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YOURSAY | After decades in power, Dr M still needs to save Malays

This article is 4 years old

YOURSAY | ‘You left them with a group of self-serving political wolves that you nurtured during your 22 years.’

Dr M: Only those who stand up to Muhyiddin can save Malays and Malaysia

ToGodtheGlory: Dr Mahathir Mohamad, would you care to elaborate on why and how Malays need saving? Let us start with your first stint as a prime minister where you failed the Malays and left them with a group of self-serving political wolves that you nurtured during your 22 years.

It was you who left them defenceless with non-critical minds, the result of a poor education so much so they can't tell right from wrong.

By the way, I fully disagree with you that Malays, or any other race, are lazy. Perhaps you don’t know about the bell-curve graph when applied to the willingness to work would probably highlight that 20 percent of Malays are very hardworking, 60 percent average and the remaining 20 percent lazy.

This is just like any other race but by concluding that Malays are generally lazy, you came up with overly benevolent policies favouring them that slowly but surely brought long-term harm rather than good.

Straight Citizen: Indeed, the rot started when Mahathir disgracefully played the party-hopping game by wooing the unscrupulous politicians from Umno into Bersatu.

No Harapan supporter wanted to accept tainted people from Umno but he was determined to make Bersatu, his then tiny party, stronger through these defecting frogs.

Now when the frog game is played against him, he cries foul. I can't say 'padan muka' (serves your right) because I absolutely loathe Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin’s money-based regime, but I'll say this: “Serves you right for losing your premiership.”

A couple of things Mahathir said are true though, that the idea of DAP being powerless in Harapan and the fear of Chinese dominating the country and diminishing Malay rights are just pure fiction from the toxic Umno mill.

However, congratulations on ruining your legacy twice, Mahathir. Nobody has quite succeeded in doing this before. This is another entry into the Guinness Book of World Records.

Pelanduk: Mahathir, I just can’t see the logic of your words. Muhyiddin, with the support of Malay parties, is going to destroy the Malays? I really don't get it.

Now you are singing praises for DAP. It was you who once demonised DAP as a Chinese party.

For The Love Of Malaysia: How come now only Mahathir can see the agenda of Muhyiddin and his strategy. Didn't he plan all of this in the first place, only to be outwitted, out-manoeuvred by Muhyiddin?

Waris Gunung Panjang: Mahathir, with respect sir, the current politicians - corrupt or otherwise - are the products of your past leadership of Umno and as the CEO of the nation.

You were given by Allah 24 years to helm the nation, and you managed to create billionaires and millionaires among a small group of friends and cronies.

The gap between the rich and the poor grew steadily under your stewardship. Only the recent Shared Prosperity Vision plan gave some light to this concern.

So, don't be too gung-ho about criticising Malay politicians today. As a statesman and an elder, just give advice and not criticise.

And please retire from politics and share your wisdom, especially in rural areas where the marginalised Malays are since the days the British segregated the races in this country back in the early 1900s.

William Tell: In order to save not just the Malays but everyone in the country, it is important for everyone to stand up against Mahathir. He is the main cause of almost all of the problems faced by this country.

Institutionalised wrongdoing began with him, and it has become the guiding principle of the Malay leadership.

RedWolf4463: Mahathir, you are still as Malaycentric as ever, and you never learn. What about saving Malaysians and not just Malays?

GrayGoose8208: I fully agree but it must be for all Malaysians to stand up against Muhyiddin to save Malaysians, not just Malays saving themselves.

VioletSalmon5852: For more than 50 years, the country has been ruled by Malay leaders, yet the Malays are still poor, except for past and present corrupt leaders.

This is their failure to bring prosperity to the Malays and other races, except their friends and families. Please don't just “cakap kosong” (use mere rhetoric) to win votes. The rakyat are not stupid.

Dignity People: Malays being the majority race in Malaysia are not weak and don’t need a saviour. They can save themselves. What they need is a change of mindset - that they can do anything they set their mind to.

Gotcha: I totally agree that Malays will be economically destroyed by the Perikatan Nasional (PN) government. PN does not have capable people to manage the country.

It is now playing with rewards like posts in government-linked companies and ministerial-level appointments to remain in power.

Pakatan Harapan had capable people but unfortunately, the greed of self-interested traitors brought down its government. Let us pray that our country is saved from these characters in the interest of the rakyat.

Clever Voter: What has taken place is to be expected, a race-based society instead of evolving into a much more diverse, tolerant society has now gone the other way.

Politicians of both sides are bankrupt of ideas and continue to fight for a bigger share of Malay votes. Muhyiddin has nothing new to offer except to use what he learnt from his previous boss.

Already Muhyiddin is scaring those who oppose him by filing complaints even if there is no one to blame.

So long as money is up for grabs, there are shameless politicians who will continue to take as much as they can. There will be no end until the country runs out of resources.

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