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YOURSAY | Season of defection is here – it is raining frogs

This article is 4 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Legislative seats are now a commodity that can be traded.’

Azmin camp strikes another blow on Harapan in numbers game

Proarte: We see a continuing betrayal of the democratic process in action with each defection, and Bersatu president Muhyiddin Yassin and former PKR deputy president Azmin Ali seem to gloat at their treachery.

They know the rakyat will give them a bloody nose if an election is called once the Covid-19 pandemic settles. This is why they are desperate to hold on to power by any means and will use bribery, threats and trickery to get people to betray the electorate by defecting.

Once they are in power, they will further corrupt all important institutions such as the judiciary, police force, civil service and media in order the entrench their hold on power over the next three years.

Former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Azmin and Muhyiddin never intended to end kleptocracy - they merely wanted to be in a position where they could be kleptocrats like Najib.

It was former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak's and his wife's insatiable greed which his Umno rivals capitalised on to bring him down. Using the opposition Pakatan Haparan was the only means they could exploit to achieve their aims.

We now know their aim was never to change the racist, bogus piety and kleptocratic agenda of the Malay ruling elite. It is proven now that they are very much part of this immoral parasitic class which has blighted the Malays and Malaysia as a whole for far too long.

We do not 'mudah lupa' or forget easily that the opposition throughout Mahathir's 22-year tenure as PM, railed against his economic mismanagement, destruction of the judiciary, corruption of the police force, profligate projects and family kleptocracy.

Harapan should not be dealing with Mahathir and the people who subscribe to his brand of outdated politics. Let us not forget that Mahathir destabilised Harapan and reneged on the deal to hand over power to PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim.

Mahathir was instrumental in bringing down the Harapan government yet DAP, Amanah and Warisan still see him as a 'saviour'. How opportunistic, naive and unprincipled is that?

With Mahathir and his ilk on board, Harapan will be destabilised and the rakyat's dream of a 'New Malaysia' where each citizen will be accorded equal dignity and opportunities, with the resources of the nation safeguarded through good governance will never be realised.

When will Harapan realise that my enemy's enemy can never be my friend? There is no moral high ground in that. There are no short cuts towards achieving a principled and civilised democracy.

Goliath: First of all, this Iban ‘warrior’ (Lubok Antu MP Jugah Muyang) has no shame, respect and dignity. Betraying his voters for self-interest and for a piece of the pie is equal to a piece of garbage in the eyes of the rakyat.

To follow Azmin’s footstep into Perikatan Nasional (PN) is the single most disrespectful and unredeemable sin that will destroy his political career. May he face a karma worse than that of Azmin and his bunch of traitorous band of thieves.

Secondly, the rakyat is just waiting for a chance for the Harapan government to be restored so that this entire band of traitors and betrayers get the final nail in the coffin of their political career to ensure they do not betray the rakyat’s mandate again. The eye in the sky will see to that.

PurpleJaguar0553: Being a member of parliament or a state assemblyperson is no longer about being of service to the people or fulfilling the mandate given by the people or maintaining the trust of the people who voted for the party selecting the representative.

It has now become the start of a new economy in the post-Covid era. Legislative seats are now a commodity that can be traded. Each seat is now similar to a five-year concession.

The opportunity may be for a lucrative remunerative position or revenue stream if the elected representative plays his cards right and helps the ‘right’ party.

Prudent: Indeed, "democracy" in Malaysia is a scam and a con game. Once elected, these representatives are free agents to sell out to the highest bidder.

They can enrich themselves for the next five years - a very long time in politics. And in five years, they can become billionaires, if not multi-billionaires. But at the very least, they could become multi-millionaires, especially in these times of unstable government where a single representative or two could mean the end of the government.

The message to the younger generations: If you have little talent and want to become rich beyond your wildest dreams, become a politician. Better still, become a ‘ketuanan Melayu’ politician.

CPF: Harapan and DAP must give up their plan to take over Sarawak. The long game makes sense and Sarawak is winnable. But compared to the risk of kleptocracy and 2MDB, 3MDB, the right thing to do now is work with GPS.

It is about time Malaysia is led by Sabah and Sarawak leaders. As for Anwar, he deserves sympathy for wrongfully incarcerated and he also deserves respect and admiration for starting the reformasi movement, but perhaps, true leadership is not power but sacrifice for greater good. The return of kleptocracy can be stopped.

Jedibaba: Azmin, you came into power riding on the wave of a movement that wanted to move away from racism and corruption. By your actions, you have betrayed that trust for the sake of power and position. A time of reckoning will come.

RengitBP: There is an irony in all this. When Sri Gading parliamentarian Shahruddin Md Salleh switched from Harapan to PN, he was a traitor. When he switched back to Harapan, he is a hero returning the mandate of the people.

When Jugah switched from being an independent (people voted for him as independent) to PKR, he was a hero. When he switched from Harapan to being independent, he is called a traitor. How does this work? My 'katak' (frog) is tastier than yours, is it?

We voters, who do not have any say in this 'katak' hunting season, should push for GE15; where the real mandate will be had.

Beman: A government depending on spineless politicians who leap from one side of the fence to the other can only be a house of cards. This is the state of the current government.

Harapan is not going to be better if it is going to rely on the same unprincipled politicians to return to power.

Musa: Evidence of my innocence indisputable

Hang Babeuf: Former Sabah chief minister Musa Aman says evidence of my innocence is "indisputable". Yet people dispute the matter. So it is clearly not indisputable.

Zakir_Turun: I hope this "indisputable" evidence of "innocence" on Musa Aman's part is something that can be shared so that we can all see for ourselves how "innocent" he is.

I assume, of course, that such evidence is real and can be produced, and not just a bare assertion backed up by self-serving statements.

Tulus Ikhlas: We have managed to flatten the Covid-19 curve but the curve of corruption will take a big spike under PN.

GooseNBanter: In Malaysia, it will be more possible to catch a unicorn than a corrupt politician.

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