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YOURSAY | If Nik Abduh cannot stand heat, get out of the kitchen

This article is 3 years old

YOURSAY | ‘I wouldn't consider asking whether donated money will reach its destination a difficult matter.’

Brickbats for Nik Abduh after telling donors not to ask hard questions

OCT: With such a statement by PAS central committee member Nik Abduh Nik Abdul Aziz, how can people not think it could be a scam? There seems to be no accountability and no responsibility in regard to the fundraising for the suffering Palestinians.

If this is an example of their party’s guiding principles and best practices, how can you be sure the donations are accounted for? In the end, will most of the money be skimmed off, and will the Palestinians receive pittance?

A good fundraiser must be transparent and have its accounts audited. PAS should stipulate what are the administrative fees, the total collected amount, and other incidental expenses for all donors to verify and agree to.

If this is how funds are collected without scrutiny, I would like to start a fund for all types of needs. Soon, I will be a millionaire. All tax-free, some more.

Mano: Nik Abduh, if you cannot stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

If you want to be a politician and collect funds, and if people or specifically your donors demand accountability, this should be a relief to you.

This means your supporters and donors are becoming more aware, and that is progress you want to see, especially among those in your community.

Manjit Bhatia: “Don’t ask difficult questions”? What a very “Malaysian” attitude.

If you’re not using your police to persecute dissenters, you are burying your head in the sand, voicing out with racist vilification, or adopting the practice of the deaf, blind, and mute monkeys.

So, it is no surprise that Nik Abduh would adopt a fascist posture while milking state-brainwashed Malays of the little money they have.

Spirit of Malaya: People are donating based on sympathy but the donations could be ending up in a political party’s fund. Lest you forget, this is the same PAS party that used to pass around Milo tins for collecting donations.

Everywhere I went, be it in a sundry shop or supermarket, I will come across this donation box highlighting the Palestinian cause. Where the money actually goes to, only God knows. Who audits all these collections?

DalvinK: Actually, that's not “tanya hal sukar” (asking difficult questions) at all. It should be a clear-cut “ya” or “tidak” (yes or no). It's a very simple question that needs a straight-forward answer.

Also, it should be noted the fact that Nik Abduh can't even handle a simple question like that - imagine if he holds a post in the federal government?

He will set the same rules on us. We can’t ask tough questions, just follow what he instructs us to do in our daily lives.

Fair Comments: While all of us sympathise with the plight of the Palestinians, at this moment in time when Malaysia is faced with a very serious pandemic that is getting out of control, we are in no position to help others.

Charity begins at home. The current limited lockdown has affected the livelihoods of lots of Malaysians. Every sen we raise from the public/government should be used to help these poor Malaysians.

For now, let the other rich Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar and such, help the Palestinians. Or even get help from the Americans as they have shown so much love for Muslims as demonstrated in their support for the Uyghurs in Xinjiang.

Truly Malaysian: It is the people’s hard-earned money, stupid. Just answer the question, where is the money going?

I am sure the Arab brethren can contribute more, like Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Salman who paid US$450 million for a Leonardo Da Vinci painting of Jesus.

OrangTua: @Truly Malaysian, yes, I remember reading about that. It was for a Louvre-style museum/gallery in Saudi Arabia as part of his drive to modernise and open up the country.

MiloRoti: Nik Abduh, I wouldn't consider asking whether donated money will reach its destination a difficult matter.

Vgeorgemy: As long as there is an embargo by international powers against the existence of Hamas, private individuals or organisations should not be able to donate through the international banking system.

If there are such prohibitions, we want to know from PAS and its leadership on the mode of remittance. Are they donating old vehicles to get rid of them so they can buy new ones?

Dr Suresh Kumar: Our education system is not based on cognitive learning. You just swallow whatever the teacher tells you in the classroom. Rote learning does not encourage students to think and use their brain effectively.

So, what can we expect from individuals like Nik Abduh with their religious background? I mentioned religious background because they are strictly trained not to question their religious teachers and clerics.

Newday: Those that have taken on Nik Abduh and his sanctimonious comments via Facebook and other channels have said enough.

Sincerity indeed! Our main religion malaise - don’t ask questions. It is good to read that at least some are asking questions.

Iphonezours: This is typical of PAS which still has medieval thinking where one should not question or criticise but follow blindly.

Hello PAS, we are in the 21st century. God has given us brains to think, question, criticise, analyse, and make our own judgement/decision.

So, if you are not up to mark to give a proper explanation, people will just tell you off, period.

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