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YOURSAY | Bersatu-PAS-Umno: A difficult triumvirate relationship

This article is 4 years old

YOURSAY | ‘PAS doesn't fully trust Umno and so Bersatu is an insurance against Umno.’

Umno-PAS is company, three's a crowd - Khaled Nordin

Kelantan MB keen on boosting Bersatu-Umno-PAS cooperation

Bravemalaysian: Umno does not trust Bersatu because they "stole" Umno's members and will probably want to contest in many constituencies where Umno feels confident to win.

Bersatu's existence is at the expense of Umno because both basically appeal to the same voters.

PAS doesn't fully trust Umno and so Bersatu is an insurance against Umno. Otherwise, there is no reason for PAS to continue backing Bersatu.

This is going to be a very difficult triumvirate relationship. There is a lot of undercurrent political manoeuvres going on.

Umno would do much better to just break away, reinvent itself with new leaders and then cooperate with Pakatan Harapan.

This is also difficult because they will lose the devious advantage of making DAP a bogeyman to the Muslims/Malays. Umno is now caught between the devil and the deep dark ocean.

BlueShark1548: Umno leader Mohamed Khaled Nordin is right though. Why should Umno, a Malay party before Merdeka and a household name for Malaysians, let Bersatu tag along to share seats and hence power?

Bersatu is a party of Umno deserters and is less than three years old. How can it behave as if it is the same status as Umno?

Umno should not fall into Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin's trap. Without sharing seats with Umno, Bersatu would likely lose most seats.

Also, it is Muhyiddin/Azmin Ali’s objective to contest the same seats which they won when they were under Umno and if Umno demands the return of these seats, the duo would not have Malay-majority seats to contest.

Rod of Justice 2020: Stop talking nonsense, Khaled. Making reference to British politics, saying how former British prime minister Theresa May was unable to proceed with Brexit because she did not have the numbers, is hilarious and the joke is certainly on you.

You also said: “A dominant Malay party has existed for a long time and cannot be extinguished that easily.” It is only your ignorance and stupidity plus arrogance that cannot be extinguished.

PAS is like a parasite, trying to latch tighter on Bersatu as well as Umno. Even Dr Mahathir Mohamad was made a fool by them when he was the prime minister.

Once it gets those two hosts sicker than now, it will take over. It has already infested Sabah just by using its two sick hosts.

The real mistake and sin of the corrupt politicians are not that they know not the evil and ambitious ideology of PAS but nevertheless invited the devil whom they, in arrogance, thought they could control and to regain lost power and money.

And some just allowed it, thinking ignorantly and without conscience that it will not affect them and that the parasites can be controlled.

Doc: Khalid, please elaborate - what would entice non-Malays, non-Muslim bumiputeras and East Malaysians to vote for the PAS and Umno alliance?

PAS continues to demonstrate its hardline non-Muslim intolerance since they have been in power. Not to mention curtailing the rights of non-Muslims in this country for which PAS deems are not following their version of Islam.

And what about Umno? Its foundation was built on the principles of corruption, cronyism and racism. This PAS-Umno alliance seems to be built on the same principles.

Shadowplay: Almost 70 percent of the population is Malay and you are still talking about ‘dominance’, Khaled? When will you stop talking about it?

The only logical reason for that is the number of your kind of Malay (including the PAS type of Malay) is still not enough to create the dominancy that you want. Perhaps because of this, the other type of Malay is now the prime minister.

Well, when will you break free of this mindset? I guess even if Malay is 100 percent of the population, you will be still talking about Malay dominance.

MokhtarAhmad: Are we all happy leaving the non-Malays and non-Muslims out of the mainstream in Malaysia?

Sad to say that if the world knew what Malaysia is doing, we would be treated like North Korea or Iran, where international sanctions would be enforced.

It is quite troubling to see that there is not a single Malay politician from Bersatu, Umno or PAS who are speaking out against the discrimination against non-Malays and non-Muslims.

GrayCondor1956: Yes, Khaled said Umno is the oldest and most dominant party. Also, the greatest looters, back-stabbers, preachers and users of religion and race to divide and rule. You have not brought this country forward with your tunnel views and self-serving agenda.

We are now lagging behind our Asean (let alone, Asian) neighbours. You are not the ones to take care of this blessed land. You are a curse to the nation and as they say "all good things come to an end", so shall your heydays. And the end may not be pretty.

Wake up Malaysians, do you want these people to lead the nation? Come the general election, let us get all the useless, selfish ones from all the parties out. We, the rakyat can stand together and say enough is enough.

P_Mammen: Why be selective when wanting to emulate another democracy? Why stop at something that suits your self-enriching agenda?

Unlike ours, Britain’s democracy does not condone nor believe in race nor religion-based politics. To them, racial politics is racist politics.

It’s no illusion that the bigoted ‘reality’ you and your kind have been preaching and harping continually for decades have only helped impede the growth of this nation and retard the mentality of majority of its people.

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