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YOURSAY | Wan Saiful, no guarantee politicians won’t break pledge

This article is 3 years old

YOURSAY | ‘What guarantee do you want, Wan Saiful? You took our govt, now we want it back.’

Wan Saiful: We need a guarantee from Anwar

Coward: What Bersatu information chief Wan Saiful Wan Jan meant is "do not challenge my interest". He will accommodate and discuss issues others regard as public interest if it does not threaten his own interest.

For this, he is wrong. Public interest is not for one person to define, be it opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, him, or me.

Public interest is collectively defined. In Parliament, this means anything that gets a significant number of MPs support - whether that discussion leads to the passing of a law or not is immaterial.

Wan Saiful asked others to put aside personal interest and put public interest first. I ask him to do the same.

Put public interest above your personal interest in staying in power by allowing all issues to be discussed in Parliament, including those that go against your wishes.

Meerelzty: The job of taking over the Pakatan Harapan government through the backdoor was rather easy, but the reality is such that the job of administering the country by those incompetent political frogs has now sunk in.

After several MCOs (movement control orders), those ministers and their deputies still cannot find solutions to control the pandemic leading to economic and health miseries faced by the people.

We have many ministers in the cabinet, but many are not able to do the job. This is a case of having too many freeloaders. But they continue to enjoy the perks while average Malaysians are facing difficulty putting food on the table.

People in PN like Wan Saiful are only worried that they will lose their positions. They got into power through the backdoor but now worry about being forced out?

Manjit Bhatia: Wan Saiful used to run a think tank. A think tank is supposed to house highly intellectual people who conduct research, publish them, and offer intelligent, commonsensical and academic views, commentary and debate for the public to consider.

Wan Saiful, by any definition, is not an intellectual. Wan Saiful is not even remotely intelligent. Proof? Read again what Wan Saiful says of Anwar. Read again just what Wan Saiful wants of Anwar - a guarantee before reopening Parliament.

What Wan Saiful is doing now, on behalf of his boss, Muhyiddin Yassin, is to hold Parliament to ransom. To be precise, Wan Saiful is threatening to hold Anwar and the opposition to ransom.

Wan Saiful forgets that when he hopped into bed with Bersatu to serve his master Muhyiddin, he too had put his personal interest ahead of the national interest or the public interest.

Oxymoronic Tendencies: Wan Saiful has no concept of democracy. The country should be governed by the party or alliance that commands majority support in Parliament.

It has been blatantly clear for many months now that the current government struggles to demonstrate majority support. Over the past 12 months, they have tried every trick in the book, as well as many tricks not in any book, to defer the inevitable.

And now that the inevitable is about to arrive, this man wants to dump democracy and dismiss the will of Parliament as irrelevant.

NewMalaysiaBeliever: Takut apa Wan Saiful? Bayang-bayang sendiri? (What are you afraid of, Wan Saiful? Your own shadow?)

Hypocrites and traitors have no right to dictate terms, unless it is terms for surrender!

Your backdoor government implemented failed policies where Covid infections skyrocketed and the economy crashed - all under the state of emergency. It is now the prerogative of someone else to take over.

Constitutional Supremacy: Wan Saiful, how low one can go. You launched the Sheraton Move through the backdoor and assumed power.

Now Anwar and others have the right to remove you all through the democratic way of going through Parliament.

You are now begging to be allowed to remain in power by publicly asking Anwar to promise not to go against all of you. Aren’t you ashamed of it?

In fact, you should be saying that “if we do not have majority support in Parliament, we would be willing to resign so that the Agong can choose a new PM”.

6788765432011: What guarantee do you want, Wan Saiful? You took our government, now we want it back.

Vgeorgemy: Wan Saiful must remember Malaysia is constitutional democracy where the majority leader becomes the PM. Saiful cannot impose or demand an Iranian-type tyranny of Guardian Council on us.

The Iranian Guardian Council, also called Council of Guardians or Constitutional Council, has played a central role in controlling the government in the following ways:

  • Oversees surveillance of potential candidates and determines who can and cannot run for national office.
  • Disqualifies reform-minded candidates - including the most well-known candidates - from running for office.
  • Vetoes laws passed by the popularly elected Majlis.

Wan Saiful is attempting to become the supreme leader, the sole authority to decide our country's fate. Such is not the constitutional value of our beloved land.

FairMalaysian: So, the cat is out of the bag. Even if it is not affirmative, Wan Saiful's statement more or less confirms that the PN government have survival problems and hence the reason for its delay tactics on the reopening of Parliament.

Whether Anwar is waiting on the wings or not, Muhyiddin and his government's performance has been pathetic, and on that score alone, lacks the legitimacy to rule.

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