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YOURSAY | MCO: Making Confusing Orders?

This article is 3 years old

YOURSAY | ‘We had MCO 1.0, then MCO 2.0 and now MCO 3.0. What are we doing wrong?’

It's back to nationwide MCO from May 12

Iphonezours: The MCO (movement control order) is the right thing to do. However, if the MCO is a half-baked one, I doubt we are going to see any tangible results, what more when there so many new variants.

For the current situation, we need a strict MCO for a short period of time which, no doubt, will impact the economy. The government will need to provide aid to the people.

Trying to manage a country is no easy business, it needs leadership and competent people. The ability of a government will be truly tested during a crisis and only the successful ones will rise above the rest. This Perikatan Nasional (PN) government is just not capable.

Hang Babeuf: "The chain of infection can only be broken by encouraging people to stay at home through enforcement of movement restrictions," said Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin.

About time! This is the right move, but it is "still behind the curve", lagging behind the spread, the unrelenting advance, of the Covid-19 itself.

On the one hand, we have the government's woeful thinking about and handling of this pandemic. On the other, we have Muhyiddin who now suddenly discovered "data and science", the ominously unfolding verdict delivered by the pandemic on the government's woeful thinking about, planning for, and handling and management of the situation.

The difference? Politicians all too readily bluff one another and mislead the public. But nature does not lie. It delivers only true verdicts on human folly.

And nature speaks and makes itself known to us through "data and science", not via ethno-supremacist ("ketuanan-ist") political doctrines or in the religious obfuscation and sectarian arrogance of regressive clericalists.

How to proceed? Listen to nature.

VioletPanda7423: Muhyiddin, you were not serious nor committed to curbing the spread of the virus. You let your stooges rule according to their whims and fancies without scientific nor evidence-based standard operating procedures (SOPs), sending confusing and mixed signals to the public.

You kept telling the people to follow SOPs and when your half-cooked SOPs were not effective, you placed the blame on the people, often dishing out ridiculous double-standard punishments.

You played with fire and underestimated the virulence of the pathogen until the ICU and hospital beds are full with a daily death toll consistently above 20. Then you imposed different targeted ‘MCOs’, confusing the public even more.

And now you finally surrendered to the virus and yet again declared a half-hearted MCO. Please for goodness’ sake, wake up and start thinking of the dying people in this country. A single death is one death too many!

Enlightened Globalist: The next two to three weeks are critical. There is a high possibility that the current situation is due to the more infectious and deadly variants.

Few countries in the world have the resources to check variants on a large scale (the exception is the UK). Hence, it might be the deadly variants that are causing the current havoc.

With only three percent of the population vaccinated, the outlook does indeed look grim. I fear what will happen in the next few weeks.

Hence, the government had no choice but to implement a full lockdown. Every Malaysian must play their role by adhering strictly to the lockdown and practise social distancing, etc. It’s bad for the economy, but the government had no other choice.

Cogito Ergo Sum: If the administration was strict in implementing the SOPs, we would not be here now. When politicians and celebrities flagrantly disregard SOPs, it sets an example for the rest.

We have come to this because the leadership failed to come to grips with the severity of the situation. Started off by advising the people to drink warm water and after that, everything went downhill.

Making things worse, our coffers are empty because of ‘looting’ by some members of this current administration.

BobbyO: Yesterday, there were about 650,000 cases in the world with India at 366,000 alone, leaving other countries at 290,000 cases.

It clearly shows that despite all the variants in the world, new cases are reducing in many nations, with Malaysia being one of the exceptions.

We had MCO 1.0, then MCO 2.0 and now MCO 3.0. What are we doing wrong?

The PN administration has failed the people. They are not capable of bringing this virus under control, but yet they stubbornly hold on to power. They refuse to hand the authority to those who are more experienced in fighting this menace.

Dr Raman Letchumanan: "Only we can save ourselves," said Muhyiddin.

Yes, we know that right from the beginning. When the situation gets into a crisis mode, it is our fault, and we have to fend for ourselves.

If that is the case, we don't need this government, which has not been able to control the pandemic. I think you forget to end the statement with "I hereby  announce the PN government will be stepping down for its failure to control the Covid-19 pandemic".

You don't need science to tell you that. Just common sense will do.

Malaya: I hope this will be the final MCO. We have to stay safe by observing the SOPs.

The country’s leadership must ensure that everyone follows the SOPs and there are no double standards. Show to us, the rakyat, that you really mean business by taking immediate action against any of the ministers for flouting the SOPs. There’s no need for further investigation.

Also, do not ‘pusing’ (change) your SOPs, it makes us very confused.

Bornean: MCO = Making Confusing Orders

CMCO = Continue Making Confusing Orders

EMCO = Even More Confusing Orders

RMCO = Repeatedly Making Confusing Orders

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