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YOURSAY | 'Boomers' exhibiting bad behaviour in Parliament

This article is 4 years old

YOURSAY | 'We, the voters, share the blame as we keep voting in these people.'

'Parliament is not a wet market' - Patriot excoriates MPs' behaviour

The Middle Man: One can see in Malaysian parliamentary debates that the MPs lack the quality, intelligence and civility expected of these so-called representatives.

We can see there are several MPs who continue to exhibit uncouth mannerism, childish behaviour and total disregard for the august House. They behave like primates, shouting, cussing and clowning around, even ignoring the speaker’s directive to stop.

Why should taxpayers' money be paid to these MPs who continue to make a mockery of themselves?

Parliament should enact a law to severely punish an MP for unparliamentary behaviour, actions and language should the person be found to be guilty of intentional misconduct, racist abuse and malicious propagation, including stripping off the person’s position and holding fresh elections.

Kuniyo: Yes, it is disgusting to see boomers arguing in the august House. This is not what they are elected for and this is not what taxpayers are paying them for.

Our politics are in the mess because of these boomers. They should have retired a long time ago and this is definitely not ‘politik matang’ (mature politics). The recent ‘Parlimen Digital’ held by youths is more inspiring, courteous and mature.

The next general election should retire all boomers from both sides and let the country be run by young people. They have more energy and passion to reform.

We shouldn’t vote for anyone above 60 in the next GE, only then the country can have a fresh start. Don't bother about voters who are boomers. There are not many of them, and we shouldn't let them dictate our future.

Oriole: @Kuniyo, I agree that some of the older generations of politicians show a lack of class and decorum. But if you observe, this is a pervasive problem of Malaysian politics. So, an ageist comment is not adding any wisdom to this situation.

I am sure that many "boomers" - to use your parlance - were at the heart of movements to restore dignity and democracy to the nation through the last GE.

So, let's be a bit careful here.

Heron: The fracas is perhaps also an unfortunate indication of the circumstances, consequent level of stature and reputation of the present government in power.

Some of these MPs do not deserve their ‘Yang Berhormat’ title for shocking us with their lack of decorum in Parliament. The first-time speaker did acquit himself reasonably well.

As for political parties nominating candidates with existing racial and religious bias, the solution may rest largely on a more effective vetting of candidates by the party before elections.

Joint public and town hall meetings of nominated candidates in a constituency could also prove very useful in separating genuine leaders from those undeserving.

There is obviously much we can observe, appreciate and emulate pertaining to Singapore, which is way ahead of us in many ways.

Straight Citizen: Well said, sir. We can always expect to hear sense from our own genuinely knighted 'Orang Yang Dihormati' Patriot president Brigadier-General (Rtd) Mohamed Arshad Raji (photo, above).

Respect in all its true sense should be earned when one conducts oneself with dignity, honour, intelligence and wisdom. Some of our lawmakers have really displayed tremendous immaturity and brought shame to our Parliament.

It’s obvious many of our Malaysian voters cast their vote based on parties, rather than the actual competence, ability and integrity of the candidate.

Toh May Fook: Patriot, please do not insult those in wet markets. People in wet markets do not scream and shout to intentionally cause disturbances, distractions and chaos at the expense of the taxpayers.

Most certainly, no one in a wet market will collectively berate a 95-year-old man with extreme meanness, whatever his failings may be.

Just a Malaysian: Sadly, for the man who for 22 years allowed and even encouraged the ruling party’s uncouth behaviour towards opposition parties, is today sitting on the opposition side, being shouted at, taunted and with his head hanging down and lips pursed.

I do feel sad for former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad to be treated this way at 95. But as I reflect back to all the years of his actions, manipulations and scheming, he has met his days of reckoning.

These are his trained proteges who were happily tearing and shouting down DAP and any opposition during his heyday.

Justice: We, voters, are to be blamed because these are the same joker MPs who misbehaved at every previous parliamentary session and yet we keep voting for them, just because they claimed to fight for the ‘ketuanan’ of our race and/or religion.

My son in kindergarten behaves 1,000 times better than them. They clearly, and urgently, need help. I fully support Patriot’s statement.

Dummies Dhimmi: Looking at the social media comments that support such political hooligans makes me think that all is lost.

It’s easy to see that as long as these rowdies have a base, they will continue to misbehave. Those who continue to extend their support to the rude behaviour of their leaders are equally to blame.

Ipohcrite: It's time we have a name-and-shame list of MPs who behaved like louts and brought disrepute to Parliament. Better still, if we have video recordings of their loutish behaviour, we should viral them to the public.

I can't imagine that they can still be proud after their families have witnessed their shameful behaviour.

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