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YOURSAY | Opposition still going in circles over PM candidate issue

This article is 4 years old

YOURSAY |Mahathir continues to play the divide-and-rule game.’

Shafie as PM candidate mooted by Guan Eng, says Dr M

GoldenOtter9915: Pakatan Harapan presidential council needs to sit and thrash out the issue of prime minister candidate and the shadow cabinet.

Dr Mahathir Mohamad has been a let-down in pursuing the ‘reformasi agenda’. Should Harapan look to garnering the Malay votes via Mahathir as the PM for the third time? Does Harapan want to perpetuate race and religion-based politics or abandon it altogether and not have race-based component parties?

Why the issue of who could garner more support? Why can't Harapan throw its weight behind the agreed leader and work together? There should be no open bickering like before. It destroys the spirit of cooperation. All component parties must be committed to the common agenda and cause.

What about PKR president Anwar Ibrahim as the PM and Warisan president Shafie Apdal as deputy?

Vijay47: We wonder why a man in his dotage would resort to this. Why Mahathir would filch from himself what little may remain of his good name, robbing himself of that which not enriches him but makes him poor indeed.

Despite the frailties of age, surely he, with his mutated wisdom, can discern the approaching footsteps in the shadows and realise that now may be the time to make amends for past and recent transgressions.

Yet, Mahathir continues with his stubborn self-destructive ways, driven by some inexplicable obsession to eradicate enemies real and imagined, holding fast to his long days of treachery.

Of the personalities in this trio, Anwar must carry the least blame - his greatest sin being that he trusted too much and kept on hoping without unsheathing his own sword.

DAP leader Lim Guan Eng was no longer his father’s son, his only concern was that he would win the affection of the masters or at least earn less of their disdain. Guan Eng could not do enough to satisfy them, not that he achieved any measure of success even as he lost the support of his own admirers.

The ship is floundering, taking in water heavily and sinking is imminent. Yet Mahathir is unmindful, he does not care that the country will be regained by thieves and cheats and criminals. This possible calamity does not deter him from plunging his dagger again and again into Anwar.

The Wakandan: Mahathir, no doubt, is a very brilliant person of his time. He has captivated the nation by playing a major role in shaping it for what it is today. He has been a major scene in Malaysian politics for nearly half a century. He even became a PM for a second time at an age where nobody has ever done before.

Being brilliant, however, may not be necessary being good. We have a saying - mad scientist, evil doctor. It is how a person makes use of his ability that really counts, and Mahathir will be remembered for bringing our country into stagnation by a racist ideology.

Some may welcome that but we could have done better, what with all our natural and human resources. Our neighbour countries could do it, we surely could not be any lesser but less we are. All because of Mahathir.

We started well but today, the culmination of Mahathirism ended in a dysfunctional country where corruption is the norm and the country is split, divided and can only be destroyed by selfish racism and religious bigotry.

Mahathir’s brilliance is proven in a way what he says and does will result in the preoccupation of the Malaysians’ mind to no end. He just needs to post a blog or make an appearance and we would be debating on it for days. We are, one way or the other, being pulled by the noses or being hypnotised by him.

To get out of that, one should need to only think - what would be the effect of the things he says and does? Just the effect and not so much to delve into the analysis of his speech. Here it is:

The cumulation effect of what he said and did - the downfall of Harapan government. He is smart enough that if he wanted to, Harapan did not need to fall. The majority was astounding, only a fool will lose a government with that kind of majority, and he is no fool.

Now he is continuing on what he has left - Harapan needs to be utterly destroyed simply because it is the only viable opposition to BN and now, Perikatan Nasional (PN).

All those tell-all about Guan Eng, about Shafie, about Anwar or about who will be Harapan PM - what do you think is the effect of bringing these up? No prize for that but one thing for sure - it is to create further enmity and misunderstanding among the Harapan coalition and undermine it in the eyes of the public.

Harapan, don’t fall into Mahathir’s trap because if you do, you may never get out.

Cogito Ergo Sum: Mahathir, we are here because of what you did yesterday. Stop blaming all and sundry and admit what everyone already knows and is too polite to say: you caused the downfall of Harapan by resigning.

You have openly admitted you could neither stand Anwar nor the scruples of the DAP. Both would not close an eye to your machinations in the economics and political affairs of Malaysia. But your calculations misfired and now, at 95, you are alienated from the very people you championed and kicked out of the party you started.

While pity is what we should feel for you, it is not the emotion in many. Now go and mend the fences and build the bridges that you broke. But do not contract it out. Do it yourself, with sincerity and integrity.

GrayFalcon1642: I assume that political ethic in politics is equally as important as business ethic in commercial dealings and business norms.

If you are being shortlisted as a candidate to fill a position of CEO or COO, or being nominated by some influential guy for the crown jewel position but the arrangement didn’t materialise due to some reasons, you don’t spill out or leaked any material information.

You don’t need to publish to the whole world that you had been offered such a high-rank post by one reputed company or someone influential unless your intent is to sabotage it. This is utterly unprofessional.

Bobby0: Mahathir, you are going in circles to confuse and divide Harapan. It was already decided, even before the elections, on who will be the PM after you. So why this run around?

If you and Warisan give the support to Anwar, then you are already in a very strong position. The DPM post can be reserved for Shafie and a representative from Sarawak as DPM 2.

But it was already decided by you when Harapan handed the PM position to you that you would not, in turn, pass it over to Anwar. So why are you insisting that it was mooted by the DAP to recommend Shafie as the PM? Is it to put a wedge between PKR and DAP?

You are still playing the divide-and-rule game. It clearly shows that you have every intention for PN to come to power. That you are waiting for the right time to throw your support behind Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin.

So stop this false accusation. Stop this creation of animosity between the Harapan partners. You have achieved what you actually wanted - a Malay administration.

The question is at what price? Only time will tell.

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