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YOURSAY | It’s open season for frog hunting

This article is 4 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Political defections, in whichever direction, are highly immoral and undemocratic…’

Larry Sng, Steven Choong defect to support Muhyiddin

Iiiizzzziiii: It has come to a point that the political arena in Malaysia is an open season for all.

I trust these politicians who have had decided that the pasture over the other side is much greener will refrain from using the old cliche, “I did it for the people.”

Really? Since when did you put the people before you? Did you actually conduct a poll with the people within your constituency before you made the leap of shame? If you did not, this goes to show what and who you really are.

You were voted into office by the will of the people and when you decided to quit and join another political party, you betrayed the trust of these people. You automatically became a liar and traitor to those who put their hopes and trust in you.

Why on earth is Yang Berhormat (The Honourable) automatically used to address politicians?

If nothing is done to stop this party-hopping by politicians, then the future of this country is a lost cause. What is the point of having an election in the first place? It will become an exercise of mockery.

How can party-hopping be stopped? What can be done to stop this from happening in the future? Simply put, what do you do to liars and traitors?

Apanakdikato: Malaysia's brand of democracy can best be described as fake and corrupt.

Political defections, in whichever direction, are highly immoral and undemocratic as the trust of the voters has been trampled upon. It is the ultimate form of political betrayal and deserves the highest condemnation.

Only a corrupt government and unethical leadership will continue to allow political defections. Until there are laws enacted against political defections, Malaysia will lose more foreign investments as well as the respect of the international community.

Any country that allows defections, and worse still, encourages it, will not be politically stable. Calling for a GE is pointless as political defections due to the greed of corrupt MPs can change the original mandate of the rakyat and put hundreds of millions of ringgit spent on holding elections to total waste.

In Singapore, Article 46 (2) of its Constitution states that “the seat of a Member of Parliament shall become vacant if he ceases to be a member of, or is expelled, or resigns from, the political party for which he stood in the election.”

Here again, the powers-that-be in Malaysia have a lot to learn from Singapore. It is high time for the rakyat to push and demand anti-defection laws.

In the meantime, the message to these shameless political defectors is, not only the fair-minded rakyat are watching you, but more importantly, God is watching you.

WhiteMoose0037: We are sickened, though not surprised, to hear of defections to the backdoor government to give them breathing space and legitimacy to govern.

For goodness sake, PKR, get the right candidates to stand in the next election.

PinkCougar9549: PKR is happily accepting state assemblypersons from Amanah without knowing that their MPs are crossing over to Perikatan Nasional (PN)? This is poor leadership.

The younger leaders from DAP, Amanah, and PKR must rise to the occasion now and formulate a winning strategy for the 15th general election (GE15).

PKR president Anwar Ibrahim is good at delivering speeches and is still a good candidate for prime minister, but he is a poor thinker in terms of planning and strategies.

Rafizi Ramli, Wong Chen, Nurul Izzah Anwar, Akmal Nasrullah Mohd Nasir and Fahmi Fadzil from PKR, Yeo Bee Yin, Ong Kian Ming, Teo Nie Ching, Tony Pua, Gobind Singh and Hannah Yeoh from DAP, as well as Dzulkefly Ahmad, Salahuddin Ayub, Hatta Ramli and Khalid Abdul Samad from Amanah must group together.

They must put forward a 10-year national reformation plan and set goals regarding the economy, social structure, education, GDP, and income per capita to set a bright future for all Malaysians.

DalvinK: Again, as I've reiterated many times, Anwar has really bad leadership. It's not pointless criticism but just looking at past performance and history of kataks (frogs) - not just those jumping out of the party but also jumping in, like a few of those from Amanah.

There is a need to quickly re-establish the leadership not just for PKR, but Pakatan Harapan. Or else, there's slim hope for Harapan to be back again for GE15 - not that there are high hopes to begin with after their weak performance so far, even in opposition.

Kuniyo: Why are defection always coming from PKR? If you can't manage your party and if you can't manage your coalition, how are you going to convince people that you can manage the country?

Playing the victim is what losers do. “Strong, formidable, and convincing” is a joke.

BrownCheetah9736: Larry Sng is a lightweight riding on his father’s coattails. Everyone knows his father calls the shots. PKR is a lightweight in Sarawak anyway.

As for Steven Choong, he joins the likes of Hee Yit Foong, Paul Yong, etc who will never contest or win another election. So they better collect their dues now and make it last.

LBW: From Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak to Parti Rakyat Sarawak to the Sarawak Workers Party to PKR and now PN - there should not be any surprise at all as far as the frog from Julau is concerned.

As long as there is no anti-hopping law, the disgraceful party-hopping culture will continue to thrive in Bolehland. There is no guarantee that the treacherous Sheraton Move will not happen again in the future.

Will there be more frogs hopping in the coming days?

Dr Raman Letchumanan: Man proposes, God disposes. Relax, don't get worked up. It is not worth it. Now you know who are the traitors. The list, like Pinocchio's nose, getting longer by the day.

Now you know who not to vote for in GE15. The power is in your hands. If you still vote for them, even God cannot help you.

If there are suckers in power, that's because there are even more suckers among the rakyat.

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