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YOURSAY | Trump-speak may not always work for PN

This article is 4 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Sabah can save itself only when its citizens vote for a clean, honest and caring govt.’

'PN' stands for ‘Penyelamat Negara’ - Hamzah

Constitutional Supremacy: It is astonishing how facts are twisted. Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin had admitted in a live telecast that Perikatan Nasional (PN) is not elected by the people.

Now this government, which was formed as a result of a coup, is being touted as "Penyelamat" Negara (saviour of the country) when it should be "Pengkhianat" Negara (traitor of the country).

Bersatu secretary-general Hamzah Zainudin had met the Sabah governor a day before the dissolution of the state assembly and had then told supporters that PN would form the government the next day.

Now he is saying on Sabah election day, Sept 26, they will form the state government. Any rational and sensible person will not say it. More so, as in reality the odds are against them.

Look at caretaker Sabah Chief Minister Shafie Apdal on the other hand. He makes no such utterances but leaves it to the people to decide.

Hamzah is going to prove dangerous to the nation and a deadly dividing racial force. May God bless and guide Malaysians on the rightful path.

Slumdog: How could the PN government be the saviour of the country when no one voted or elected them to save this country?

They stole power from a democratically elected Pakatan Harapan government. There can be no justification for this no matter how hard Hamzah tries to rationalise PN’s illegal grab of power.

I wonder how many world leaders have congratulated Muhyiddin on his government’s "election"?

IndigoTrout2522: These people will say anything for their selfish greed. They said the same about former premiers Najib Abdul Razak and Dr Mahathir Mohamad when they were in power. And when they dumped Muhyiddin someday, they will change their tune. It is a game of treachery with no sincerity.

Sabahans must wake up and look at its state for the past five decades. It has the most natural resources but remains the poorest and backward state in Malaysia.

PN is no saviour. Sabah can save itself only when its citizens vote for a clean, honest and caring government.

Stand For Truth: Back door becomes front door, rejected becomes adored, unwanted becomes wanted, traitors becomes saviours; stealing becomes saving, bribes becomes donations, lies becomes truth, politics to serve the community becomes community serves politicians.

This is the perverted thinking of many politicians.

Vladivostokian: To me, PN stands for “periuk nasi” because those frogs who jumped to PN care only about their own “periuk nasi” (best translated to English as rice bowl, but the literal translation is rice pot).

The PN government was not elected by the people during GE14. It is a government of "frogs" who betrayed the people’s trust.

The frogs have no shame whatsoever. They jump at the slightest incentive offered. I hope the electorate will reject all of them in GE15.

Justice: Dear Sabahans, you all should by now be very familiar and extremely wary with all the same tricks these same frog-guys used in every election. Today they will say and promise you everything, but tomorrow you will see them doing just the opposite.

Today they will be in party A and tomorrow you will see them in party B then C and D and then back and forth.

So very clearly, they are standing for election and begging for your votes for their own personal gains, becoming YBs (yang berhormat), ministers or chairpersons or board member of government-linked companies (GLCs) or agencies and enjoying all the perks and receiving a pension for life.

They made millions of ringgit from government contracts and businesses. Come election, they will just throw in one or two million ringgit to buy or win votes, when they win, they enjoy the same personal benefits again and again.

So remember the old saying: "Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me." Thus, please don't fool yourself by voting these same politicians again in this Sabah state election. But teach them, and any such politician in future, a lesson that Sabahan voters are not fools.

Bobby0: "PN" can stand for so many more meanings.

Penipu Negara (liar of the country). Taking all the glory for the Covid-19 success in controlling the spread of the pandemic.

By right, the glory belongs to the planners, doctors, nurses, hospital administrators and all those who contribute in kind and monies. Those who sacrifice holidays to be working tirelessly and without sleep to make sure that the patients are taken care of.

Perosak Negara (those who damaged the country). While all Malaysians are going through hard times and finding monies to try and buy food for their families, PN politicians were grabbing all the positions available.

Whether they are qualified was not the criteria. How secured are these corporations and agencies in the hands of the politicians? Previous records showed disastrous results.

Pengkhianat Negara. The people worked their butts out to put in Harapan as their choice of leaders. Those in PN were from day one, after being in position, doing backdoor deals to betray the voters of their choice.

The list goes on. As for Star chief Jeffrey Kitingan, his record speaks for himself. If the Sabahans can put their trust in this frog that had hopped from one party to another, they must be blind.

This is PN. The leader is from Semenanjung, and all these parties take instructions from him. If they vote back these leaders, they will be forever under the thumb of the federal leaders.

It is time to break free. Choose a leader who will stand up for Sabahans and not be a puppet.

The Wakandan: Jeffrey is hallucinating if he really thinks there is equal partnership in PN.

With Muafakat Nasional dominating, equal partnership is just not possible where PAS already declared that Christians like Jeffrey do not have a right to get offended.

PAS can do and say anything to belittle, humiliate and insult you, Jeffrey, and you have to just accept it. You even are not allowed to protest, to get offended and angry by it.

How could that be equal partnership when even a non-Muslim native girl from your state got bullied and character assassinated as she highlighted the poor or non-existence Internet in her village?

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