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YOURSAY | An antagonist more vicious than Trump

This article is 4 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Now that it has hit home, we will see whether Trump will follow real science… or quacks.’

Trump and Melania test positive for Covid-19

ScarletHamster1885: It’s hard to summon any sympathy for US President Donald Trump and his administration for doing almost nothing to contain the virus.

Mocking people wearing masks, criticising states that refuse to open businesses even when there is a surge in Covid-19 cases, opening education institutions with no clear guidelines on how to do it, et cetera.

He is an irresponsible leader who put his people’s lives at risk. And don’t get me started on all the outrageous suggestions from this ‘stable genius’.

They include his recommendations on using hydroxychloroquine despite no solid proof of it being effective and injecting “disinfectant substance” into one’s body...

Heron: Unless this is another of Trump’s reckless and false election propaganda, he surely needs good medical attention considering his age, lifestyle, et cetera.

Despite our misgiving about his person, we would like to wish him a safe recovery.

On another note, it would seem odd to think that since he challenged the gods by flying higher and higher with waxen wings, he is now confronted with the melting of his wings.

OrangeKoala1303: Treat him with a maximum dose of hydroxychloroquine.

The Wakandan: @OrangeKoala1303, they may do that to you too if you get the virus. See, Covid-19 does not discriminate.

There is a line between criticising and wishing people harm on an unfortunate thing that they do not have any power to avoid.

Mano: @The Wakandan, yes, we have to be sympathetic and compassionate in this situation. But human as we are, we recall Trump's recalcitrant attitude towards medical science in dealing with Covid-19.

How he treated his advisors with disdain. How, perhaps, because of him, many may have perished or are still struggling from Covid-19.

Yes, we can also say, those souls had to leave. Then we might as well throw caution to the wind and just move on.

PCG: Huh? I thought Trump said Covid-19 is a hoax? So how can he be tested positive?

Cry for Malaysia: The virus now has the last laugh. It’s a lesson that needed to be learned by Trump, who continued to make fun of the virus.

At 74 years old, he is at high risk. Reserve an ICU bed for him.

Century Egg: Finally, positive news from Trump. Karma sure has a place in his life. He called it a China virus and he was infected on China’s National Day, which falls on Oct 1.

Unless, he is faking it to avoid debating further with Democratic rival Joe Biden in the presidential race. He is a serial liar, so don't discount the fact that he could pull something like this off.

Beman: The chance that he has the virus is high. But given what he is, I will not dismiss the possibility that he is lying about it.

He can lie about getting the virus and then claim to have recovered from it and say, "See? This virus is nothing. I just need to rest 14 days to recover from it."

Maybe, this is his way to gain sympathy votes too.

Straight Citizen: Friends, someone extremely wise and loving once said, "But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you."

Trump has done nothing against any of us here, so it begs the question why so many have chosen to express such heartless comments.

Sadly, many have been indoctrinated and now chosen to become part of the mob that spreads hatred and laughs at others when struck with calamity.

I wish nothing but the best of recovery to the US president and his beloved wife.

Annonymous: @Straight Citizen, tell that to China and the countries he constantly demonised through his overdose of hate speech and unjust attacks which he blamed for the Covid-19 pandemic.

Orang Tua: Maybe now far-right group Proud Boys and all those who followed the ‘Pied Piper of the US’ will shed that dismissive and cavalier attitude towards Covid-19.

Hopefully, too, this will end the demonising of physician and immunologist Dr Anthony Fauci and all others who have called for vigilance, prudence and compassion.

Business First: Now that it has hit home, we will see whether Trump will follow real science and advice from conventional medical experts or quacks.

The Way Home: It defeats one’s imagination to realise there are such vitriolic hatred and spite towards Trump, particularly when he and his wife, Melania, have been tested positive with the deadly Covid-19 virus infection.

Malaysians have been widely acknowledged and distinctly applauded for their kind-heartedness and genteel demeanour, even towards mere strangers during interactions.

Which is why it is considered totally out of character towards our Malaysian values cum humane kindness when there is such an abundance of condemnations and vile hatred from commentators in wishing him the worst, particularly when he has the misfortune in falling prey to the virus.

Our inherent Malaysian value should reinforce our determination to carry ourselves with the desired dignity and respect which have been well-noted far and wide as our core value despite the differences of our political ideals and allegiance.

Vijay47: To you, President Donald Trump, as I would to anyone undergoing ill-health or personal tragedy, let me wish you, your wife, and the rest of the world a speedy recovery.

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