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YOURSAY | 'There's no impasse beyond what Dr M has created'

This article is 4 years old

YOURSAY | 'Shafie, you are not the solution, but Mahathir's hatchet man.'

Shafie: I believe I am a solution to PM impasse, but Harapan indecisive

FairMalaysian: The problem lies with Sabah Chief Minister and Warisan president Shafie Apdal himself.

For a start, he was suddenly thrust into the limelight by former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad and anything attached to that name is a problem. Mahathir wanted a convenient proxy.

Secondly, Shafie has been adamant in being only in Mahathir's corner and he has made it clear that he will support Pakatan Harapan only if Mahathir becomes the PM. It looks like he may opt out of Harapan when Mahathir leaves.

Thirdly, his Warisan has only nine MPs. Minority parties wanting a shot to the top post can be tricky. It becomes entrapped by the majority parties surrounding it and cannot be seen as a healthy configuration.

It is good that Harapan shot the idea down. DAP and Amanah were cherry pickers, and their hope to regain power had their minds pasted to the wall, without giving a hoot that people were ready to punish them, not only for their indecisive horse-riding but also for their indiscretions.

It is sad that DAP seems to be reckless in not learning that it doesn't have carte blanche to the non-Malay votes. Just look at Tanjung Piai.

IndigoJaguar7545: Like Mahathir, you are literally without a coalition, Shafie.

If you cared so much about Harapan, you should've joined the coalition and fought hard in GE14. You refused and remained independent.

Now you claim you're ready for the PM post, yet with zero agenda.

Impasse? Where are all your MPs? Who supports you? DAP, Amanah and PKR left you. Bersatu hates you and continues to hate you. Mahathir hated you... until it was convenient to like you again.

Keep going, Shafie, and you'll see how Mahathir has been treated and how easily he failed. Your own state needs you much more than Harapan needs another PM candidate.

Constitutional Supremacy: Shafie is the right choice. If Harapan remains indecisive, the rakyat will hold it responsible for the impasse and failure.

PKR president Anwar Ibrahim does not have enough support. So, to save the country, Shafie should be nominated as the PM candidate without delay. He is very wise and capable.

The Wakandan: Mahathir came into Harapan and demanded the pole position and he dictated conditions to the Harapan coalition.

Impasse? What impasse? There is no impasse. The impasse was artificially created by Mahathir. He does not want Anwar to be PM. It is his way or nothing.

Anybody can be PM in the Harapan coalition. If they cannot get consensus then it has to be a majority decision as it should always have been - usually from the biggest party in the coalition, where nobody can really find fault. What's so difficult about that?

Making a condition does not work in a coalition. If you do not respect your coalition partners' rights, what is the meaning of a coalition then?

Aegis: What has Mahathir done other than creating division and resigning? He didn't have the numbers either, he was just making noise.

Is Mahathir helping Harapan at all? No, it is always about his own agenda and him giving orders to others, while expecting others to support him.

At 95, he still wants to hold Harapan to ransom, but luckily the coalition didn't fall for it. The PM post is not his birthright.

IndigoTrout2522: Harapan had already made its final decision. For the sake of unity and to regain the GE14 mandate, it is time to move on - for Shafie to support Anwar as PM candidate as well as to help mobilise support.

Anwar has been empowered to engage in discussions with anyone to realise this goal of retaking Putrajaya.

SapphireTiger8132: "The Semporna MP indicated that there will be further discussions in Kuala Lumpur when he attends Parliament sitting, which will begin on July 13."

And this is why Harapan is doomed to fail. If Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin’s government falls on that day, what will happen?

Harapan is like the captain of the Titanic, looking at supplier quotes for lifeboats as the waters cover his head.

Anwar has been empowered to engage in discussions with anyone to realise this goal of retaking Putrajaya... and has just been sitting on his thumbs.

Meanwhile, Perikatan Nasional (PN) is very active in tightening their grip on power.

MS: Welcome to the party, Shafie. Take a number and join the hundreds of Malaysiakini commentators, each of whom also believes he/she is the solution to the current impasse.

For instance, I know, like you, I have all the answers but who is there to believe me?

Quigonbond: Shafie, it's quite unbecoming of you to be the hatchet man for Mahathir. The boat has sailed, and Harapan is no longer indecisive.

Just like Mahathir, you have also betrayed the voters by pretending you agree to the Mahathir-Anwar transition.

You need to decide if you want corruption and abuse of power to reign under the guise of Malay power, or you really want to have an alternative.

If you want to have an alternative, it's time to discuss your place within the Harapan pack.

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