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YOURSAY | PM, it's not about name-calling - where's the leadership?

This article is 3 years old

YOURSAY | 'PM, it’s best to counter the abuse you're getting by being proactive about the pandemic.'

Call me 'stupid PM' if you want but play your part - Muhyiddin

GooseNBanter: "They can blame the government. They can scold the prime minister. I accept. Scold 'stupid prime minister', it's okay. I can say it on television,” said Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin.

Amidst a pandemic that is paralysing the nation, we have the helmsman of Malaysia declaring that he’s fine with being called ‘stupid prime minister’.

How uninspiring and pathetic. How will the rakyat, leave alone foreign investments, find any assurance with such appalling leadership?

"The entire society must come together, only then we can flatten the Covid-19 curve.” you say, but how can you muster the rakyat to have the courage, resolve and inspiration to ‘come together’ if you willingly declared yourself an imbecile? This is not what leadership is.

This is ‘whole-of-government’ incapability. Please step down, take your fattened cabinet herd with you.

OCT: Calling the prime minister stupid is of no use as it doesn't improve the situation. It doesn't solve the problems.

The government team is not scoring goals. As in football, when the players are not scoring goals, they are removed and replaced with new players.

The captain (PM) and his team have been fighting the Covid-19 pandemic for more than 12 months and the rakyat have not seen any goals scored except one during the start of the crisis.

Since then, the situation has gone south. What is the point of holding your players (MPs) accountable when the PM dares not reprimand or sack them?

In fact, the whole team (PM and MPs) should be replaced for underperforming. Let a new team with new ideas, tested in crisis management and are professionals in their field of expertise, take over.

Your team of MPs are professional politicians. This is not suitable for crisis management. None of them is qualified in the field of crisis management. So how do the rakyat expect the team to achieve its goal when the pandemic is getting from bad to worse?

The team has failed badly. Do the honourable thing. Get the right people to do the right job with the right expertise at the right time and place. The most important is to get it right the first time.

Time is of the essence here. The rakyat are getting sick and dying like flies. No more sweet talk. Words cannot heal. Results and deliverables do!

Citizen_Zero: Muhyiddin was a problem before, he is a problem now. Not only that, he is in trouble.

Now he is officially lowering the bar for himself to avoid blame. What he is saying here is “if I am stupid, you are stupid too, and we must solve this together as it is your fault”.

This is what happens when you don't know what to do; you stop pretending and expect people to accept you as you unashamedly are.

Another question to ask: Who is he talking to? Answer: Not you or me. Not the intelligent, aware, responsible, hardworking people who have all this while been taking care of things and holding the government accountable. In fact, he is insulting us with his excuses.

We are in dire straits, and we are at the precipice. And we have to get rid of incompetent leadership.

6th Generation Immigrant: The people are venting their anger because the government is indeed truly very slow at learning.

How much plainer or simpler can the people say to the government - a curfew, like the first movement control order (MCO), be immediately implemented to prevent and arrest the spread of the pandemic.

This is a temporary measure before full vaccination is instituted nationwide. Isn't that simple enough?

Anon25: What the PM is saying is that the people can say what they want, even to the extent of calling him stupid, but he will be following practical and economic logic and common sense in taking the steps required.

He is right. Readers must understand the thrust of his message. You must have a balance. You cannot destroy the economy and the livelihood of the contributors of our economy by foolishly imposing a total lockdown.

Any solid proof that lockdowns will work? It is mass vaccination, not mindless lockdowns, that is going to stop this pandemic.

We must give Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Khairy Jamaluddin and Health director-general Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah all the support we can to implement this vaccination drive.

Doc: The PM claims that the nation cannot afford a total lockdown as the economic impact on the people will be too great to bear and the government cannot afford to bail the people or businesses out this time around.

So, he is imposing a "semi-lockdown" to safeguard businesses from collapse and in trying to control the spread of the virus.

Unfortunately, the PM is unable to comprehend that with limiting the hours that offices, eateries, shops, etc, can operate, imposing strict SOP (standard operating procedure) all around and not to mention making it difficult for people to move around with the police checks at every nook and corner, businesses are going to be significantly affected.

JW: Muhyiddin, yes, of course, we all know it is a joint effort. We all know everyone has to do his/her part. But the problem we are facing is such that we need those in the government to lead.

This is where the rakyat are terribly disappointed with you and your team. Why?

Flip-flops in policies. Double standards in the application of SOPs. Police are either not well informed of the latest SOPs or act however they like. Too slow to make a decision (acting at the last minute like stereotypical students). Incompetence (for example, the underdosing of vaccine for some people). Too concerned with being popular to make tough decisions (such as the Ramadan bazaars). Delays in acquiring vaccines and lack of transparency on it, etc.

We are blaming you and your government not because you are like us. We are blaming you because you, PM and your team, have failed miserably in leading us. Stop passing the buck.

Velarooks: PM, you know what's the best way to counter all the abuse you're getting? Being proactive in fighting the pandemic. No shortcuts, no half-baked measures and accepting help from people who are willing to give it.

It is not about coming out on public TV saying you're ready for abuse because of your failure, and that you've done all you can, so it's on everyone else to help too.

Otherwise, step aside and let someone else give it a shot.

LimeLynx8453: You take one day to announce a meeting, another day to actually have the meeting and then one more day to let someone else announce the details. The day after that, you do a U-turn.

What do you think we should call you?

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