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YOURSAY | MCA, how many more chances do you need?

This article is 4 years old

YOURSAY | 'It's better to put all our eggs in one basket than to put them in the wrong basket.'

Slamming Harapan, Wee tells Chinese not to put all their eggs in one basket

Evin K: MCA president Wee Ka Siong’s speech further confirms what we’ve suspected about the party all along - that they have been and continue to be subservient to their masters, that they’re against any attempt for reforms, and that they do not want any disruption to the status quo.

MCA is still unable to view Malaysians beyond their skin colour. Their thought process and operating system are still race-based.

They do not realise that this was their biggest downfall. They were unable to challenge the state of affairs that had deteriorated our country to the point of being world-renowned for corruption, or push for any reform because they were comfortable with what they have been given.

The fact of the matter that continues to escape MCA is that the fall of Pakatan Harapan isn’t because the majority race was spooked, it was because of self-serving politicians who betrayed the mandate of the people.

The constituents of these frog MPs did not put a gun to their heads and forced them to hop parties - these individuals did it on their own accord, and we can clearly see why, given all the newfound prosperity that they’ve gained since jumping ship.

Wee must hand over the reign of the MCA to someone who can truly reform the party from within, or else MCA will end up simply as a relic from the past.

Iiiizzzziiii: MCA is trying to be relevant to the Chinese community. The same slogan is being used over and over again until it has become the MCA mantra, 'Give us a chance'.

At every election since independence, chances after chances were given to MCA and being squandered.

Let's be clear here, MCA is not the only political party that represents the Chinese at present. There are other alternative parties now and this is one of the good things that has come out of it - choices for the people to select.

During those earlier years, MCA had been very dominant not because of its track records of representing the Chinese, but rather due to the lack of alternative parties.

However, MCA is a spent force because many of the constituents with a large Chinese ethnic group have given their votes to other parties.

The once unthinkable has become thinkable. What if there is no longer MCA in the Malaysian political landscape? I can live with that. I am not sure about the others.

PW Cheng: With due respect to you, you want votes from the Chinese but are unwilling to help them.

You advised us not to put all our eggs in one basket. But with your attitude as president of MCA who ignores little people like us, it’s better to put all our eggs in one basket than to put them in the wrong basket.

Freethinker: Wee, the Chinese have been putting all the eggs in one basket all these years. And the party is called MCA. See where are we today and what MCA had become?

Your party had lost the trust of the community you claim you represent. When the community rejected you, it means you are on the wrong track.

I came from a family who was hardcore MCA supporters but now they, too, have given up on you.

Continue to walk the talk of good governance, reject kleptocracy, reject vote-buying, reject corrupt politicians, reject selective persecution and reject double standards in the execution of the law.

Once you do all these, the people will rally behind you.

Dr Raman Letchumanan: Wee, you should worry about your own seat. It is almost certain MCA will score one big telur kosong (zero egg) this time.

Now, look at the reality. Your big brother, Umno, is not as strong as before, they are fighting for their own survival, divided as they are. If Umno breaks up with Bersatu, both of them will be fighting for Malay votes and seats.

They may not even give you a seat, or one of them will compete against you. If Umno teams up with Bersatu and PAS, then the seat tussle among the three will leave you with no seat. MCA becomes chicken meat.

Don't worry about votes in GE15. You should worry about getting any seat in GE15. The glory days of BN are over, with assured quota seats for being obedient lapdogs. The ummah cause is bigger than racial balance.

Look at Perak. MCA and MIC are just irrelevant nuisance mosquito parties now. MCA would have better luck being an independent, you can stand in 222 seats, and at least score one egg, out of sympathy votes.

CH Y: What I am particularly disgusted with is the inability of MCA and Umno to realise that all we want is fairness, which is characterised by equity, respect, justice and stewardship of the shared world, both among the people and in their relations with other living beings.

However, what we have are race-based and religious parties preying on the simplistic, unthinking, uncomprehending minds of the various races to the extent they cannot see beyond the colour of their skin, faith, culture and comfort zone.

Nation-building is a serious business and not for opportunistic racial and religious parties.

Anak JB: Wee, do you know why MCA has lost the respect of most Chinese Malaysians?

What did MCA do at the height of all the abuses when they were in power? Have you said anything about 1MDB and the many cases of abuse? Nothing and zilch. Silence means agreement or being a party to it.

Beman: There is no need to talk too much. Just show us that MCA can do better if you want our votes.

I am afraid that you will need to work harder if teaching karate is all that your women’s wing can do to help women who are abused by their husbands.

By the way, I don't see too much difference between the MCA today and that during the time when 1MDB was drained out of the country and back into someone’s pocket.

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