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YOURSAY | Mara, too, is tarnishing nation’s name in Australia

This article is 4 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Silly Aussies. I am surprised this is even an offence.’

Mara building scandal - Aussie cops charge man with corruption

Slumdog: Unlike in Malaysia we can be sure there won’t be any Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) or the Australian Federal Police (AFP) raiding the offices of The Sydney Morning Herald or The Age over their reporting of the bribing of Malaysian officials in order to secure the sale of a multi-million-dollar apartment complex in Melbourne to Mara.

Vijay47: Like Al Jazeera, the Australian media is out to tarnish Malaysia’s image. The so-called bribes are nothing but the usual rewards and remuneration of carrying out business transactions.

I mean, would Mara officials ever cheat?

Two Come Out: We worried about our reputation as alleged in Al Jazeera documentary but this is another example where we did nothing while foreign courts are prosecuting crimes committed by Malaysians.

Headhunter: And we thought the purchase (of a student accommodation block, Dudley House, at an inflated price to provide kickbacks to a group of Malaysian officials) was for the benefit of Malaysian students?

Who are the officials? Shouldn't they be charged for accepting bribes?

GreenHamster8043: How can the Malays sit still? Majlis Amanah Rakyat (Mara) is set up to enhance the development of the Malays but these officials are allegedly cheating and stealing from the very people they are supposed to help.

And the cheated race is taking the cheating and theft like it’s okay to steal and cheat. What an irony.

MI71002333833: Everyone knows the answer but nobody wants to acknowledge the truth as it is unacceptable. The truth always hurt, so it is better we do not see, hear or face it.

FairMalaysian: So, it appears to be true - these men will sell the country for their personal gain. Who are these chaps who took the corruption money and who were they representing?

Even a rotten fish won't stink this bad.

BlueShark1548: It is sad that rural Malays, Orang Asli and bumiputeras failed to get the benefits they deserved and yet a majority of them still vote for leaders who abused their powers.

It is time that we set up a special and independent body to assist the Malays and bumiputeras where it has to be accountable to Parliament. That way, the objective would be achieved.

MadLuddite: In another news report, PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim asked why bumiputeras still lag far behind even with decades of special treatment. This article provides the answer.

BlueShark1548: Must there a police report be made before MACC moves? Why no action by Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) as well, as money laundering might be involved.

Cascara: Silly Aussies. I am surprised this is even an offence. This is the way business is conducted in Malaysia, and no one will question it.

This is the way to earn millions without doing any real work. The world needs to learn from Malaysia.

COMMENT | Tears won't flow for the fallen leader

MS: On the one hand, you have High Court judge Mohd Nazlan Ghazali and on the other, there is former prime minister Mohd Najib Razak.

The real tragedy that has befallen Malays is that the latter has come to represent them, define them even.

The very fact that Malays (of the Umno, PAS, Bersatu variety) do not appear to be revolted by the thought of a thief and a convicted criminal being their icon and leader says everything about the culture of entitlement, wealth and ostentation that has completely corrupted them.

Still, it is the presence of one such as Mohd Nazlan that holds out a flicker of hope - that there are, even if unheard and unrecognised, honourable, thoughtful and substantially educated Malays, untainted by power and privilege, ready, willing and able to speak the truth with such rare clarity.

The fact that we never get to hear them as often as we should is the one reason we live in fear - that the country has been overrun by the scoundrels, the backstabbers, the bigots, the thieves and the supremacists, snuffing out what little hope there was in May 2018.

Clever Voter: Remaining defiant is probably the only way out for Najib, fuelled by a misguided notion that money can buy everything, including his freedom.

Najib has probably come to the realisation that there is hope so long as he can continue to sponsor everything in the attempt to distract and get him the ‘get out of jail free’ card.

The behaviour of most rogue politicians is the same everywhere, and Najib’s attempt to ‘escape’ in the aftermath of his electoral defeat shows this man knows the consequences.

XoXo: He is a consummate liar who thinks too highly of himself and that the Malay race is beholden to him. The point here is why didn't he come out to say what he said in court when news of 1MDB first came out in the open.

If all he said in court is true, then why did he go all out to shut up and persecute all and sundry during the early days of 1MDB back in 2015 and 2016.

He had all the opportunities to present his evidence to the country when he was in power but he chose instead to keep it under wraps.

Daylight: Today’s Umno is not the Umno of old. This is actually Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s Umno Baru.

Today’s Umno is viewed as a money machine for a selected group of leaders and their cronies. Hence, to equate it to the old Umno who served the Malays well is not correct.

Indeed, there is a faction who wants to reform Umno after GE14 but they are facing resistance from the tainted leaders who refuse to give way.

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