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YOURSAY | Record casualties in the war we face at home

This article is 3 years old

YOURSAY | ‘This is a classic case of politicians politicking while the rakyat pay the price with their lives.’

Mounting deaths: Sg Buloh Hospital resorts to storage in containers

Apanakdikato: The pandemic in the country is out of control.

This is exactly why Parliament must reconvene as the backdoor Perikatan Nasional (PN) government has grossly mismanaged the pandemic. There is absolutely no check and balance and they are acting with total impunity.

The conditions at the quarantine centres are truly shocking and appalling, akin to a concentration camp.

With the lack of physical distancing between beds, poor ventilation, and totally unhygienic and distressing conditions, people with no or mild symptoms might even contract a higher viral load and get sicker and possibly even die.

It is no wonder that the powers-that-be are trying to divert the people’s attention to events in the Middle East to cover up their shortcomings.

Oriole: So now we have containers for the Malaysian dead, while Parliament remains closed and the cabinet seems more concerned with Middle East politics.

This is a classic case of politicians politicking while the rakyat pay the price with their lives.

I want the politicians to stop thinking about their rice bowls for a second and start acting as if Malaysians mattered.

Start by prioritising the vaccine delivery. Begin with those who have registered. Enough of the politics of race and religion. People are dying at our doorstep. Do something.

Mokhtar Ahmad: Our leaders are more preoccupied with the Palestinian problem while the rakyat Malaysia are dropping dead one by one.

Where are the vaccines, the healthcare and testing facilities? Worrying about the Palestinians is not going to bring our loved ones back to life.

Cogito Ergo Sum: This is very disturbing. It means the number of deaths is now beyond the capacity of our medical facilities. The situation is a reflection of the catastrophe we are in now.

We don’t have money in the coffers to address the situation and we don’t have leaders with the intellect to design a solution. We are actually in dire straits and no one is admitting it.

2 Cents: It makes me wonder about the purpose of the proclamation of emergency.

The authorities claimed that it is meant to fight Covid-19, but it appears that the situation became much worse following the proclamation.

I thought the Emergency Ordinance allowed the government to direct private hospitals to help ease the resource constraints in public hospitals but after four months, the Association of Private Hospitals Malaysia is still urging public hospitals to send more patients to the private hospitals.

It looks like the proclamation actually serves no purpose as far as Covid-19 is concerned. It’s merely an excuse to avoid the Dewan Rakyat sitting.

I have to admit this government led by Muhyiddin Yassin is the second-worst administration Malaysia ever had. Of course, nothing beats the government led by Najib Abdul Razak for the massive fraud that turned the country into a failed state during his administration.

Longjaafar: Shah Alam is registering high Covid-19 cases. It’s alarming and more people are dying. Why is there no EMCO (emergency movement control order)?

Rb: @Malaysiakini, please call out those organisations who still insist their staff work in the office although they can work from home.

Malaysians in the workforce are at great risk as there are no vaccines for them yet. Employers must be more caring about the welfare of their staff.

VioletRaven6661: I never expected that this would happen here. It’s very clear now that we have to look after ourselves.

It looks like our leaders care more about the Middle East than the country’s pandemic and the rakyat suffering.

BKK: I think we citizens will have to do this on our own. Manage our own SOPs (standard operating procedures) - don’t go out unnecessarily, stay home, try not to visit anyone, and no gathering.

Give this advice to everyone and campaign among ourselves. This movement should have a name. Young people, think of a name and champion this. Do not rely on politicians.

Be Blessed: As I have said before, if one only looks at the statistics in Worldometer, the present conclusive evidence in Covid-19 pandemic control is the efficiency in the country’s vaccination programme.

Remember the quote: ‘No one is safe until everyone is safe.’ Sadly, our tidak apa attitude is still very prevalent.

Two Come Out: We were doing so well until a megalomaniac tried to grab power in Sabah, which necessitated an election, resulting in a rise in transmission, where most ruling politicians were not quarantined when they came back to Kuala Lumpur.

Since then, we have been on the losing end.

Whats_Now: This should be a stark enough warning for us to adhere to the SOP and stay home.

I would never want to die alone and be kept in a dark and cold container!

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