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YOURSAY | Anwar should heed Rafizi’s advice

This article is 4 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Do not mix good eggs with rotten ones, lest all in the basket go bad.’

Rafizi breaks silence, warns Anwar about surrounding himself with opportunists

Bersih@428: The only choice for PKR president Anwar Ibrahim to regain power is not through statutory declarations (SD) from tainted Umno leaders but by strengthening the opposition bloc, Pakatan Harapan.

PKR vice-president Rafizi Ramli is someone Anwar should be listening to. He is his best ‘number two’ in the party.

All those who are around the party president after 2018 are certainly Trojan horses. They could be the ears and eyes of their masters from other parties such as Warisan and Pejuang.

So long as these new confidantes and opportunists who came after Anwar’s May 18 release from prison are around, he is a lame duck. Seriously, it would be his folly to ignore Rafizi.

IndigoCat9464: Anwar, it's about time you need to put your feet on the ground before the next polls.

Forget about getting the numbers through SDs (statutory declarations). If you still want to stay relevant, go talk to Warisan and Pejuang for one final time if they're supporting you for the PM's post. If not, then move on without them.

If they agree, then talk with DAP and Amanah on how to strengthen the coalition before the next general election (GE) and how to gain Malay votes, especially those in the rural areas.

Bring back Rafizi and party vice-president Nurul Izzah Anwar into the main picture. Maybe this is the best solution. Let young leaders come in and you be the adviser instead.

What's important is reformasi. Not to forget, you also need to get rid of people with money politics and self-interest in mind.

ScarletPanda9731: Rafizi, you should spearhead the reformasi movement together with Nurul Izzah. It matters not when you lose some battles as long as you focus on the endgame.

Anwar, what is the use of announcing to the whole world that you have the numbers when you dare not reveal names? Name them unless you have made a vow with those who wish to support you. But that support is useless if they do not wish to show their hands.

Leaders fight in the frontline, not from an air-conditioned office. Do not mix good eggs with rotten eggs, lest all the eggs in the basket go bad.

Beware of the Brutuses in your midst; they will stab you in the back when the time is right. Just ask yourself who you can trust.

Jordan Tan: Politicians think of the next election, statespersons think of the next generation. This country’s sorry state of affair is the consequences of the decisions made in the past by people vested with authority.

Decisions on policy matters which are made daily have implications and effects on lives in this country. This country can never advance without a large pool of wise decision-makers.

Malaysia needs urgently many leaders of Rafizi’s calibre, but sad to say it is impossible to find many of his kind.

There are too many illiterates in this country. According to Alvin Toffler, “the illiterates of the 21st century are not those who cannot read or write but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn."

To aspire to be a leader who earns respect, there is no substitute for his or her ability to think and reason before a decision is made at every level.

A leader must have vision and wisdom. The ability to foresee ahead of time into the future is to possess the ability to rule. To attain this leadership quality is to be able to think and form reasoning.

Rafizi must rise up to lead as there is a crisis in PKR’s leadership and a vacuum waiting to be filled up. I close with words of wisdom from William Drummond, “He who will not reason, is a bigot; he who cannot, is a fool; and he who dares not, is a slave.”

Mario T: There are people who will pat your back with one hand and stab you with the other. This kind of thing is happening most evidently in politics.

Anwar should be aware that all his actions are not favourably received by all members. Dialogue can help to put some of the mistrust and suspicion to rest.

You cannot please everyone but try to minimise the impact. Beware, Umno cannot be trusted.

OrangeViper2887: It needs more than Rafizi’s momentary populism to administer the country. Cybertroopers and the ignorant are on overdrive to attack Anwar and kill Harapan. We need Anwar to lead the opposition. There is no other replacement now.

Younger committed persons can understudy to take over. But don’t kill the goose that lays the golden eggs now. Harapan has a good chance to wrest the majority in GE15 under Anwar. Hence, the mad rush to shoot him down.

Goliath: One of the key individuals that had the biggest hand in helping Harapan to win GE14 was Rafizi, and undoubtedly, the clear advantage for Harapan to win again in the next.

A return of Rafizi and Nurul Izzah is what Malaysia truly needs. A person who is guided by true moral principle, forward thinking and technological advancement. The country and the rakyat need him to serve again, and the sooner he returns, the better it will be.

Ferdtan: Rafizi, be provoked; please come back. I think he is the only one voters trust to take over PKR. Go for the deputy party post again, and in one or two years take over the party, if Anwar cannot perform. Go as a combo Rafizi-Nurul Izzah as the next generation of leaders.

Nurul Izzah on her own has the ability (and intelligence) to take over; but sadly, this country and many others in the world too, the ideology of patriarchy is still dominant. She should be patient and wait for her turn. Stay far away from her father's politics.

Very Concerned Citizen: Rafizi, you were the backbone of Harapan’s election victory in 2018. As you can see from the comments here, most of us who voted for Harapan want you to come back and be a part of the opposition in the next election.

I truly believe that you have all the qualities that can unite all Malaysians and take the country to another level. Today, there are so many politicians who are power-hungry and self-centred.

We really need you now because the path the current government is taking is not good for the future of our beloved country. Please reconsider your decision to retire from politic. We are waiting for you.

PurpleRusa9578: Anwar, please listen to what this man says.

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