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YOURSAY | When frogs tell other frogs they cannot hop freely

This article is 4 years old

YOURSAY | ‘For PN to come up with an anti-hopping law now will only appear self-serving.’

Minister moots anti-hopping law to end debate on political coup

The Middle Man: It’s an irony for Communications and Multimedia Minister Saifuddin Abdullah - who hopped to Bersatu from PKR together with a bunch of treacherous and traitorous individuals, all seeking to capitalise on the tension-ridden power transition from Dr Mahathir Mohamad to Anwar Ibrahim - now he has the gall to sound all righteous about an anti-hopping law.

The problem with our politicians is their lack of credibility and integrity. We, the voters of GE14, will never forget the disappointments, frustrations and betrayal of those who caused the collapse of Pakatan Harapan.

Quigonbond: Saifuddin, coming up with the anti-hopping law now will only appear self-serving. Where was all the motivation when Harapan was in government?

The example given (on our voting system) is even more pathetic. Since the last two elections, BN has been a minority government. Yet you don’t hear them complaining. This is how the ‘first past the post’ system works.

Anyway, it’s all moot. You don’t even have the guts to have a parliamentary debate, much less calling a vote on anything right now.

GreenPigeon2045: Please send this part of the article to him:

“Saifuddin quit Umno to join PKR in 2015 and then left PKR in February together with former PKR deputy president Azmin Ali. He is now the Indera Mahkota MP for Bersatu.”

And he wants anti-hopping laws? This will affect his political survival. He should be careful which party he chooses as he may need to hop again after GE15.

Quo Vadis: The very best of the current political tradition - when frogs tell other frogs they cannot hop freely. What a profound insight, morally so very upstanding.

RedShark6167: Saifuddin, when Harapan won GE14 and before the cabinet ministers were appointed, many had supported you as one of the potential future leaders due to your past action of leaving Umno.

But unexpectedly the Umno DNA is still deep in your blood and you chose to betray Harapan. 

You have completely and forever lost your integrity and honour to your voters and the public who supported you.

1948observer: To enact an anti-hopping law now with Perikatan Nasional (PN) in power is to prevent PN losing its slim majority.

It is not fair to voters when elected representatives switch allegiance and jump ship. 

If this occurs, they must vacate their seats and allow voters to re-elect either them or other representatives to the Parliament or state assemblies.

The onslaught of the deadly virus pandemic should have been the primary focus of all politicians above everything, without jeopardising the prevailing political atmosphere with fragmentations and party-hopping.

GreenKoala0685: An independent candidate who runs and wins in an election can join or throw his or her support behind any political party.

However, a candidate that runs and wins on a political party ticket must relinquish his or her seat if he or she decides to leave the party, and a by-election must be called for that seat.

Undecided: Saifuddin, if you dare, then the fairest approach is for all the MPs involved in the Sheraton Move to resign and have a by-election to determine their status.

After that, there should be an agreement for PN or Harapan, whichever is in power, to propose an anti-hopping law.

NA: Politicians like Saifuddin are true politicians. You were the secretary-general of Harapan. And what did you do?

And now have the gall to talk about anti-hopping law when you just hopped. Incredible and unbelievable.

I guess that’s why he is a politician and I am not. No shame. No remorse. No integrity.

IndigoSwan6963: The one whose walk is blameless is kept safe, but the one whose ways are perverse will fall into the pit. Those who trust in themselves are fools, but those who walk in wisdom are sages.

Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy.

When the wicked rise to power, people go into hiding; but when the wicked perish, the righteous thrive. When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan.

The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern. If a ruler listens to lies, all his officials become wicked. The righteous detest the dishonest; the wicked detest the upright.

There is no home without a country. There is no Malaysian identity without a sense of belonging. To be Malaysian, we must embrace one another regardless of our ethnicity and religious background.

Our Constitution is supreme and all Malaysians must uphold it.

While the country is facing an insurmountable task to fight Covid-19 pandemic and the economy, we are facing a pandemic of political turmoil and uncertainties. 

The country will continue to sink if the livelihood of all communities is neglected.

The political and racial divide is deep and if not addressed, will plunge the country into oblivion. 

Wake up, all leaders, as we rakyat expect each and every one to be statesmen rather than rhetorical politicians.

To be able to set an exemplary example and lead the country forward and not down into the abyss.

Odysseus: Moot is talk. Talk is always empty for unethical people. So, the rakyat will listen and laugh because we know you are not serious.

Your livelihood is dependent on frogs. We will wait for the day you are thrown out.

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