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YOURSAY | Do we still have a plan for Covid-19?

This article is 3 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Not many people believe in what you say anymore.’

Delta wreaking havoc in Klang Valley, cases to fall once 40pct vaccinated: Health DG

BrownGopher9516: Let us have the gumption to implement a total and full lockdown. The virus does not spread without humans moving around.

The economic costs and damages would be very high, but to continue with the current EMCO (enhanced movement control order) - where some businesses and services continue to operate, thus allowing the movement of people - the chronic economic situation would be disastrous in the end as there is a lack of confidence as to when the curve could be flattened.

It is much wiser to suffer badly for a short time knowing that a total lockdown will bring in assured results. If we really lock down for 10 days, the positive cases would be identified and removed, and by then we can reboot the economy.

Let us put in place a 10-day total lockdown where no one moves except for the frontliners to ensure there is a break in the chain of transmission.

If we continue with the current situation, my heart goes out to the frontliners, the doctors, the nurses, the ambulance drivers and attendants, the pharmacists, the cleaners, the mortuary people, and the many in the support of the healthcare system and not forgetting the police, and the Rela personnel who have to work irrespective of exposure to the risks of Covid-19.

GrayWolf4924: We have been under lockdown since June 1. The results are a resounding “zero”. The people have lost income and suffered for nothing. It’s time to change our strategy.

Neutral Point: We have a useless bunch of incompetent people trying to tackle the pandemic and refusing to learn from others.

The lockdown looks like a political decision that sacrifices the lives of ordinary folk. The people are suffering, either getting infected with Covid-19 or ending up without a job and had to raise the white flag to ask for help. Meanwhile, some of our backdoor politicians are travelling around the world and couldn’t care less about the rakyat.

Does the government not notice that there are now many people selling nasi lemak by the roadside? Many restaurants have been forced to close, and factories as well. There is also a reported spike in suicides in the news. So, what is the backdoor government doing?

There are so many ministers in the cabinet as well as MPs and assemblypersons, what are these elected representatives doing? Shouldn’t they be helping people in their constituencies instead of taking holidays abroad by giving excuses like having to send their son to school?

These politicians have been vaccinated before the rakyat and now they seem to have disappeared. The people must vote this current bunch out at the next election.

We should instead vote in young, energetic, open-minded politicians rather than keeping these old-school politicians who only know how to play the race card to keep them in power.

It is time for Malaysians to wake up and change for the better, regardless of whether you are Malay, Chinese or Indian and the other minority groups. We need to change and reform the system before it is too late. Maybe, we should consider a female leader instead.

Aegis: Health director-general Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah, it is extremely frustrating to hear you repeatedly stating the obvious. Who doesn’t know that the number will eventually reduce when more people get vaccinated?

Please do something useful to alleviate the shortage of beds, refrigeration for the dead, manpower, oxygen in hospitals, etc.

RedRusa3189: Yes, please don’t give us the same spiel over and over again. As a layperson, I have earlier predicted that we would hit 10,000 new cases in mid-July and here we have exceeded that figure.

Only now, you are in panic mode and want to bring the figure down. We will dig up all these cases at GE15 and the politicians are going to pay.

ConstitutionIsSupreme: The DG seems to be giving excuses without telling us his immediate plan to bring down the numbers. He is missing the forest for the trees.

A Little Bit Crazy: Not many people believe in what you say anymore.

I think either you advised wrongly, or your advice had been ignored, or you have never given any good advice since May last year, after MCO 1.0, which resulted in the current mess.

Your job is to foresee, prepare, then solve any up-and-coming problems effectively and efficiently. Please stop giving false hope to businesses and the public.

We are really tired, upset and angry to hear you and your boss, Adham Baba, talk, talk, and talk, without presenting any effective solutions.

Clever Voter: From day one, the country should have followed our neighbour, Singapore, and learned the hard lessons from Italy.

Complacency and spending time to protect their political positions, Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin had surrounded himself with less than competent people. Even the Health Ministry was filled with three at ministerial level. With the announcement of a new task force, these people should be fired.

The country even celebrated by recognising the Health director-general with a “Tan Sri” award. Little did they realise the country would top the chart in infections despite its smaller population.

Why should they be defensive at the term “failed nation”? Call a spade a spade. Some of us may laugh at the US a year ago, today we are no longer laughing.

Anonymous Who: We have been staying at home, with only one person going out for shopping and most items are ordered online, since March 18, 2020. But the Covid-19 cases just kept rising. This is really very unfair to us.

BrownImpala350: If the government had not ignored Selangor on the vaccine front, we would not be in this mess. Now we are playing catch up.

Simple123: Please make the vaccination process simpler. Let anybody walk into any clinic, private or public, and get their vaccinations.

Let the Health Ministry distribute the vaccines upon request by doctors in private healthcare. Doctors will keep a record of the vaccinations and feedback to the Health Ministry. Cut out all the “middlemen”. This is a medical emergency.

All the doctors in the private sector are more than willing to help. I know I am. Free of charge. I am just tired of the bureaucracy currently practised.

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