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YOURSAY | How far the mighty Umno has fallen

This article is 4 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Not a single Umno minister toed the party line.’

PM: I advised Umno ministers not to quit, they agreed

Mano: Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin has used Umno ministers to show his middle finger to Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and top party leaders such as Mohamad Hasan and Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, as well as the party grassroots who spoke voraciously in the recent Umno general assembly.

Well, the rakyat knew that this would be the outcome. Life is a cycle of changes.

XoXo: What cheek! First, Muhyiddin hijacks a legally elected government. Now he wants to hijack the loyalty of the second echelon of Umno leaders.

This surely must be a blatant and outright challenge to the authority of Umno's president and its supreme council.

There can be no other way for the Umno president now but to issue an order for all Umno ministers and deputy ministers to quit the cabinet with immediate effect. This will expose the backstabbers and the enemies of the party once and for all.

What a lame excuse from the PM that these ministers are needed to fill the important posts in the cabinet. If this is so, this couldn't be one of Umno’s bones of contention?

It is precisely this that Umno is complaining that they are only given pathetic ministerial posts.

Hmmmmmmmm: First time that I have heard anywhere of a coalition government where members of a coalition party actually disobeyed their own party to listen to another party.

How the mighty Umno Baru has fallen. This would have been unimaginable before GE14.

Umno should have asked for a general election instead of backing Perikatan Nasional (PN) during the Sheraton Move. Their dignity would still have been intact then.

Ruis: The Umno ministers are listening to the PM and not to Zahid, their party president. Where is the respect for their president?

It is clear as crystal that Zahid’s advice to them to quit is just words that carry no weight. The president is a lame duck. So Zahid and Razaleigh, what do you say now?

RKR: Umno leaders say they will stay on in the cabinet in their ‘individual capacity’. What is that? Does that mean they will quit Umno and become independent?

This will be the first time in history we have independent parliamentarians in the cabinet. It shows how desperately these people want to cling on to power.

Lesson: In life, nothing is permanent. The once-mighty, domineering Umno has now been reduced to size.

So much so that Muhyiddin is giving the party a kick using Umno ministers' legs themselves. Even MIC president SA Vigneswaran dares to criticise Umno.

How much respect would Umno still have if they had stuck to the principles of honesty, integrity, fairness, etc?

Umno lost all these values and what remains is utter greed and selfishness. The days of Umno leaders such as Onn Jaafar and Hussein Onn are no more.

Perhaps it is time for Umno to just fade away as they are no longer relevant.

BlueFish0451: This is a country full of self-serving and power-hungry leaders.

It is no wonder Dr Mahathir Mohamad was able to reign for so long because no one dared to stand up to him other than one or two like Musa Hitam, who obviously was slaughtered like a bull.

Common Sense: Not a single one of them toe the Umno party line. Now we see every one of these Umno ministers care only about themselves. It is all about themselves and their cronies, power, salary and contracts.

Not one of them cares about Umno or, worse, about the nation.

OrangeJaguar9341: This is hilarious after the macho display at the Umno AGM. It has nothing to do with rakyat as the last year has amply demonstrated.

Loathe leaving their position and perks? Perhaps Muhyiddin played the DAP bogeyman card? New promises and possibilities offered?

All we know is the backpedalling was swift.

Purple Occa 8200: It's difficult to blame the ministers. They are for the positions, money and opportunities.

The main problem here is Zahid. He has the mandate to decide on the date for the ministers to resign. He is not ready to do so yet and rather leave it hanging.

Zahid is definitely up to something. He is expecting some deal from Muhyiddin. This is unlike Razaleigh, who wants the ministers to resign immediately.

So why should these ministers rush to resign when they know their party president is playing a double game?

Zahid should be kicked out of the party. I think Khairy Jamaluddin or Mohamad Hasan can run Umno much better.

The Wakandan: It looks like the demarcation line is drawn in Umno with this decision - court cluster and cabinet cluster.

The former with the advantage of being the incumbent party leaders, while the latter, the carrot, as being ministers in the ruling government. It will be a ruthless court intrigue, one can ready the popcorn.

Moves will be made, and it will be interesting to see who will prevail.

MoonMan54: Muhyiddin, you, sir, are the greatest and the luckiest PM this country has in 60 years. Everything is falling on your lap without too much effort, leadership ability or even quality.

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