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YOURSAY | Tajuddin has no one to blame but himself

This article is 3 years old

YOURSAY | ‘No one tarnished his reputation. He did a great job on that one, single-handedly.’

'Humiliated' Tajuddin plans legal action over damaged reputation following LRT crash

Vijay47: Inefficiency and mismanagement are entrenched tragedies in government and related fields. Who do we blame for this?

The country’s entire regrettable misery can be laid on one man’s shoulders and his sick implementation of something called the New Economic Policy which after 50 years remains “new”.

Why am I mentioning this in relation to a train accident? Just to point out that when meritocracy is shunned, when other measures are used for appointment to positions of responsibility, the prospects for disasters, collapses, and setbacks are that much greater.

Yet, accidents will happen, two train-cars may still “kiss” each other. On this count, Pasir Salak MP Tajuddin Abdul Rahman, you as the then-head of government-linked public transport company Prasarana Malaysia Bhd, must bear responsibility.

The buck stops with you. The captain should go down with the ship.

Nevertheless, your inevitable fall from grace is not due to the accident itself since such dismissals for failure never occur in Malaysia.

The contempt you earned from almost every citizen was because of your shameful performance at the press conference. Conduct so disgraceful that even your stable-mates in politics were unable to bail you out.

Your tone, your language, your sneering laugh came together to reflect the kind of person you are. Not once, even the first thing in the morning, did you express any sympathy to the victims.

And now you dare contemplate action against those who voiced out against you?

GreenCat2289: What goes around comes around. Tajuddin thought he was in Parliament and can simply utter words as he pleases. He forgot he was facing the media not as an MP, but as a chairperson of a corporation.

He must be sensitive to questions asked and not make fun or joke around because lives of commuters are at stake. He forgot that he had enjoyed humiliating others for far too long and now he is tasting his own medicine. He was made to eat humble pie.

GooseNBanter: Haemorrhage, lacerations, and more were suffered by the victims of the LRT accident, yet you made a mockery of every one of them in your press conference. Not just that, Tajuddin, your tone all throughout the event was appalling.

It was shameful coming from the then-chairperson of Prasarana himself but you are also a statesman, an MP! You represent the voice of the rakyat, those who voted you into that position.

The 213 LRT passengers who were victims of the accident ought to initiate a class-action lawsuit. No one tarnished your reputation. You did a great job on that one, single-handedly.

BrownPhoenix6394: The key ingredient in a suit for defamation is to prove a person’s reputation has been lowered in the eyes of society.

If one does not have such a reputation to begin with, it is doomed to fail.

WhiteRabbit1700: This Umno politician and Pasir Salak MP is unbelievable.

Umno should expel him for tarnishing the party’s image and end his political career once and for all, not only for the LRT incident but for his rude behaviour in Parliament against political opponents.

If he wants to joke about serious matters like the LRT crash, he should be a comedian. Don't waste the court’s time with ridiculous legal actions which will make Malaysia the laughing stock of the world again.

Thank you, Malaysian United Democratic Alliance (Muda), for offering pro bono legal help to any defendants in this case. You have my support and appreciation.

The Wakandan: Tajuddin, what probably strikes people the most with regards to this episode is the way you handled the post-accident press conference.

The way you made light of the accident by making a joke must put you in a category of an unusual person.

Or perhaps, you just couldn’t understand the severity of the incident? This means either you are out of sync or completely ignorant of your responsibility as the head of a public transport company.

Perhaps you should not be there in the first place because that is a position of responsibility and accountability to the rakyat.

Sang Mask Bawah Hidung: Sue Prasarana for your dismissal, Tajuddin. You are such a responsible leader that you rushed there and forgot to wear a face mask and no one reminded you of that.

Sue anyone who didn't comfort you for being a real wira (hero) for taking the vaccination that morning. And lastly, don't forget to sue yourself for joking about trains “kissing” during such a tragic moment.

Just A Malaysian: Someone set the bait and he took it hook, line, and sinker. As Prasarana chairperson, his job is only to convey condolences and give assurance that steps will be taken to improve the LRT system.

But as egoistic as he is, he could not resist standing at the podium. His politician self loves it. He expected an RTM-type bootlicking with people clamouring “Datuk, Datuk” for him. Instead, he was faced by media personnel with tough questions.

Rather than cut it short and leave the scene, this egoist wanted to show his mettle to the world. But his flaws, shallow ego, and quick temper were all on display.

It embarrassed the government so much that they had to cut their losses and take away the post from him. Has Tajuddin finally run his last lap?

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