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YOURSAY | Here's how PN can show it's better than Harapan

This article is 4 years old

YOURSAY | 'It was Harapan's mistake not to give equal allocation to all MPs.'

Allocation for opposition MPs will ‘kill’ BN – Tajuddin

Kita Orangbiasa: Please tell us, the rakyat, who are both voters and taxpayers, how would allocations to opposition MPs kill BN?

Umno supreme council member Tajuddin Abdul Rahman, you said: "Previously when they (Pakatan Harapan) ruled, they didn't give it to us either.”

Yes, it was a mistake by the Pakatan Harapan government as they did not give equal allocation to all MPs. By correcting that mistake and giving equal allocation to all MPs, the rakyat will be more appreciative.

Mind you, Tajuddin, every Malaysian, regardless of his or her political affiliation, is to be treated equally. Didn't the prime minister say that he is the PM for all Malaysians?

A voter could have voted for the ruling party candidate but the winning MP is from the opposition. Are you saying this voter is to be punished?

Anonymous Who: That's a super stupid statement. If Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin doesn't allocate funds to the opposition parties, how does he show his leadership to the people? How to express his kindness to the voters and gain their votes?

Muhyiddin kept telling the people that he was concerned about their well-being, but no aid was given to those who happened to be in the opposition parties' region. The people are suffering!

You could only think of being selfish and politicking. Stupid is as stupid does. These stupid politicians can make people vomit. Go away and stop showing us your faces.

Jetson: Kill DAP, kill Umno or kill any political party is all these politicians can think about.

They are only concerned about their own interest and survival. What about the people who pay taxes, whether they are from the opposition constituencies or not?

When collecting taxes from the opposition voters, these politicians don't complain, but spending on the opposition constituencies, they seem to feel that they are giving it out of their own pocket.

The public needs the funds, especially in these trying times. There are many poor constituents in the opposition areas that also need help. At the same time, there are many voters who pay their taxes faithfully even though they are from the opposition side.

Politicians should think of the nation and its progress as a whole, and not only think of their own interest.

MW: Tajuddin, it’s interesting you are speaking on behalf of BN and not Perikatan Nasional (PN). So the comparison should be between BN and Pakatan Harapan governments.

While Harapan walked back on their general election promise and only gave RM100,000 per annum to opposition MPs, that is RM100,000 more than what the opposition received for their entire existence since Merdeka from BN.

If Harapan scored a “C” here, then you score a “Z-”.

TheSpeakingOwl: To be fair, it's a deserved slap to Harapan for not doing it then. Now they get a taste of their own medicine.

However, PN, this is your chance to show you're better than them. Sadly, you failed and stooped just as low. Be reminded that it's the rakyat's money, not yours.

Itslengry02: This is not about "killing" BN or whatsoever. This is about the allocation for MPs to give help to the people in their area.

Why is this thing killing your party? Right now, it's about rakyat, not about parties. Is it because the money is used for funding your party? No!

The government’s funds are not for your party, it’s for all.

Oxymoronictendencies: Basically, the government is saying: "If you don't vote for me, we are not your government." Such a damning thing to say. And saying allowing all constituencies to have equal allowances "will kill BN" is equally damning.

So the clear message is "not everyone is equal" - especially in BN's eyes. Not only do we have gerrymandering - without which BN will die - but now we find the elected BN MPs are so flaky they only stay with BN to get an increased electoral allowance.

Fairman: Tajuddin, money in the national budget comes from taxpayers. It is not from the private pockets of BN, PN or PAS. You can have a problem with Harapan but not extend it to the people who are sustaining the country by paying taxes.

To Muhyiddin and Finance Minister Tengku Zafrul Abdul Aziz, just deliver RM3 million each to all 222 federal seats.

I think BN can leave the government. After all, you did not obtain the mandate of the people. This is “no-class” politics displayed by brainless BN MPs.

One: Amazing! Is this an admission that BN only survives because of money politics? If money is not abused, why would it kill BN?

Another way to look at it is that BN is bankrupt of ideas to improve policies. Hence, they survive by dishing out money. And they are afraid that when money allocation is equal, they are nowhere as good as the opposition.

Well Thats Fantastic: It's not their money to give, do these BN politicians understand that opposition MPs also serve the people and are part of the government?

Do they want to be treated fairly when they aren't in power? When did the Treasury belong to politicians anyway? Isn't that why former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak and his wife are in court now?

Anon 93751028: The shallowness of our MPs is truly startling. They fight like poorly raised children in a playground where there is no discipline, little actual teaching and no incentive to improve their behaviour or knowledge.

Hrrmph: Time and again, BN shows that all they care about is them, their party, their position, their power. Even our hard-earned money is for them to use as they please.

Why should they care that equal allocation means all the rakyat will benefit? It was never about us.

YOURSAY | MP allocations – a plan to break poverty cycle needed

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