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YOURSAY | Nazri's 'donkey' won't save our future

This article is 4 years old

YOURSAY | 'Do not underestimate the power of the youth. You will regret what you said one day.'

After Nazri's 'donkey could have won' in GE14 remark, Muda nets 7k applications

Bobby0: Umno MP Nazri Abdul Aziz should realise that the youth outlook about certain matters and his way of thinking are miles apart.

There are a lot of youths today who sit on the fence or have not made up their minds as to who to vote for. They, at times, do not even bother to register to vote.

If Malaysian United Democratic Alliance (Muda) or its leader, Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman, makes an impact on the younger generation, then they will become a force to be reckoned with.

They have tools like Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp as well as more creative ways to reach out to other youths.

Nazri talks about Umno. How many of the nation’s youth are involved with Umno?

The majority of the youth are not politically educated. Muda may use better approaches to awaken the political spirit in them. If they succeed where Umno Youth failed, then that donkey will become a formidable opponent in the next election.

Nazri may have to eat his words, for the table might change as who is the real donkey and who is not.

Iphonezours: Nazri, you are just as dumb as the others who are throwing cold water on Syed Saddiq’s party.

Do you remember the story of how at one time Nokia, the giant in handphone technology, looked down on Blackberry and Apple? Nokia thought they were the prevailing force and did not innovate with the times, leading to its demise not too long after that.

Likewise, the political scenario in Malaysia is ripe for change because of the nonsense that is happening and a lot of people, especially the youth, are disgusted with the situation.

They want space for themselves to bring change, something that the mainstream and current political parties cannot innovate and provide.

Do not underestimate the power of the youth. You will regret what you said one day.

Falcon: All of them are frightened of this younger generation of politicians.

If Muda succeeds, it means these old politicians, who are recycled election after election, given titles after titles, appointments to government-linked companies and public offices and financial opportunities, will have their waterfall dry up.

These old fellows and their shenanigans will not allow a new norm in Malaysian politics. But it's too late. Syed Saddiq should expect Trojan horses, crocodiles, hyenas and skunks.

Prominority: I think Nazri is correct this time. Syed Saddiq should not get carried away after winning the Muar seat. He should be like PKR leader Rafizi Ramli, who sacrificed himself whistleblowing and getting arrested and walking barefoot in the lockup.

Has Syed Saddiq gone on the ground to tirelessly campaign for Pakatan Harapan? It was the hard work by the opposition that made Syed Saddiq win handsomely.

In my opinion, Syed Saddiq was propped up by former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad and took the easy and comfortable path to victory. He is had capitalised on his sudden popularity while in the cabinet. Indeed, compared to Rafizi, PKR members Nurul Izzah Anwar, Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad and Fahmi Fadzil, he is a nobody.

Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Khairy Jamaluddin was once like Syed Saddiq. He thought he was destined to be the next leader but destiny works out differently.

Kunta Kinte: If everything has to be decided by wise old men, then there won't be Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg. No Microsoft or Facebook. Everyone will still be reading newspapers.

We need Syed Saddiq to break the ceiling. We have had the old guard for 60 years. It’s time for the youth to lead the way.

Fair: Let it be a youth party, but let the like-minded elderly join the party. I am 75 and want to join the party for I believe the way forward is giving them moral support.

Constitutional Supremacy: Please note that Muda is youth-centric and not youth-exclusive. Thus, it can be expected to align with parties having similar aims such as fighting corruption.

GMod: Youth, means thinking like a young person, i.e. wanting to improve Malaysia for the future.

On that basis, I expect a lot of 70- and 80-year-olds will relate to Muda. They not only want a better Malaysia for their remaining years, but they want a better Malaysia for their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Umno can’t do that. They have shown that for the past 60 years. And their Umno Youth is just a useless appendage, with no power and no ability to influence the dinosaurs who pull the strings in the party.

I expect Muda to be a roaring success.

PW Cheng: I see there is a consistency of the older Malay politicians like Nazri, Rafidah Aziz and of course, Mahathir, who are against the formation of a Muda multiracial party. I am not sure if it is because of the youth or the multiracial concept.

I can see the non-Malays, both young and old, are very supportive of the concept, including myself. This is mainly because of its multiracial nature.

IndigoPanther1821: We must place Malaysians first. We must move away from race/religion-based parties. Malaysia has been divided and played out by the politicians.

I am Chinese and have many friends from other races. We have no problem working, playing and socialising together. Let's create our Malaysian dreams.

Headhunter: Nazri should look at his own Umno Youth’s so-called leaders. They are just a bunch of rabble-rousers, only good at stirring up racial disharmony and running amok at the slightest provocation.

He should be encouraging Syed Saddiq instead of running him down. I hope Syed Saddiq takes Nazri's comment as a challenge and show the old dog that his own long political career did not contribute much to the nation’s well-being.

Daylight: Nazri, any donkey could have won in Muar in the 14th general election, except the donkey from Umno.

Even among donkeys, there must be different grades of stupidity.

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