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YOURSAY | ‘PM candidate issue - Shafie should give it a rest’

This article is 4 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Whatever ideas that were mooted were only suggestions. Shafie should look at the bigger picture.’

It was Amanah, DAP who suggested me, says Shafie on PM candidate issue

Appum: Warisan leader Shafie Apdal, to come out with such late information, whether it is true or not, is not helping you, Pakatan Harapan and the future of Malaysia.

Just see how this backdoor government work in Parliament in the last few days. They just bulldozed everything without a care for proper parliamentary procedures.

Their three-vote majority shows they can do a lot of damage to this country like how six decades of BN had done.

They can just push through everything in Parliament with systematic political arrogance. What more can they do outside of Parliament in their effort to control and gain selfishly from this country?

Frankly Shafie, you still do not qualify to be a prime minister yet. You can be a deputy to PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim and learn the ropes.

Mazilamani: Shafie has now shifted the blame from Dr Mahathir Mohamad to DAP and Amanah for proposing him as the next PM candidate. If this is true, why the U-turn by DAP and Amanah?

As it were, Mahathir cannot work with Anwar and that revealed the deep crack not just between Bersatu and Harapan but probably with the other coalition partners too.

It is becoming clearer that Harapan was never united as it was presented to the public. No wonder, Harapan collapsed long before completing its term.

If Mahathir decides to form a new party and coalition before the 15th general election, the disunity will definitely be repeated. The rakyat will have to decide which coalition can form a stable government.

Naghul: First of all, stop going to Mahathir for every suggestion and solution. His time is over when he resigned without consulting the Harapan presidential council.

Stick with Harapan and discuss possible scenarios, including snap polls, and work out on a strategic plan if Parliament dissolves earlier.

Anonymous_47029368: DAP and Amanah made the mistake of switching their support to Anwar instead of Mahathir when they met the Yang di-Pertuan Agong in the midst of the Sheraton Move.

Now they are repeating the same mistake again by sticking to Anwar instead of supporting Shafie, whom they proposed.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. DAP and Amanah must wake up now before it’s too late.

Bobby0: Whatever ideas that were mooted were only suggestions. Shafie should look at the bigger picture.

For Harapan to win Putrajaya again, they need Anwar and Mahathir to work out a realistic approach. They have to be sincere in their agenda.

Besides Warisan, there is the Azmin Ali’s gang that will also face serious competition at the polls if they join Bersatu. In politics, there are no permanent friends or enemies. It is all about survival.

The main agenda that should drive them to work together is the direction this nation is heading. They can see plainly with their naked eyes, how justice is being trampled on, and how the Parliament that is supposed to hold the respect and the reputation of the nation (the crown on Malaysia’s head) is being utilised by individuals with their own selfish agenda.

If Harapan and its politicians are sincere in protecting this nation and its people, then it is time to put behind all their egos, selfish agendas and get their act together to work out a solution.

Otherwise, all these three - Mahathir, Anwar and Shafie - are hypocrites of the highest order.

Anonymous Who: Shafie, you must come to a solution. The people are torn. I have no idea why the DAP and Amanah suggested Shafie, but I believe they desperately wanted to get back to power before more and more crooks walk free.

I still say Anwar should be the PM candidate and Shafie the DPM candidate.

OmegaCentral: Shafie should explain why he rejected the Anwar-Mukhriz Mahathir formula instead of beating around the bush.

Secondly, what made DAP leader Lim Guan Eng propose Shafie when he (Shafie) had rejected Anwar? Is he (Anwar) also not entitled to reject Shafie?

Thirdly, we can trace all these problems to Mahathir’s resignation without consulting the Harapan presidential council. If he had, I'm sure we'll still have a Harapan government with Mahathir still in charge.

Lastly, it is mind-boggling to see Guan Eng and Amanah leader Mohamad Sabu still trusting Mahathir when he let Harapan down and crushed the hopes of a better future for many voters.

Bright Morning Star: Sudahlah (enough), Shafie. Harapan has moved on with Anwar as their PM candidate. That was the original plan, and it still is.

I think the people now don't give two hoots about what had transpired behind the scenes. The decision has already been made and you are either in or out.

If you want to be in, then go all out to support Anwar as PM. At least, there's a fighting chance for Harapan to regain Putrajaya.

Otherwise, go fly kites with your master and be prepared to ride together into the sunset.

Quigonbond: Yes, for Pete's sake, give it a rest.

The discussion probably went like "So if Mahathir doesn't want Anwar, and Anwar doesn't want Mahathir, and we can't have Guan Eng, are you guys thinking Shafie?" and Mahathir and Shafie conveniently took that as a "suggestion".

Anwar is a national leader, while Shafie is a state warlord. If Shafie really wants to build a stature for himself, forget about who suggested what. Tell us what vision you have for this country. Ask Warisan to produce a national manifesto.

Coward: Indeed, get over it, the moment had come and gone.

It's probably mentioned as a potential solution at the time. After much thinking, both parties that explored the proposal did not find enough to go through with it. That's normal.

Shafie, you are still young. Bide your time. If you are capable and it is yours, then good, it will come to you. Showing that you are bitter over something small like this does not improve your chance in the future.

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