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YOURSAY: ‘So now Najib thinks he is Robin Hood’

This article is 4 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Suddenly, it is fashionable for everyone to claim that stolen funds are used to help the unfortunate.’

After guilty verdict, Najib claims SRC money was for orphans, Umno

Vijay 47: Romantic rogue that he well might be, Robin Hood is still considered a criminal under the Nottingham Town, Village, and Forest Professions Act 1424.

The sheriff of Nottingham would not be inclined to view favourably Robin’s defence that he was actually robbing the rich to feed the poor. No sir, the law is the law, break it and it is off to the stockades with you.

In his current and even earlier delusions, former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak may consider himself a latter-day Robin Hood or philanthropist, that he is more to be admired than admonished since what was consistently closest to his heart was the well-being of the people in the hood.

No sir, that won’t wash, although tales of such concern may be the stuff that Hindi movies are made of - the part about the orphans is sure to move the house to tears. Nevertheless, there is just this much treacle that people can stomach.

He was penalised for giving money to Umno. Surely it takes a brave man to come out with such an excuse. It is akin to Robin crying that the money was only for the boys in the band. Or is that Ali Baba?

It has suddenly become fashionable for everyone facing criminal charges or found guilty thereof to claim that the funds stolen were donated to foundations established to help the unfortunates.

Najib may get some pointers on this touching line of mitigation from Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, himself the current champion of charity with his own numerous foundations. Sadly, High Court judge Mohd Nazlan Mohd Ghazali did not buy this sad fable, as evidenced in his “unfair” decision.

Meanwhile, back at Sherwood Forest in the comfort of its shady trees, Maid Marion would be lamenting at the injustices of life apart from being deprived of croissant and Swiss chocolates. No doubt, much to Little John’s and Friar Tuck’s amusement.

The Wakandan: The video message by the ‘Malu Apa Bossku’ is directed at his audience.

It is a damage control attempt with the Sabah state election in mind. It will be an uphill battle for Umno there. Former Sabah chief minister Musa Aman was caught with his pants down and Najib himself was just convicted of corruption.

The people would have to be only half as smart and they would reject Musa and Perikatan Nasional (PN) - the symbol of corruption, stupidity and dictatorship.

PAS was also caught in their own conundrum and had to persuade Najib to admit culpability but for the sake of good cause - a modern-day Robin Hood. But who are they kidding?

PW Cheng: A big-time robber trying to gain sympathy by saying that he is Robin Hood. All his nonsense does not hold water. Look at the enormous amount of loot found when he was raided by the police.

Mo Saladin: Philanthropy as a quick fix for master manipulators to launder their reputation for good press or act as a front for questionable money simply doesn't work anymore. Especially when criminal charges and convictions keep piling up.

Frankly, Najib, even the Columbian drug lord Pablo Escobar didn’t pretend to be Robin Hood.

Justice: Going by Najib’s logic, it is okay for anyone to rob somebody or a bank so long as he or she or they can prove the money was given to or spent on someone else, for example, school kids and even their political party. Or in Najib’s case, his party Umno.

If that is the case, all political parties can go and rob to generate money for their election campaigns. Is there a law for that?

By giving the 1MDB money, which is taxpayers’ money, to buy Umno support for Najib is surely an abuse of public money for his personal and political benefit.

Myviews: You work hard, earn what you worked for, and get paid. After that, when you feel generous, you donate some to the poor. That's called charity.

You did not work hard. You stole from the government coffers which the people entrusted you to look after. With that money, you and family had a jolly good time and spent on luxurious goods (in millions, mind you). Then, using other peoples' money (entrusted to you for safekeeping), you pass some to the disadvantaged. That's not charity, that's theft.

Can you now understand the difference? Even a six-year-old kid knows the difference. It’s best to keep your mouth shut. The more you open your mouth, the more you show your lack of intelligence.

Oriole: So, Najib is building his case for the appeal now by admitting he took the money, but he only used it for charity.

Was this why he dragged some "orphans" to the courthouse with him on the day of the verdict? This is embarrassing, cheap and despicable. We know politicians to be slimy, but this must take the cake.

And the rest of Umno is tainted by this new level of slime. What a stinking mess this man has created for himself, his party and his so-called followers who look every bit as slimy.

BlueShark1548: Najib, let your lawyers take up all your points with the Court of Appeal. However, the rakyat’s perception was already formed years ago and it was not after the court verdict.

During the time when the 1MDB issue was raised and you were PM, were you transparent and put your points to the Parliamentary Audit Committee?

Why did former attorney-general Mohamed Apandi Ali, auditors and the 1MDB board alter the audit report and sidetrack investigations?

The rakyat held you accountable years ago before this judge convicted you. Live with it.

Maybe Pekan folks and those in rural areas may still hold you in high regard, which would then place Malaysia akin to the Philippines where the Marcos family could still get elected.

Joe Lho: The great irony is that money laundering laws were passed when he was the PM. How can you claim ignorance and give excuses?

MPJY: I really don't know why Najib is saying all this now. Why not openly announce this charity intention years ago and have the money sent to the appropriate account instead of his own account?

I think the media is "giving Najib slowly a bit of rope at a time and let everyone watch him hang himself".

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