass house. He knows exactly why he must maintain a low profile.

Vision2020: Muhyiddin still cannot shed his government’s toxic policies of race, religion, cronyism, and patronage politics of offering positions to sustain support for PN.

It is typical of Umno’s DNA to demonise DAP and justify championing the Malay race with Muhyiddin’s famous quote, “I am Malay first”.

Therefore, the rakyat of this multiracial nation, which was formed under the Federal Constitution, will not be able to expect Muhyiddin to move towards a genuine government that is of the rakyat and for the rakyat, which is based on the rule of law, fairness and equality, justice and integrity.

VioletPanther5939: Yes, an ‘A’ for Muhyiddin for dropping charges against Najib’s stepson Riza Aziz and former Sabah chief minister Musa Aman, and putting most MPs on GLC boards.

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