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YOURSAY | Sng stating the obvious over defection

This article is 4 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Please spare us your reasons and explanations.’

PKR defector cites opposition disunity, inability to retake Putrajaya

Vijay47: Quite obviously, Jalau MP Larry Sng, you have not learned from the ongoing avalanche of condemnation your colleague and fellow turncoat, Deputy Federal Territories Minister Edmund Santhara, is being treated to. That at times, especially when your acts reveal the real character you are, it is better to keep silent.

Santhara to his great alarm and regret has just discovered that his recent show of bravado has only opened a huge can of Kiwi worms, one from which he cannot now sheepishly back out like the dainty ewes in Peter Jackson’s Shire.

Sng, almost every line of your statement shows what kind of a conniving, insincere, opportunist you are. You attempt to justify your traitorous conduct by claiming that Pakatan Harapan is disunited, with little hope of retaking Putrajaya.

So, you flee from the battle when your comrades most need you to stand alongside on the ramparts and fight? It is when the war rages that a warrior’s true mettle is revealed. Also, a traitor’s, as you have amply exhibited.

Did the objectives and principles of the Harapan cause not matter to you? Did you enlist not to serve but to rule?

You try to present the current government as a citadel of unity. What steadfastness can you claim when each party in that sinful alliance is busy sharpening their unsheathed daggers, waiting for that opportune moment to stab erstwhile allies in the back? Like them, you too will no doubt excel in such betrayal.

We look eagerly to that inevitable day when you also will have the dagger plunged into your craven self. For all your wealth and ephemeral glory, Sng, what does it profit you to earn a nation’s contempt?

Goliath: The people in Julau voted for you in the last general election for a reason. You serve the constituency whether you are part of the government or not.

If you cannot deliver the promises to your constituency, it is because the current government lacks the principle to take care of a constituency belonging to an opposition and therefore, this government is not the right one for all the people.

In no way is Harapan and its disunity an equation to your problem. In fact, if you were to release any statements, your statement should be the inefficiency and blackmailing efforts of Perikatan Nasional (PN) to not allow you a platform to deliver your promises, causing you to want to party hop.

Before you get yourself into politics, do you even understand the responsibilities of a representative to your constituency? It isn’t joining whoever it is in Putrajaya, it is ensuring Putrajaya helps you to deliver your promises.

What you did is wrong in so many ways that nothing, not even using the people of Julau, can give you a meaningful excuse to party hop.

Iphonezours: First and foremost, you are one person who has been jumping from one party to the other even prior to the 14th general election (GE14). After winning as an independent in GE14, you joined PKR. It speaks volume of what kind of person you are.

Your explanations now citing unable to deliver on promises to develop your constituency and opposition parties’ disunity that they will not have a chance to take over Putrajaya are so lame and unacceptable. What makes you think that PN is in such a stable position?

In fact, as the government of the day, it is in a more precarious position then Harapan was before, with so much infighting and mismanagement that PN had to use the emergency as an excuse to remain in power and avoid Parliament.

For heaven’s sake, please spare us Malaysians your reasons and explanations, we have already made up our mind what kind of people you and Choong are.

Ferdtan: Sng, the more excuses you give for your betrayal, the more it shows that your reputation as king 'katak' would be your legacy - if you still have one.

At least your fellow 'frog jumper' (Tebrau MP) Steven Choong is keeping his mouth shut as he knows that his action, including yours, is indefensible.

We know, the whole country knows, that Parliament is about to convene soon; and that Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin does not have the majority number to survive a vote of no-confidence against his government, so he is desperate to woo MPs from the opposition.

That obviously is such a pivotal moment to jump - you can ask for the sky. And behold, your wish would be granted.

Iiiizzzziiii: Can someone please tell those who have decided to switch their political alliance from one party to another to come up with something original and unique to explain their decision? Playing the same old record over and over is just stating the obvious.

It has been a known fact that a successful career in politics always requires one to put up one's needs and aspirations over and above everyone else. It is called ambition. Politicians will do and say the most obvious things to get what they want through justification, not conviction.

When politicians are caught with their pants down, the words spewing out from their mouths will either shock you or make a believer out of you. Well, let's see how far both of these former PKR stalwarts will go in five to 10 years.

Are they men or women of honour and integrity or just politicians playing politics? Only time will tell.

Freethinker: I agree that there is disunity among Harapan partners, but neither Umno, PAS nor Bersatu is doing anything better.

Being a people representative is not about being in or out of the government. It’s about what your constituent wants. If voters wanted a representative in the government, while ignoring the blatant on-going corruption, money laundering, double standard and selective persecution, etc, no election is required.

People are tired of all the blatant abuse of power and therefore the opposition is there to keep the government accountable. A weak opposition can never hold any government accountable for its actions.

People voted Harapan not because of Anwar Ibrahim or Dr Mahathir Mohamad but wanted a new lease of life in the face of 1MDB corruption and abuse of power.

It's the people like you that destroy the dream of rakyat to remove the kleptocrat government. It’s people like you that betray the rakyat’s trust by jumping to another ship.

The moment you betray the people’s mandate, you no longer speak for the people who voted for you. So, your action is meant for yourself only and not for the voters. If we want a PN/BN/Muafakat Nasional MP, we would have voted so. But we didn’t.

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