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YOURSAY | Having messed up twice, Dr M wants another chance

This article is 4 years old

YOURSAY | ‘A 94-year-old man with no party wants to be re-nominated as the next PM?’

‘Dr M or Anwar? Harapan and allies expected to name PM candidate'

VioletFish0943: If former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad is sincere this time around, he will not think of anyone else other than Anwar Ibrahim to be the prime minister. Anyone other than that, he is not being sincere.

That means he would rather for Perikatan Nasional (PN) to continue ruining the country and for us to all suffer together.

Remember what is happening today is all Mahathir’s doing - his greediness and selfish attitude. He hijacked Pakatan Harapan to fulfil his needs and not to serve the rakyat who voted Harapan in.

His actions subsequently testified to that. Of course, there was also the role of the traitor within PKR.

Mahathir thinks this country belongs to him and everyone else must bow down to him. To me, this is the failure of leadership. A good leader will ensure that there is continuity.

They would have trained someone to take over and then willingly pass over the baton. Having done that, they would stand solidly by that person to make sure the new person succeeds.

Mahathir has done none of that. He is thus a very bad leader. Let us not beat around the bush and for once call a spade a spade if we sincerely want to turn things around.

Anonymous 5035: What a joke. A 94-year-old man with no party but a handful of lackeys wants to be nominated as the next PM to replace Muhyiddin Yassin.

And there are some out there who actually supports such an idea? Their naivety is really mind-boggling. It's as if there is no one else fit to lead the country.

How can the rakyat be so pathetic that we have to even consider re-nominating the same man who betrayed our mandate and who triggered the Sheraton Move?

What a slap to our face. Surely, we deserve better. Surely, we can do better. If we need GE15 to choose our own PM, so be it.

BlueShark1548: Anwar's obsession knows no bounds! He would rather PN continue to rule rather than let Mahathir be PM. Anwar has no consideration for Malaysia and the rakyat and only cares for himself.

Why can't Mahathir be PM and Anwar be DPM together with Warisan leader Shafie Apdal and one from GPS? After all, Mahathir has the support of more than 112 MPs whereas Anwar only has less than 91 (no support from Warisan/GPS/Bersatu).

Justice4altantuya: Better move fast. Former Sabah chief minister Musa Aman is already free. Will former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak and Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi be free soon too?

There is not much time left for Muhyiddin. They will pull the rug under his feet at the soonest chance. Otherwise, why would the attorney-general drop the charges on Musa so fast? Why would he do that at this juncture?

ScarletPanda9731: The crucial point is naming the PM, if or when PN is toppled. One possible solution is to name Mahathir as PM, make Anwar as DPM, and also to set a definite date when Mahathir shall step down.

An additional step could be to follow Singapore's method when Lee Kuan Yew became minister mentor, who could give his input to guide the Harapan Plus cabinet. There are several reasons for my suggestion.

One, Mahathir is an experienced man and his advice will be useful. Two, Mahathir has a great appeal to the Malays. Three, Mahathir has some diehard supporters. Four, Mahathir could be a good leader at the Asia Pacific Economic Conference (Apec).

Besides naming Anwar as DPM, it might be a good idea to name a second DPM. This was done in Singapore. There is nothing wrong in doing so.

Quite possibly, name the second DPM from either Sabah or Sarawak. This will give a strong endorsement that Sabah and Sarawak are treated as equal partners in the formation of Malaysia.

GrayGoose8208: Shafie for PM would be a genius move. Muhyiddin and PN would be caught by surprise.

Mahathir and Lim Kit Siang can be senior ministers, Anwar as deputy PM, Mukhriz Mahathir as home minister. Lim Guan Eng can be finance minister, Mohamad Sabu as defence minister, Wan Azizah Wan Ismail as women’s minister.

These people will form the core leadership group.

Daylight: If Mahathir is again PM-designate, we might as well let Muhyiddin continue as PM. There is no difference between the two.

Mahathir will continue to do as he pleases and listen only to himself and his behind-the-scene advisors like former finance minister Daim Zainuddin.

PurpleKoala5651: Many have observed Mahathir's behaviour and actions before and after he assumed power. Harapan Plus cannot bet on him to keep his promises, including the very essence of reformation.

In the 22 months of the Harapan government, many voters were quite disappointed with Mahathir. It will be in the better interest of the nation for Mahathir to take a back seat.

OrangeViper: I think Anwar should be the PM and Mahathir the minister mentor. Anwar is the originator of the reform agenda. There is none on the scene who - including Mahathir - can understand the reform agenda as good as Anwar.

I am an admirer of Mahathir but I think it is time to allow Anwar to perform. Mahathir must prove his pledge of GE14 now and reclaim his legacy. There is no alternative.

Evin K: Good on Anwar for standing his ground - once bitten twice shy they say, but Anwar has been bitten several times now, so he is clearly wiser in his dealings.

It is time for Mahathir to hand over the reins and look at how he can reclaim Bersatu and reform the party from within. If Bersatu is to remain a party in the Harapan coalition, it must do so without an agenda to swallow the others up.

PKR still has remnants of Azmin Ali loyalists and Anwar must purge his party of these individuals, or just like Mahathir, see his party implode slowly. PKR is the most promising multiracial party of all and it can lead Harapan through its strong message of pure reforms.

Shafie has an uphill battle ahead of him, now that Musa Aman is free and will do whatever it takes to reclaim Sabah. Musa is still beloved in Sabah and there are many who remain loyal to him. Shafie must now focus all his attention on ensuring that Sabah doesn't fall into the hands of Umno again and continue to keep Sabah a reformed state.

Amanah also has a huge task ahead of them in its effort to push its agenda of moderation further into the PAS heartlands. Mat Sabu has shown tremendous potential in bringing the extreme and far-right towards the centre and this effort will prove the most important one of all in realising Malaysia's dream of becoming a first-world nation.

The DAP must keep its momentum going by showcasing that it is truly a multiracial party - its leadership must press on a firm message of inclusivity. It cannot just become a party to replace the MCA or there won't any difference between the two.

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