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YOURSAY | Govt makes U-turn, but lets protect the elderly, observe SOPs

This article is 4 years old

YOURSAY | ‘For personal reasons, I will not be participating in any reunion dinners this year.’

Family reunion rules relaxed as NSC updates CNY SOP yet again

Coward: What can I say about the original standard operating procedure (SOP) for this week’s Chinese New Year celebrations?

Too many bad things. It was beyond a laughing stock. So much so that I am actually ashamed for the government that it actually presented the SOP.

It makes a mockery of understanding the culture of different races. My Malay and Indian colleagues and I exhibit an understanding of each other's culture way better than the SOP implied.

The document (original SOP) actually shows signs that there had been consultation with Chinese associations.

Unfortunately, it also shows no sign that the government understands what they were told. Instead, it chooses to lobotomise words from the consultation just to show that they consulted. This is classic bureaucratic nonsense.

Obviously, they did not bother to go back to talk to the associations after the first consultation.

The errors in the document are so bad that the attempt to blame the Chinese associations backfired - there was no way anyone believed they were properly consulted.

Worst of all, nobody bothers to proofread the document. Otherwise, a lot of contradictions in the document would have been caught.

The minister had been incompetent. At the minimum, he should have read the document of such importance with a critical mind. He didn't.

In all, what we see is bureaucracy at its worst, it is doing a job without care over the outcome. It shows how out of touch the government is with the people.

Ace: Actually, most Chinese are not against the stricter SOP and not gathering for the family reunion dinner. However, what is objected to is the condescending way the authorities put it.

Whether it is the reunion dinner or visits on the first day, second day or the eighth day of Chinese New Year, just say “stay within 10km”, “don’t cross borders or districts”, “maximum 10 persons”, etc. And you can only go out of your house to purchase essential necessities. All will be happy with that, CNY or no CNY.

It is an insult to our intelligence and to the public that we need the government's permission to take our reunion dinner if it is just for family members staying in the same house as it will be just like any other dinner!

Must we get their permission to brush our teeth too?

Cocomomo: The younger ones, who may be asymptomatic or more resistant as their immune systems are stronger, should avoid visiting their elderly parents and grandparents.

Love your family members by not visiting them and putting them at risk. Use technology instead, for example, online get-togethers.

Avoid creating CNY clusters. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

Ipoh PP: They opened up for Christmas in late December and the New Year on Jan 1, and it led to a rise in Covid-19 cases. Now with the rumble and unhappiness, they have opened the floodgates for CNY.

People can't even make the sacrifice of not meeting up just for once. They have to meet up and eat together. Come on, while these are traditions but in a pandemic like this, we need to give up some of our traditions for everyone’s betterment and safety.

Since the Chinese community is not prepared to make the little sacrifice, let us wait for 10 to 12 days from CNY day. Believe me, there will be a rise, and Covid-19 will be out of control!

Another Clown: For personal reasons, I will not be participating in any reunion dinners this year.

But to all those soothsayers who anticipate a hike in cases after the reunion dinners, please share the theoretical framework of your analysis.

Who has proof as to the real reasons for the hike in cases in January 2021? I read that some were due to the delayed reporting from December.

Have we also looked at the graphs for our immediate neighbours, Thailand and Indonesia? Both share a similar pattern like Malaysia - a huge hike in December and January.

Singapore initially allowed up to 100 people in each church congregation in early October and allowed up to 250 people to convene in some churches during Christmas, and yet the nation has the lowest cases in this region.

Read that again, 250 people! Their government must be doing something right that our government isn't.

So, I will say to all and sundry, take the necessary precautions whether or not you are having reunion dinners. Ensure social distancing, wear masks and wash your hands.

ScarletGopher9210: Next time, leaders need to be mindful and understand other races' cultures.

There are many reasons why Malaysia must have a multiracial government - this is just one of them and mind you, there are plenty of benefits for having so.

It's about doing what's right and at the same time being respectful/understanding of all races/religions.

Oct: Why can't the Perikatan Nasional (PN) government practise the philosophy of “doing things right, the first time”? We have seen many pushing different SOPs even though they have one plus year of experience.

Their heads must be very dense. There is no empathy as well. Overall, none of the ministers has done any work beyond the call of duty. Most of them are earning ‘gaji buta’.

Johanian2: I think the government did the right thing by listening to the grouses and the new guideline for CNY’s eve reunion is acceptable.

Let's not point to other flaws at this point and be happy with what we can do. Everyone has to make sacrifices.

Discussions on other flaws can wait. Maybe after CNY, as businesses will be allowed to open. But that is for another discussion down the road.

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