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YOURSAY | Getting to the bottom of US claim of forced labour in Top Glove

This article is 4 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Horrendous working and living conditions should be called out but...’

US may now seize Top Glove products after forced labour Finding issued

IndigoKite6964: It would be good to publish the facts that were used for the US’ Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to come to the conclusion that Top Glove used forced labour for certain disposable gloves imported by the US.

It is a fact that Top Glove provided crowded living conditions to the foreign workers who helped generate their millions. The Covid-19 infections that exploded in their face is a consequence of that.

Top Glove did promise that they will improve the situation and "have learnt their lesson". Whether that is true or not, it’s too early to tell.

If forced labour is involved, then Malaysia should sanction Top Glove too and should even shut down their operations.

All of us have a right not to buy anything that we find objectionable and so do the United States. However, a claim of forced labour needs to be substantiated because the claim could tarnish Malaysia’s image as well.

So, what are our politicians doing about it? I suppose they are too busy trying to cling to power.

The US has their own problems with race and inequality. The harsh treatment of immigrants and the separation of children from their parents is beyond cruel. Yet, the US is citing forced labour as inhumane.

Of course, it is, but there is a vast difference between being badly treated and being cruel. That’s the problem with the US. They are a burnt pot complaining about the scourged bottoms of all other pots.

Pokokgetah: Horrendous working and living conditions together with poor pay should be called out. But this alone need not constitute forced labour.

Everywhere in the world - and certainly in the West - people complain: “This job sucks. I’m going to quit!” And that’s exactly what they do. They quit.

It is only when they are forcibly prevented from quitting by their employer that it is called forced labour.

Many workers in glove factories are sweet-talked by recruitment agents into taking loans and perhaps mortgaging their property for their passage to Malaysia.

When they find the job is not what was promised, they are trapped, and they continue to work in the factory to send money home to pay for the loans taken.

Essentially, they are forced to stay because of the previous bad decision they made back home. If the employer does not stop them from leaving, it is not forced labour.

Hobo60: The only thing that needs to improve is the living conditions of the workers. Just construct more dormitories and provide other necessities to improve their living conditions.

If nothing is done to rectify the situation, then nobody can help Top Glove.

GrayFalcon6142: There is no forced labour in Top Glove. The workers get paid for their labour, and they are freely strolling around when not working, and remitting their hard-earned money back home.

The dormitories of foreign labourers are not guarded by any ‘mandor’ (supervisor) who carries a whip. If they are being ill-treated, there are many avenues for them to make complaints.

This ‘forced labour’ claim is utterly disgusting. Now, I am pretty sure that the US is using the same standard to penalise any profitable companies and countries that do not kowtow to its world dominance.

The US should go and visit the working conditions of labourers in India in some manufacturing plants.

VioletHawk6700: The US is the only nation in the world that can fire any worker on the spot without cause or reason. This situation opens it to charges of worker abuse and exploitation. There are also many undocumented migrant workers in the US - are they not considered as "forced labour" too?

Do you think that those workers in the US are provided housing and paid the minimum wage? Is this forced labour claim an excuse to "rob" Top Glove goods?

MPJY: The US is a big country. Being such a big country, there are pockets of areas which have all sorts of problems. But they address their problems once they surface. The country may not be perfect but at least there is transparency there.

Malaysia too has all sorts of problems - we practise double standards, the country is governed by ‘unelected’ parties, there is a lack of transparency, etc.

In many areas, Malaysia is the joke of the world. So, it looks like we are getting bullied and it may be difficult to find allies to side with us.

MokhtarAhmad: The most important question that we have to ask ourselves is, how are Top Glove workers treated? If there is an international cry of abuse, then we should investigate.

Getting angry with the US or any country without first investigating is stupidity. Let's prove to the world that we're above board and that we don't tolerate abuse no matter what nationality or status.

Optimus: Top Glove could escape much harsher punishment from the local authorities as shown during the raids of worker dormitories and hence continues to take advantage of migrant workers.

So, it takes another country's authorities to teach Top Glove a painful lesson to not merely pay lip service and put profit above all else.

Just A Malaysian: The US is bullying a small country like Malaysia and trying to destroy our only major export after casting doubts on our palm oil.

The global threat to our country is real. Malaysians of all races need to work hard to build strength and resilience to fight off global hegemony.

Leaders using religion and race to divide and rule this country should be voted out. Malaysia can only be a world-beater when all races work together.

It’s time to clean up corrupted and racist politicians before all of us go down into the abyss.

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