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YOURSAY | Najib verdict – don’t let the thieves take away our rights

This article is 4 years old

YOURSAY | ‘We have much to do and that should be at the ballot boxes.’

Najib guilty of all seven charges related to SRC International

Judge, prosecutor make history with conviction of former PM

MS: While many will rejoice at the "guilty on all seven charges" verdict, it is equally saddening that after 60 over years of independent governance, after the billions spent on education, including moral education and religious education, after decades of sloganeering and proselytising and the establishment of billion ringgit outfits like Jakim, Biro Tatanegara (BTN), Jasa, the former prime minister of the country, who ought to be a role model, has turned out to be nothing more than a common thief.

In any civilised country with strong moral fibre, such a verdict would immediately invoke soul searching among leaders across the board, especially among those who preach and pontificate periodically and present their religious beliefs as superior to all others.

Others in this sanctimonious group should be those who push the ‘master race’ idea as some sort of creed.

Should Malaysians expect such introspection to take place? Would leaders of civil society across ethnic lines join hands to determine what went wrong and decide not to continue on the same path that has led us to where we are today?

Or will the majority simply shrug this off as another minor political event of no real consequence to the wellbeing of the country?

The Wakandan: High Court judge Mohd Nazlan Mohd Ghazali has given what is expected by any right-thinking Malaysian. What is really stunning here is the integrity of the judge who stands by his principle in doing what is right.

After seeing how such related cases where the accused were acquitted, and hearing how the accused pretended not to know what was going on in his bank accounts and lying about the Arab donation, we can never be sure how the verdict would turn out.

Today, with this judge, it gives hope to the section of Malaysians who still believe that the country will weather the corruption and the destruction that the country is facing.

We have much to do and that should be at the ballot boxes. Don’t allow thieves, racists and religious bigots to destroy us and take away our rights and freedom.

Cogito Ergo Sum: The entire nation applauds and salutes the judgment and the judge. So thorough was the court’s reasoning, it will be hard to appeal on the law.

This decision must stand as a benchmark for all upcoming corruption trials and the reasoning stands out as a study in writing judgments. It has gone a long way in restoring pride to the judicial system in our nation.

The judgment is almost flawless. It would be very difficult to disturb the findings of this court. The prosecutor was very sharp and his cross-examination deflected the attempts by the defence to sully the evidence adduced.

This is indeed a benchmark case. It would take a very brave and foolhardy panel in the higher courts to overturn its findings. A good day’s job done all round. And the winner is “The People”.

Fredtan: What? Najib did not send the late Saudi King Abdullah Abdulaziz Al Saud a thank you note for RM2.6 billion ‘donation’?

Once, when my family and I were treated to a RM50 meal by a friend who paid the bill without informing me, I dropped my ‘donor’ a 'thank you' note the next day.

How 'ungrateful' of Najib in not sending a note to thank the generous Saudi king for his billion dollars 'donation’.

FairMalaysian: It is also a day to rejoice for Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin. Killing two birds with a single throw is not that easy but there you are.

This may set Umno on a path of closing the chapter on Najib and his politics. Contrary to what Najib's supporters may believe, a number of Umno leaders may heave a sigh of relief to get rid of the plague that has contaminated the party and has been a sticking point in redirecting the party.

For now, Muhyiddin's hand and name will be strengthened with this verdict. He has given a cause/reason for the Malays to support him exponentially.

This, of course, will depend on what kind of moves Najib will be making but it will be fair to say that his support from Umno members and the Malays have been dented and with a lot more charges hanging over his head, his comeback trail will be hounded and impeded by all the negatives that he had so far eluded. People generally don't identify with "losers".

The judgment is profound in its clarity and it may be difficult for Najib to mount his defences should he wish to appeal. One can safely say that the era of Najib has come to an end, or at least it is the beginning of the end.

Constitutional Supremacy: Thanks to judge Mohd Nazlan. Thanks to lead prosecutor V Sithambaram and his team. Thanks to former attorney-general Tommy Thomas and former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad during whose time the charges were filed.

During Muhyiddin time, the withdrawal of charges against Najib’s stepson Riza Aziz and former Sabah chief minister Musa Aman required an explanation from the AG.

No one has been charged after Perikatan Nasional (PN) took over, such as Nik Abduh Nik Abdul Aziz and the alleged RM90 million given to PAS leaders. Statements were recorded when MACC was under Latheefa Koya. Both Latheefa and Thomas should be brought back.

Clever Voter: The process is lengthy and there are higher courts which can overturn High Court verdicts. No one should celebrate until the final verdict is handed down.

Najib has history on his side, and he should not lose sleep. After all, he is a seasoned politician and he knows his way around. This looks like a reversal of what happened to PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim several years ago.

Malaysia Bharu: Though many had their doubts, salute to the judge that has stood up for justice despite the political implications.

While Najib has been implicated of wrongdoings by international investigations into the 1MDB scam and in the court of public opinion, it is heartening that Malaysian justice has prevailed at a time of much political dissensions.

Vijay47: As judge Mohd Nazlan mockingly pointed out, all roads lead to Rome, except that Najib led his to Riyadh.

The big problem for Najib was that after some time, the line between reality and fable became blurred, and he believed he was ‘King of the Road’. Yet for Thomas and his prosecution team, it was a ‘Long and Winding Road’, but they never lost their way, they stuck to the roadmap.

So Najib, no point now in singing ‘Take Me Home, Country Road’. In fact, with Umno leaders Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim joining you in the chorus, it’s time for you to cry ‘Goodbye Yellow Brick Road’.

For an encore, Deep Purple can accompany you in ‘Oranges and Lemons’.

YOURSAY | The arc of truth is long, but it bends towards justice

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