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YOURSAY | A ‘fairer and gentler’ society for Najib and family

This article is 4 years old

YOURSAY | ‘He leaves a debauched legacy pervaded with endemic corruption, racism, abuse of power…’

MP SPEAKS | No, Najib - You did not leave behind a fairer and gentler society

The Wakandan: Good article, Setiawangsa MP Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad.

We would not be like this had it not been for former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak and his wife's excesses while he had the grip of power.

The Goods and Services Tax (GST) was a disaster. How we dreaded its impending implementation, and when it finally came, everything turned upside down. Price of goods increased and the man on the street found life had changed, and that was when everything became unmanageable.

Najib was born with a silver spoon. He was a privileged Malay elite. From young he enjoyed life in England.

He was thrown into politics upon the early demise of his father and became MB of Pahang at 29. The rest is history as he went on to become the PM of Malaysia.

Najib is out of touch and could never feel and experience the life of an ordinary Malay. He never experienced what it is like to struggle for a living.

The people were elated when he gave them Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M) but that was because of how poor they were that even a paltry sum would bring great relief to their families.

Najib was a useless spoil brat. He could never appreciate what is responsibility. He could never understand the responsibility he had as a PM. It is all for himself and to enjoy life.

Apa Ini: It’s amazing that Najib actually said he left a "fair and gentler" Malaysia. For who?

Cash was, still is, king. He promoted greed and led by example with corruption. He fed into his wife's vanity, who needs so many handbags priced at 100 times the average Malay income that she doesn't even personally carry?

All he did was blindly sign away the monies that poured into his account; apparently it was not his business to question where they came from and why.

Malaysians, even the most innocent among us, know he is a corrupt man and only the first among many. Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, you are next.

Just A Malaysian: A kinder and fairer society? Ask Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu, MACC prosecutor Kevin Morais, Ambank founder Hussain Najadi and many more.

What Najib did was to create a debt-driven consumption binge that pushed up the economy like steroids. We end up with huge debt and some very rich people of all races. We also pump in five to seven million cheap labourers.

It is money, money, money, greasing the economy all the way. Like a fake muscular man living on steroid, we are now are left to face a deflated economy, a mountain of debts and lots of immigrant workers.

Najib, you have failed all Malaysians.

Oriole: It’s good to be reminded of the excesses. Let's not forget the disappearances of people, the Wang Kelian mass graves and other similar human trafficking, the horrendous sums of money owed to Inland Revenue Board (IRB) by the family members of the ex-PM,.. the list goes on.

FairMind: Not forgetting, the many people (the attorney-general, auditor general, MACC chief, etc) he sacked in order to keep his 1MBD scandal under wraps, and the many people (cartoonist, artists, political activists, Facebookers, etc) who were arrested by the police.

Cicak Boy: Yes, Najib left us a ‘fairer and gentler society’ where people were prosecuted for dropping yellow balloons on the clown and his circus wife.

Slumdog: Spot on Nik Nazmi, well-articulated. You show promise for the future as the type of politician Malaysia needs - young, fresh and intelligent.

As usual, Najib is shown to be delusional, he cannot tell fact and reality from fiction and fantasy. Najib is no saviour; his dismissal from office has left Malaysia and its citizens worse off than when he became PM.

He leaves a debauched legacy pervaded with endemic corruption, racism, abuse of power and many skeletons in the cupboard.

Clever Voter: Amidst all the scandals and miseries the Najib regime has inflicted on the country, we must not forget who's in charge now. History tells us it is possible Najib may not have to spend a day in prison.

Cracks in Perikatan Nasional (PN) are already appearing. The next 24 months will see the country dipping into its reserves. The global slowdown is already happening. But the self-serving politicians are fighting over crumbs and whatever is left.

We need whatever we can salvage from 1MDB. Indeed, the country may even support Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin if he gets this right, and he may end up with the last laugh.

BlackTiger7716: Keep going, Nik Nazmi. We need people like you to save this country. Indeed, I am astounded and happy to see we still have hope in Malay leaders like you.

Hopefully, people like you, Rafizi Ramli, Nurul Izzah and Saifuddin Nasution will take the lead and save the Malays and rest of people in Malaysia.

With all of you, there is a slight ray of hope which was previously fast diminishing after the overthrow of Pakatan Harapan government by racialist Muhyiddin and Umno using religion and race.

MS: Well said, Nik Nazmi.

But do always remember, your audience is rightfully the Malay-speaking crowd - those weaned over the decades to be wary of non-Malays and those who throng to the side of serial inciters like the man from Mumbai, and who are baying for the blood of unproven assailants at the temple site invaded by 50 armed thugs.

Articles in the English section of Malaysiakini will, of course, burnish your credentials with those already disenchanted with the politics of race and religion. But their disenchantment will do nothing to move the needle.

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