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YOURSAY | Lockup in MACC – Najib, can we advise you something?

This article is 4 years old

YOURSAY | ‘The convicted former prime minister failed to clarify two critical issues…’

Do you think MACC headquarters is a comfortable hotel, Najib asks Guan Eng

Malaysia Bharu: By slamming former Penang chief minister Lim Guan Eng on whether the MACC complex was a hotel, former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak is trying to sow confusion on Lim's grouses about the alleged double standards practised by the MACC.

This man is lying through his teeth because he does not give straight answers.

Were he and his wife, Rosmah Mansor, detained overnight in the MACC lockup before they were brought to court to be charged? Were they required to wear the orange jumpsuit and sleep on a wooden floor without mattress and pillows?

Najib should answer these simple questions truthfully as he himself had denied it earlier. Why is he evading these questions?

Gerard Lourdesamy: Indeed, the convicted former prime minister failed to clarify two critical issues:

1. Did he sleep on the floor without a mattress and pillow in the MACC lockup during his arrest and detention?

2. Was he asked to wear the orange lockup uniform during his detention by the MACC?

Based on his non-answers, we can only assume that he was placed in a VIP room during his overnight detention by the MACC.

In fact, after Najib's conviction by the High Court, he was not even kept in the court lockup while waiting for the sentencing but rather he was detained in the witness room. Is that the standard operating procedure (SOP) for convicted felons in our courts?

Najib's own trial took two years to complete because of multiple appeals by the defence. That is the right of any defendant under our law. If Lim's lawyers feel there is insufficient evidence, they are at liberty to apply to strike out the charges or submit that there is no case to answer at the close of the prosecution's case.

What the public is questioning is the timing of Lim's arrest after a considerable lapse of time and the vague nature of the charges. The fact remains that the backdoor Perikatan Nasional (PN) government will collapse even before Lim's trial starts.

Suing the MACC is entirely the right of any defendant. The MACC is not above the law. The point I am making is that under Article 8 of the Constitution, all are equal under the law.

Unfortunately, in our country, there appears to be differential treatment based on race, religion and political affiliation, which the system is not addressing. As a member of the legal profession for close to 30 years, I do not condone discriminatory practices in any form or manner.

Foureye Man: MACC, is there a need to make the detainees suffer by not them giving a pillow and bed for them to sleep or rest more comfortably?

Don't tell me this is to save money or that you are afraid the detainees might commit suicide using pillow and bed.

Detainees are human too, treat them as such. Don't insult and humiliate them. After all, they are innocent until proven guilty.

Sayonara MY: Lim didn’t ask for the five-star treatment. All he asked for was a pillow and a mattress to sleep on. That’s just human decency. Why can’t MACC provide that?

CEC: How disingenuous and absurd. Out of the 10 questions, at least nine of them were based either on Najib’s own Facebook posts or some BN websites: of which, we all know utterly lack credibility.

If this is how things work, let us all write some articles implicating a person and then try to frame them as proof of wrongdoings. Lim, or anyone sane, should not waste their time entertaining these so-called questions.

The Wakandan: Yes, I think Lim should ignore Najib’s taunt. Don’t get mired into Najib’s slinging match. He is a convict. He is not addressing Lim’s concern over the double-standard issue.

He was put in a lockup, made to sleep on the wooden floor without a pillow and had to wear an orange attire, while Najib apparently was not required to do so, which was confirmed by him as shown in the KiniTV video. That settles it. No need to say anymore.

Vgeorgemy: We should not get carried away by the convicted criminal’s random comment on the constitutional rights granted to the population of this beloved nation.

As far as they are concerned, human principles and decency are only for their opposite side to adhere to, while they plunder public resources.

Bobby0: The last thing is for you, Najib, to even make any statements. Just like Dr Mahathir Mohamad, your trust deficit now stands at zero.

Maybe those who are still hoping for you to throw small change their way or those mat rempits who are the ‘crowd for hire’ will still believe in you. Even many in the Umno leadership hope that you will retire as you have become a liability to them.

Your fairy tales about SRC have now been proven without a reasonable doubt in a court of law how much of a pathological liar you are.

The Middle Man: For someone who swore to the Almighty about his innocence, he has been found guilty of corruption and sentenced to 12 years’ jail. Say no more.

Najib, you should be grateful you still have the freedom to move around and post potshots at your critics.

Optimus: Can I advise you something? Please answer the questions on whether you ever changed to the orange uniform, spent a single night in MACC lockup and slept on the floor without pillows and mattress?

If not, just shut up rather than spewing rubbish. An unremorseful criminal deserves no respect whatsoever.

IndigoTrout2522: Najib seems to forget that he is now a convicted criminal and he has yet made to wear the orange uniform and sleep on the floor. Will that day come?

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