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YOURSAY | ‘Don’t expect Najib and Zahid to sacrifice themselves’

This article is 4 years old

YOURSAY | ‘This is because they know that only by returning to power can save them.’

Sacrifice if you love the Malays, Ku Li tells 'cacat' Zahid and Najib

PurpleJaguar0553: The Umno that loved the country has long ago disappeared from our shores. In its place is a juggernaut with an insatiable appetite for all the wealth that this country can generate, and even that will not satiate it.

Look at its members and MPs clamouring for positions in government-linked companies (GLCs) and government agencies the moment they got back into government.

The country and people are no longer important to them. To be fair, this affliction affects the entire BN as well as PAS.

Sadly, too many Malaysians are willing to exchange their votes for handouts rather than real meaningful change.

Change involves hardship and sacrifice and the B40 (bottom 40 percent) and M40 (middle 40 percent) in these difficult times cannot stomach that and prefer what they can receive in the short term, rather than worry about the longer term and the future of the next and future generations.

We are on a downward spiral because of the past and our inability or unwillingness to elect only those who will break from it and push for change that will see real benefits in the next 10 years.

Booby0: Which century do you live in, Umno chief advisor and Gua Musang MP Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah (Ku Li)? At least in the 60s and 70s, MPs were people with character and they were respected.

Now, look at today’s politicians who are all trying to grab GLC positions and directorships even if some of them are not qualified for the posts.

They are led by a leader who was not even elected to the position, so what do you expect from his followers?

Let us face the facts. Today's politicians put themselves and their priorities above the nation. If they didn’t do so, they would not be in this position of being dragged through the courts for the many scandals afflicting the nation.

Former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak and Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi know that if given the opportunity, they will want to return to their previous positions.

Sacrifice for the nation is for fools as far as they are concerned.

Mazilamani: This is a welcoming suggestion by Razaleigh.

Umno leaders and members are obligated to decide which needs priority attention, the party or individuals, for its survival. Don't allow greed for position and power to kill the party.

The perception out there among the Malays, especially the 25- to 40-year-old age group, is that a majority of the leaders are tainted and well past their shelf life.

Umno definitely needs new blood transfusion of young leaders. Surely there are thousands of such capable and diversely talented youths out there, within and outside the party.

There is this possibility many may return to Umno if the senior leaders step down or offer the younger leaders to take over the driving seat.

The seniors may decide to take a back seat to mentor and guide new leaders. Treat them as you will treat your own children to succeed you.

The same applies to other political parties. There are too many dinosaurs in most parties.

It is about time the young come forward as political frontliners. We should have no doubt in their capabilities or talents.

It was the young doctors and health personnel alongside the young uniformed enforcement officers who are now leading and protecting the nation to keep the Covid-19 pandemic under control.

In addition, many of the key personnel in corporations fall under the youth group.

9th of May: Razaleigh is right, Umno must change. The image of Umno is greed and corruption, so you must get rid of these before you can move on, and only the Malays can do it.

For example, the Chinese will not vote for MCA again because the Chinese equate MCA as good for nothing, and you can see that in the last election.

OrangeKoala1303: Razaleigh, first you should ask yourself if you can sacrifice yourself for the rakyat. Everyone knows the answer.

So, what makes you think these two men will do it? All of you are cut from the same cloth. All of you join politics to fill your own pockets.

Williamdc: So, if Umno gets back into power, Razaleigh and his party will let the ‘cacat’ duo back into the fold after five years?

So, after five years, or one term, religious values and society’s views won’t matter anymore? Give us a break.

Fredtan: Ku Li is still dreaming as a 'compromised candidate' for PM in case of a situation of impasse on who should be next PM among its current top leaders if Umno wins.

Isn't that the same as in recent DAP-Amanah's move when Warisan leader Shafie Apdal was proposed by Dr Mahathir Mohamad? (or by DAP Lim Guan Eng?) to be Harapan's choice as PM?

Cogito Ergo Sum: ‘The love of money is the root of evil’ says the good book. And it is this love and not love of race, religion or country that motivates Najib, Zahid and a few others in Umno.

Asking them to sacrifice anything is like asking them to cut off their right hand. And in some societies, this is the punishment for theft.

Indeed, asking them to sacrifice anything is really asking too much.

Anonymous 93887546720228: Don’t expect the two to sacrifice themselves for they know that only through returning to power will guarantee them a get-out-of-jail card.

Shenandoah: Are Najib and Zahid still controlling the 'purse strings'? If not, vote them out.

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