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YOURSAY | ‘Malaysia is a sorry case, inefficiency is promoted’

This article is 4 years old

YOURSAY | ‘The state this nation is in is all due to the incompetent PM and his bunch of politicians…’.

Eight states and FTs go back into partial lockdown

PM says MCO necessary as health system at 'breaking point'

ScarletRaven1544: Let us not forget that the second movement control order (MCO) was needed due to the Sabah election, the incompetency of the government, and selfish individuals who continue to flout SOPs (barring workers, especially foreigners, who have no protection or security, or no choice due to irresponsible employers).

The constant flip-flopping, poor enforcement, the lack of willpower to look at the long-term (thanks to their own infighting), and other factors have led us to this state.

The lack of equal treatment between the politicians and citizens by the authorities did not help either, given that some of them have contributed to clusters in certain states.

The communities most vulnerable such as the B40 (bottom 40 percent income earners) group will now be in an even worse position than before. Let’s see what measures will be put in place to protect them.

Open Mind: Indeed, the government should not have relaxed the restrictions early in December when the infection numbers were at four digits daily. Instead, they should tighten rather than ending the conditional movement control order (CMCO) in most areas.

Let’s hope the government or the Health Ministry accepts and implements the many proposals and suggestions offered by relevant experts and professionals.

Constitutional Supremacy: Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin said hospital facilities are at a breaking point.

This is because you choose only government hospitals to treat Covid-19 cases. You are too lazy to think of other ways. Take Singapore, for example. It uses government and private hospitals, together with convention centres.

Our private hospitals were ready to help but the government isn’t interested because perhaps it wants to keep the case numbers secret. It even refused to share data with the Selangor government.

In Malaysia, there are so many convention centres that can be used. If you use all these facilities, you can even handle 20,000 cases a day. The convention centres include Putrajaya, KLCC, PWTC, Sunway, Matrade, etc.

Now the MCO is enforced again because the medical facilities are at breaking point. This shows that the government is slow and inefficient. Schools have been closed for too long, small businesses are dying. Other countries are already vaccinating their population. Investments are not coming.

PM does not speak about other things other than issuing Covid-19 orders. At this rate, we will be pinned down by this government for the next two years. The only alternative is for a viable grouping to come together and take power away from this incompetent government.

If 3,000-plus cases for few days result in medical health facilities being at a breaking point, then what will our country do if cases go up to 5,000 or 10,000 a day?

The whole system is wrongly managed. There is also very little involvement of the private sector and NGOs.

Singapore, in June or July 2020, was seeing 4,000 to 6,000 cases a day and they screened all foreign workers numbering about 900,000. All were screened efficiently within three weeks and positive cases were isolated and treated. Today, Singapore cases are below 30 a day and almost all are imported.

Malaysia is a sorry case. Inefficiency is promoted.

Pokokelapa: I agree. Our medical system is not only at a breaking point, it is in crisis. Especially when the numbers in ICUs (intensive care units) and those needing ventilators are on the rise, and so is the death toll in Peninsular Malaysia, especially in the Klang Valley.

Personally, I do not think the numbers will go down in two weeks, especially with community spread and asymptomatic carriers.

I hope we’d bring the numbers down to a manageable state and hospitals can cope. If at that point in time the restrictions are lifted, then the chance of it going up will be there. Social travel and gatherings need to be restricted, at least for longer periods.

Let’s hope that things are taken more seriously, and politicking be set aside in order to win this battle against the coronavirus.

The next step is to get the people vaccinated, not 30 percent and then wait for another few months to vaccinate another 30 percent. We need to expedite the procurement, plus get the proven ones and not those still on trial.

New Year: The state this nation is in is all due to the incompetent PM and his bunch of politicians and the incompetent officers in the Health Ministry.

Right from the beginning of the Sabah debacle, when the figures were still manageable, they failed to control the virus.

What strategies did they come up with? What planning did they even consider? The numbers never did decrease but instead keep on increasing.

In the last few months, there has been nothing to work towards bringing down the number of cases. Instead, there is constant politicking and fight to protect their personal position.

There is no thought about the economy. Huge companies with billions of ringgit of investments were bypassing us to invest in our neighbouring countries. Thousands of jobs could have been created by them if they invested in this nation.

The damage has already been done. Another two weeks and God knows it may extend for more weeks as we experienced before. It will be the final nail to the coffin for many businesses that are trying hard to survive.

The simple task was to just prepare more space for those confirmed as Covid-19 positive. Even such a simple task they could not perform.

The signs of the Covid-19 increasing were there for all to see. Yet, only those in the Health Ministry seem to be blind to what’s going on.

Will the people see more failure at bringing this virus under control? Will they see more businesses end up closing and more people jobless and on the streets? Will they see more people facing hunger as their daily income or wages are taken away from them?

How much more do they have to endure until there are leaders who will really put this nation as their priority rather than their position and perks.

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